Gemini Gemini people can repay evil with kindness, dare to love and hate, are very efficient in everything they do, consider the consequences of doing things, have superhuman stability, and are infinitely tolerant. They will not care about or care about many things.


Gemini people can repay evil with kindness, dare to love and hate, are very efficient in everything they do, consider the consequences of doing things, have superhuman stability, and are infinitely tolerant. They will not care about or care about many things. They will get huge profits because of their good network resources. Gemini people are very loyal to their friends, have a clear distinction between love and hate, and are generous. The husband and wife are sweet and loving, the elderly are healthy, and the children are obedient and sensible. They are persevering in life and always planning. , do things you are sure of, don’t put too many restrictions on yourself, maintain a happy mood, be strict with people and things, and move forward bravely.

After 7 weeks, Gemini people will look forward to feedback from the outside world and long for recognition. In interpersonal interactions, as long as others are in trouble, they will come forward to help. Don't be lax. Watch the clouds and see the moon. It shows that the mental ability is contemplative, romantic and poetic. If there is clerical work, be sure to check it repeatedly. You will be cold on the outside and hot on the inside. You will turn a blind eye to strangers. In terms of work, you will meet some important partners.


Capricorns are very energetic, have a long-term vision, yearn for freedom, and are compassionate. They are very simple people who will curb their sharp edges, quietly accumulate strength, and then soar into the sky. Learn to be tolerant and understanding, and know how to communicate. Capricorns are not only talented, but also willing to endure hardships, have ideals and ambitions, provide more emotional value, and do not expose too much self-needs. They are always simple and kind, worthy of deep friendship, and easy to get busy. If there is chaos, it is recommended to make plans to improve efficiency and be able to handle emergencies well when emergencies occur.

Capricorn people who have survived 7 weeks are relatively rational, honest, tender and generous in relationships, and have a wonderful sense of humor. Their judgments are easy to get unanimous approval, and they usually have an innocent temperament. Being able to get along with anyone, your career will be prosperous, and your income will become considerable. You will be down-to-earth, compassionate, and very smart. You will be able to make choices and know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Through continuous efforts, you will enter a new stage.


Scorpio people are clear-eyed about black and white, can plan ahead, have a long-term vision, are mature in thinking, considerate in dealing with things, can get out of trouble on their own, have a strong sense of benevolence and chivalry, are kind and considerate of others. If you are more careful, small mistakes will naturally be reduced. Scorpio people are sincere and upright, implement everything seriously, and are very popular. People born in the Shenyou period are expected to achieve a wealthy life. They are active and bold, have a strong desire for self-expression, and have a very adventurous spirit. Strong, the judgments he makes are easy to get unanimous approval, he is very methodical in thinking and process, and he can close relationships and obtain resources.

Scorpio people who have survived 7 weeks will focus on future development recently. They will not pick the environment and will not be affected by the new environment. They can always quickly invest in the new state. For those with a partner, the relationship is stable. There are even some small surprises, strive for perfection, do your best to do things the best, keep your heart fresh in the process of getting along with the opposite sex, be too lazy to deal with people you don't like, too lazy to replace people you like, and other people In the process of getting along with each other, more social needs appear.


Taurus people are considerate of others, have a foresight, are not afraid of challenges, have good abilities, can inspire others, learn things very quickly, and have excellent memory. In the process of getting along with the opposite sex, they care more about their dating experience. Taurus people are very loyal to their careers and very persistent. They are like peach blossoms and are prone to ambiguous people. They pay great attention to the first impression and almost decide life and death at first sight. If you have a partner, you will discuss it together, especially when it comes to improving yourself. They are never mercenary and are very smart.

After 7 weeks, Taurus people get along with their partner in a steady way in love. They work hard, are positive and optimistic, and their performance in the workplace can always attract the attention of superiors. It is recommended to take a rest early and combine work and rest, so that efficiency will be improved. Perseverance in life, always planning, doing things with certainty, ups and downs are life, flowers blooming and falling, life is life, cheerful personality, often fighting for others, as the network expands, it is easy to get promotion opportunities.