Ginny Love Monthly Horoscope 2022.7 Aries Singles When Mars moves through your immediate independent sign at the beginning of the month, you are only concerned with yourself and your own needs. You are ready to take action rather than ready to accept rejection. If you get rejecte

Ginny Love Monthly Horoscope 2022.7



When Mars moves through your direct independent sign at the beginning of the month, you are only concerned with yourself and your own needs. You are ready to take action rather than ready to accept rejection. If you get rejected, you can easily continue working as if nothing happened.

html On July 1, your leader Mars clashes with stubborn Pluto, leaving you hungry for power and control. There's a lot that's unclear between you and the person you like, so you can't really figure out where they're coming from, which is frustrating. The damage may have been done.

Powerful Mars enters Taurus on the 4th, adding more logic and practicality to your love life. Everything happens at a slower pace now, so take your time and enjoy every moment. Aries guys, if you're dating someone you really like, use all your senses to capture their true essence.

On July 19, wounded asteroid Chiron goes retrograde, turning your attention to emotional healing. If you've been too hard on yourself (or others), this is a good time to take a break from blaming and blaming.

Having company

Even though you have someone in your life that you are madly in love with, you still managed to keep it all about you earlier this month! With your ruler Mars in your demanding sign, you are clearly the one you are. Relationship leader. If you don't like it, you're ready to fight for it.

You also have a difficult Mars-Pluto square to deal with on July 1, which intensifies any battles already raging in your relationship. The power struggle has now become personal, and if you keep at it and get right to the point, you might do some real damage. Aries, in your darkest moments, remember that you still love each other.

Earth sign Taurus stabilizes combative Mars on the 4th, and you'll have a solid foundation. When your temper calms down, you can see things from a more logical perspective. Spontaneous decisions are replaced by long-term goals, and you and bae can slowly work together.

When Chiron, the wounded warrior, goes retrograde on July 19, dealing with internal issues is key, so take advantage of this healing energy while you still can. You may not want to admit that anything is your fault, but taking responsibility for your mistakes can actually be cathartic.



Early this month, your famous patience was tested as aggressive Mars passed through hasty Aries, Taurus. During this fast-paced transition, you'll be doing a lot less logical thinking and deliberation and more spontaneous action, which may actually serve you well. Spending less time thinking about things can be good for your love life!

Mars returns to your stable sign on July 4, reminding you why you should take the time to think things through. You may regret your actions over the past few weeks, but don't waste too much time looking back.

html On March 317, Venus, the planet of wealth, leaves distracted Gemini and enters security-seeking Cancer, so your wealth will make your home more comfortable and more attractive to potential future partners. It is important for you to turn your house into a home now.

July 24, the confusing square of Venus and Jupiter will have you rising one minute and falling the next. You're excited to meet someone new and start a relationship, only to discover countless reasons why it won't work. Enjoy the occasional romantic moments for as long as they last and ignore the rest.


With Mars passing through fiery Aries earlier this month, you're in an exciting, spontaneous mood, so try not to overthink it. Compliance now may lead to regret later, but don't take advantage of the romantic adventure that awaits you now.

However, on July 4, bold Mars moves into your solid earth sign, bringing the long term into focus and reminding you of your duties and responsibilities. Working as a team makes you feel like certain chores are not something you have to do, but something you want to do for the sake of your relationship.

Venus is your beauty-loving leader, and when she leaves airy Gemini and enters emotional Cancer on the 17th, your nurturing, protective and cautious tendencies come to light. Taurus, you're interested in all things "couple bonding" right now, and you probably don't want to do anything without your partner by your side. While this may be considered clingy behavior, at least they know you desire their mind, body, and soul.

On July 24, jealous Venus squares off to Jupiter, which can bring about some pretty nasty possessive behavior that could ruin a good thing. If you don't trust your partner, find out why before blaming them. Just like this, good times can turn into bad times.



Your intelligence helps you break the ice with the people you attract, and your clever leader Mercury teams up with your charming sign at the beginning of the month. This is a great time to use your unique conversational skills to put potential daters at ease.

Wisdom-seeking asteroid Pallas meets your temperament sign on July 4, encouraging you to find someone with whom you want to learn more about the world. You might meet your next great love while taking a philosophy class, browsing a bookstore, or enjoying a trip. You are incredibly attractive to students from other worlds right now, Gemini.

Also on the 4th, your chatty leader quiets down as he enters the gentle waters of Cancer, but that doesn't mean you don't have anything to say. Your voice is actually softer and more soothing now, which is sexy when talking on the phone or video chatting with new people.

But on July 19, messenger Mercury enters noisy Leo , so now the subtle attitude is replaced with extroverted enthusiasm. When you like someone, it's not hard to tell them directly. Playing off can be cute sometimes, but that's not what this attention-seeking transition is all about.


Early this month, with your conversation leader Mercury floating in your air sign, your interactions are flirtatious and romantic, so it's easy to use your words as tools of seduction. This is also an ideal time to use your social media accounts to show your affection for your partner or relationship.

On July 4, the universe pairs wise asteroid Pallas with your quick-thinking sign, so you should look for ways to learn new things together. Reading and writing are important to you now, so reading the same book and discussing it with your partner (kind of like forming your own little book club for two) is your favorite pastime.

When talkative Mercury leaves your sign and switches to the quiet energy of Cancer, also on the 4th, your mood begins to change rapidly and you may begin to use behaviors that your partner considers passive-aggressive. Don't expect your boyfriend to be a mind reader, Gemini. If they do something you don't like, let them know as soon as possible.

Fast-paced Mercury moves again, this time into loud, attention-seeking Leo on July 19, giving you a chance to express your true feelings. Once you tell your partner what's on your mind and heart, there should be no doubt about how you feel.



html In early March, the Sun continues to travel through your sentimental sign, leading you on familiar paths to former lovers and memories of past relationships, and you feel in your element. Will things actually work out the second time around? Maybe it's time to get back to a comfortable routine.

When travel-encouraging Mercury enters your water sign on July 4, a vacation by the water will undoubtedly be on your mind, so hopefully you already have plans to make it happen. If you can't get away for an extended period of time, however, even a small day trip to see a favorite lake or waterfall can refresh your soul during this flowing transit.

html With a magical new moon in charming Leo on the 328th, it's the perfect time to manifest what you want to attract in your future love life. Cancer, imagine your soulmate and feel their arms wrap around you. You deserve to be loved, and this seductive lunar phase can help you attract the kind of person who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated.

With company

As the new month begins, you will enjoy the energy from the hot sun, soaking up your watery Cancer vibe. You'll fall in love with your relationship now, just the two of you. Long walks on the beach and intimate gourmet picnics are on your ideal romantic to-do list.

Travel-focused Mercury also enters your water-loving sign on July 4, prompting you to plan some fun getaways in lakes, rivers, or oceans. If travel isn't in the plans, you'd also appreciate a good staycation vacation. Prepare yourself for the perfect romantic getaway at home with some delicious food, moving movies, and a comfy couch.

html On the 316th, the Sun and Mercury meet in your art sign, awakening your curiosity and putting you in the mood to explore what interests you both. It might be fun to take an art class together, or maybe learn a new home improvement skill. In this inspiring aspect, you can make some super cool stuff together.

The New Moon on July 28 is in expressive Leo, urging you to say what's on your mind. There's no need to wait until the time is right, Cancer. Just speak up and deal with the consequences.



The weather is warm. Starting from July, your guardian star takes root in the Welcome Palace of Cancer. You love entertaining now, and you live for the compliments you receive on your excellent hosting skills. Don’t be surprised if you meet your next lover at an epic summer party! You'll be happier and have more opportunities.

When chatty Mercury leaves shy Cancer on July 19 and begins to absorb your dramatic vibe, you'll be happier and more outgoing, and you'll be charming and fun for the rest of the month. Now, you've attracted many admirers with your fun personality, but there's only one person you really want to impress. Tell them how you feel, Leo. Be bold.

html On the 328th, a new moon arrives in your fiery, passionate sign, reminding you that you deserve the best. During this bold moon, put your romantic desires out into the universe and see what you get in return. Your soul mate is out there somewhere, waiting for you to manifest them into your life.

With company

html In early March, when your ruler the Sun is in cautious Cancer, you exude quiet confidence. You're willing to do whatever you can to protect your relationship, and you do a great job of making that solid wall between you and your person impenetrable.

When fast-paced Mercury meets your extrovert sign on July 19, you become less introverted and more willing to talk about your feelings, so your partner will have more luck with you later this month Start talking about meaningful things. Just try not to be too loud, Leo!

html The New Moon on the 328th is in your confidence sign, helping you achieve some wonderful things, so don't let this magical lunar energy go to waste. Now is the time to thoughtfully visualize what you really want in your relationship and do some New Moon rituals that will help make them come true. There's little you can't accomplish surrounded by this new moon energy. Believe it and achieve it.



You exude intelligent confidence that attracts highly intelligent people to you, and your planetary guide, Mercury, matches the witty Gemini. If you want to date a scientist, doctor, or tech genius, this is a great time to seek them out! The aspect between Mercury and Neptune will make your life better.

The Mercury-Neptune aspect on July 2 can be really stressful for you, especially if you are confused about a dating situation that seems increasingly strange. This is bad decision-making energy, Virgo, so don't make up your mind now. Wait a while and see if things become more focused before deciding yes or no.

On the fourth day, fast-paced Mercury enters sentimental Cancer, so your mind may be racing against past memories. What’s wrong with looking up your ex on social media or looking for your high school crush? Only if you use it as an excuse not to move forward in your current dating life.

Steady and reliable earth sign Capricorn hosts the full moon on July 13, reminding you to take care of all those pesky details you may have missed lately. Whatever happens, don't panic. It's important to stay grounded during this stable moon.


Your thoughts will move quickly this month as your leader, Mercury, is in easily distracted Gemini, another sign Mercury rules. If you think of something you want to talk about with your partner, text them as soon as possible before you forget!

July 2, a difficult Mercury-Neptune aspect can cause confusion and misunderstandings, and let’s be honest, get you started Doubt what is real and what is not real. Your dreams can easily turn into nightmares now, which seems like an ominous sign. If you can't trust your gut, turn to your partner for guidance.

Spiritual Mercury begins to receive the sensitive breath of Cancer from the 4th, putting you in a sensual mood. Over the next few weeks, you'll be caught between the past and the present as nostalgia sets in, leaving you wondering about an ex or brooding over past relationships. Just remember, Virgo, things always look better in retrospect.

The full moon on July 13 in lovable earth sign Capricorn will help get you back on solid emotional ground and focused on reality. What do you want to accomplish in the next few weeks? This is a time to let things play out naturally as you look toward the future. Put your relationship responsibilities first.



When romantic Venus visits energetic Gemini at the beginning of the month, you are extremely versatile, so update your dating profile to include a wider range of likes and interests. Libra , don't rule someone out just based on what you know about them. Keeping an open mind is the key to successful dating during this receptive transit.

The Venus-Saturn trine on July 12 brings you a lot of determination, which helps you set some goals for what you want to accomplish during the rest of the month. Follow up on unanswered text messages or DMs to make sure nothing is lost in translation.

When loving Venus teams up with caring Cancer on the 17th, it will be hard to shut out sentimental thoughts, so get ready for a stroll down memory lane. Are you just reliving the past, or is there something that keeps you from getting over your ex? You may want to do a deep dive into these feelings now.

During the Venus-Jupiter aspect on July 24, you may feel very lucky with the things happening around you or to you, but don't believe everything you hear (or see). There's more going on than meets the eye right now, so even if things seem perfect, be cautious.

In company

As a new month begins, romantic Venus is a little uncomfortable with her airy Gemini partnership.Your discomfort is obvious, and your partner can tell that you're a little distracted. Find a way to satisfy your curiosity without directly hurting their feelings or making them feel unsafe.

The trine of hard-working Venus and Saturn on July 12 gives you the desire to work hard, so now you can make amends for any type of bad behavior from earlier in the month. Making a romantic gesture like showing up with flowers or cooking a favorite meal "just because" shows them that you're just as invested in the relationship as they are, Libra.

When loving Venus finally leaves volatile Gemini and enters caring Cancer on the 17th, you will become very protective of your partner, with a deep need to care for them. This means different things to different people, but there's no doubt they'll have your full attention in the coming weeks.

The universe will play tricks on you during the Venus-Jupiter transit on July 24, so proceed with caution. A lot of things feel pretty magical right now, but too much of a good thing can lead you down some dark paths. Practice moderation together as much as possible during this seductive aspect.



Your confidence level is high enough to scare anyone away, and your co-leader Mars pairs up with fierce Aries at the beginning of the month! You may not feel more powerful than others. You may not feel more powerful than usual, Scorpio, but the sex appeal you exude is super scary.

On July 4, Mars enters the earth sign Taurus, calming your general atmosphere and making things slow down quite a bit. You can use this slow-paced logical energy to plan for the future or focus on details you may have missed recently.

Communication planet Mercury opposes your rebirth co-ruler Pluto on the 18th, giving you time to reflect on a recent text or DM that may not have been received your way. Your desire for secrets and mystery doesn't always translate well. Maybe consider being more direct next time?

There is also a tense Sun-Pluto opposition on July 19, which may cause intimate details that you would rather keep private to be exposed. Try to stay off social media and avoid gossiping with friends. You can try to defend yourself, but people may think you're lying.

With company

html In early March, your fearless leader Mars paired up with the power of fiery Aries (another sign it rules), making you an unstoppable force. Being too aggressive may not be the right thing to do for every romantic occasion, but now it's like you only have two buttons: on and off! You will find that you are a very good friend.

Decisive Mars enters earth sign Taurus on July 4, surrounding you with a more passive vibe. Logic creeps into most of your love-related decisions, and you'll be more patient in the weeks ahead. Long-term relationships often begin in this slow-paced energy.

html On the 318th, your mysterious co-ruler Pluto opposes communicative Mercury, basically ensuring that you'll stay silent. You have the right to protect your privacy, Scorpio, but the less you say, the more curious people become. It's up to you to defend yourself, but remember, some gossip won't go away on its own.

On July 19, the Sun opposes Pluto, exposing what you have been trying to hide. While there may not be much you can do once your secrets are exposed, finding out who exposed them gives you a lot of leverage.



htmlThe powerful planetary energy of the Mars-Aries combination in early March brings you confidence and encourages you to do it, Sagittarius. You're not one to swallow your anger, so why start now? Rejection is just part of the dating process. The pain (or embarrassment) doesn't last long.

On July 4, explosive Mars is tempered by calm Taurus, so your romantic interactions develop slowly but also have potential staying power. If you're just looking to have some fun, you probably don't want to start anything during this futuristic transit, as it can easily turn into something more serious.

A confusing Mars-Jupiter aspect arrives on the 8th, making you question many of the decisions you've made recently. Do you believe that cause and effect and destiny will eventually work out all your problems, or do you feel that the weight of making things happen rests entirely on your shoulders? Before making any major romantic moves, wait a while to see how things develop.

Your adventure leader, Jupiter, goes retrograde in fiery Aries on July 28, bringing up some interesting moral dilemmas that will make you go "eh." What's really important? Now is the time to do some serious soul-searching to find the answer to this very important question.


html In early March, explosive energy accompanies the Mars-Aries cosmic combination, creating a combustible atmosphere in all areas of your love life. You bicker a lot, but you love each other even more. In this fiery period of transition, there is no "in between."

On July 4, Mars enters patient Taurus, calming the turbulent waters and making you pay more attention to details. And your logical perspective will help you make rational decisions, which will help your relationship in the long run.

There is an unbalanced Mercury-Jupiter aspect on the 8th, which can work to your advantage if you know how to harness the energy in the room. What works? Have a calm and rational discussion with your partner about what you both want from the relationship. What methods are less effective? Preaching to them or trying to manipulate their emotions.

Expansive Jupiter goes retrograde on July 28, along with willful Aries, giving you some time to think about any irrational decisions you may have made recently. When it comes to love, Sagittarius, the less impulsive you can be in the coming months, the better.



During the shadowy Mars-Pluto aspect on July 1, there are some shadows lurking in your love life, creating a lot of tension in newly developing relationships. Capricorn, be careful of secrets being revealed, or abnormal characteristics appearing that are different from what you expected.

More positive energy arrives the next day in the form of a Mercury-Saturn trine, at which point you may decide to give a past relationship another chance, or give someone you previously rejected a second chance. While it would be nice if love happened effortlessly, in this ambitious aspect it does require some effort.

A full moon appears in your successful, ambitious sign on July 13, urging you to celebrate yourself and your romantic achievements. If there's someone new in your life, this might be a good time to take things to the next level (or at least start thinking about what that might look like). Just try to avoid putting more effort into something than it's worth. Trying to outdo a friend or sibling with whom you already have a good relationship may lead you to do some crazy things to prove yourself under this competitive moon.

With a partner

If your relationship is not the best, the Mars-Pluto aspect on July 1 may create more stress and tension. This is a great time to reveal things to your partner that you've been hiding until now, Capricorn. While they may be hurt for a while, getting things out in the open is a good thing.

A happier Mercury-Saturn trine arrives on the 2nd, providing you with some teachable moments. You can learn a lot from each other right now, if you're willing to really tune in and listen. Respecting each other's beliefs and opinions is key to making the most of this wise aspect.

On July 13th, you have a full moon in your very capable sign to look forward to, which encourages you to think about how you use your relationship energies.Have you been focusing on the right things? What is really important and what is okay if you just put it aside? Making a list of relationship priorities is a good use of this organized, ambitious lunar energy.



Early this month, smart Mercury is comfortably at home in airy Gemini, where brains and the ability to have intelligent, stimulating conversations are the two main traits you're looking for. Your perfect partner right now is someone whose social media posts stand out for their clever sense of humor and ability to use big words and correct grammar.

On July 4, Mercury enters shy, sensitive Cancer, warning you not to be too loud or rude to people you don't know well yet. If you are currently with a water sign, Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, your sarcasm will most likely not be appreciated. Remember, it’s difficult to judge a person’s tone through a text message or DM.

In an optimistic sextile between the confident Sun and your innovative planet Uranus on the 10th, anticipation is in the air, inspiring you to start something new and exciting. The future is completely unknown, which is part of the reason you love being single. You are definitely in no rush to settle down now. Just have fun, Aquarius !

A hot new moon in Leo on July 28 helps you let yourself go and dance like no one is watching. This is a great time to have some casual fun with someone you have great body chemistry with. Complimenting each other is one of your favorite pastimes. We'll let you guess what the other one is!

With company

Your partner is drawn to your curiosity, as quick-thinking Mercury spends time with quick-witted Gemini (one of the signs it rules) earlier this month. Discussing current events or your latest book, or listening to your favorite podcast together, is a perfect way for you to spend time together as a couple right now.

On July 4, Mercury enters compassionate Cancer, so you'll be more willing to help your partner through a family crisis or a difficult time at work. Aquarius, you see the value in providing mental, emotional, and even physical support in this empath process, so you'll fully support them.

You can take advantage of the stimulating energy of the Sun-Uranus sextile on the 10th to do something new with your partner, including changing things up in the bedroom. You enjoy innovation and experimentation now, so, hopefully, they do too. When you resonate mentally, things are much better physically.

There is also a fun new moon in Leo on July 28th, which can give your relationship a nice little recharge. You love showing off the two of you together, especially carefully staged photos on social media. Isn't this a bit superficial? Maybe. But making others jealous is part of this moon's slightly egotistical charm.



When communicative Mercury starts the month in witty Gemini, you have some icebreakers and pick-up lines, but on July 2 Mercury and your ruler Neptune will be in your introverted, sensitive sign. Chaotic aspects may shut down all of this. The awkward moments happening now are hard to get over. Even if you try to hide your embarrassment with laughter, it still lingers.

Asteroid Vesta pairs up with your escapist sign when it goes retrograde on the 7th, causing you to try not to think about things (or people) that have caused you pain in the past. But the more you try to avoid it, Pisces, the more control it has over you. Even if your dreams didn't come true in the past, it's not too late to make them come true in the future.

Loyal asteroid Juno is also traveling with your subconscious sign as she goes retrograde on July 25, reminding you not to deprive yourself of what you want out of fear of how things "might" turn out. If you never try, you'll never know. To paraphrase a famous poet, it is truly better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.

With Company

You are one of the most well-known introverts in the zodiac, and on July 2, you may be closing yourself off even further as talkative Mercury in Gemini opposes Neptune, your quiet sign's subtle ruler. Unfortunately, misunderstandings and confusion are common results of this stressful aspect.

Asteroid Vesta is associated with family life in general, and when it goes retrograde on the 7th, partnering with your escape sign, you may choose to deal with relationship issues privately. You might even be keeping your bestie in the dark as you try to figure out how to resolve a relationship issue you've been struggling with lately, and that's okay too. You don't owe anyone an explanation, Pisces.

Devout Juno also goes retrograde in your compassion sign on July 25, making you think deeply about your relationship's past issues of fidelity or infidelity. If this is something you deliberately choose to avoid thinking about, you won’t be able to bury your head in the sand anymore.

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