The original article was originally published in the "Daily Fortune" App. After writing to inquire, the author stated that his identity was confidential. In recent years, Star Translation has followed up on this daily fortune and has been widely praised by readers. Fortune style

The original text of

was published in the "Daily Fortune" App. After writing to inquire, the author stated that his identity is confidential. In recent years, Star Translation Agency has followed up this daily fortune and it has been widely praised by readers. Fortune style guides events.

Please note Star Translation Agency and the translator when reprinting.

☆☆☆Aries - Translator: Wuhuan

Normally, Aries people - at least lately - having a great day is enough to get you excited. It may seem like a stretch to have a great month, but you will definitely have a great July! While there will certainly be ups and downs, issues, and troubles to deal with, July will definitely be the month you hoped for. Initially, the situation may be reversed and you will encounter conflicts in your life, perhaps related to work. This transformation can be so complete and sudden that you may not understand how or why it happens. Count your luck! You'll also see some rare opportunities related to your favorite dreams. On a more serious note, you may have to get involved or mediate in a family dispute. This seems pretty annoying, but it's not that bad. What's more, the ending will once again prove that this month is lucky for you. To keep your good fortune going, there are a few areas where you need to exercise caution. This includes controlling your spending habits, not causing trouble with friends or those who love you, and dealing with problems left over from last month. Dear Taurus, your energy is actually better suited for innovation, dreams, and fantasy. You're thinking more creatively, and your brain is racing. Take advantage of the first week of July to let your mind wander freely. Your ideas will be useful soon. You may have a lot to do at work, much more than you should. You may be taking on someone else's responsibility, thinking it will only be a short-term problem, but they may not realize it is their responsibility. It's time to speak out. You have a lot of things to do of your own. It's better to say it sooner rather than later. You may not think of yourself as "attractive," but you do have your own unique charm. It's your humble, unassuming, down-to-earth demeanor that makes many people find you charming and endearing, and if you bring this side of yourself out this month, you'll find someone who can help you with your most special goals. focus on. Try to avoid a family dispute later this month. That's more about a conflict of personalities than the right or wrong of a specific thing. Let them negotiate and resolve it themselves.

☆☆☆Gemini - Translator: Liu Xiaomao

The first thing is Gemini. You've been struggling lately to keep several plates spinning in the air at the same time, which is crazy. But you need to slow down this month or you'll burn yourself out. Try taking a day or two at the beginning of the month—or even more if you can—to do things just for yourself and not for others. A few days later, the problem you're dealing with will still be there. This will give you a chance to restore your energy reserves so you are strong enough to handle what comes next. And what happened after that was actually very auspicious.

An opportunity to work with someone, or have them serve as your mentor, may occur around the second week of July. This may be someone you already admire, and the opportunity to learn from them will be a gift. They can show you how to successfully achieve personal goals that you have struggled with in the past. This will also be a great week for networking with colleagues or others involved in your work. You may find that you are more capable of building a team, which will enhance your own chances of getting ahead and finding greater success.

In late July you may have to turn down an opportunity to meet someone because of a time conflict, but don't throw away the possibility. Try rescheduling for a date when you can plan ahead and be fully prepared. This may be important.

☆☆☆Cancer - Translator: Illusion

This month is suitable for dealing with old matters in your emotional life, Moon Cubs.There may be issues that you have never resolved or let go of, and even when you think they are behind you, they still hurt you and cause you sadness and regret. It’s easy to get stuck in “what if” thoughts, and the things that hurt you the most make it easier for you to indulge in what-ifs. While you can't undo every emotional scar, you can at least take some time to think about them and try to make peace with them.

But the happy thing about this month is that there is indeed some good energy for reconciliation. Now that you are approaching a node in your life - perhaps your birthday, or the anniversary of something important - it makes you wonder if you are at the point where you are destined to be. Arrival location. Take some time to think about this, but adopt a hopeful attitude. It’s never too late to take a different path or become more committed to your current path. In the middle of the month, a problem at home may arise again, as it does from time to time, but this time you have a good opportunity to completely resolve it in a way that everyone is calm. Let go of past resentments and just choose happiness.

☆☆☆Leo - Translator: Liu Maotai

This is a good time to work on improving certain parts of your life that feel less balanced or fulfilling. If you have ever considered getting a life coach, the energy surrounding you right now is perfect for doing so. However, if this isn't your thing, there are other ways to find inspiration and motivation - through movies, books, workshops. Find what works for you.

This is also a good month for doing various transactions. For example, if you want to make a big purchase, your negotiation skills will be very flexible and sharp. If you think you deserve a raise or promotion, now is the time to speak up. Whatever you are involved with now, whether it involves agreements, legal or otherwise, now should be especially auspicious. A choice you made recently, which seemed like a last resort or last resort at the time, may turn out to be the best thing you could have hoped for. Let it settle, and sometimes life leads us in the right direction, even if we feel like we have no better options.

7 There is the potential for huge progress, and a cause that has been stagnant—perhaps stagnant for quite some time—suddenly begins to make progress. If you take advantage of the opportunities now, you can build some momentum and see excellent progress.

☆☆☆Virgo - Translator: Illusion

At the beginning of July, money matters become the focus, Virgo, there are good things and there are not so good things. You may learn of losses in certain areas, but this loss can ultimately be recovered. You may find some mistakes in your finances, but still, these problems can be adjusted and corrected. You may also be attracted to an investment or money-making opportunity that initially seems "not sure," but do a little more research and discover that they do offer excellent chances for success.

Your relationship luck is very good this month. You may find that you are in the most suitable environment to enjoy friendship or a perfect relationship. A poetic relationship may be a lovely and compatible interaction in an ideal environment and mood. You may receive unexpected news in the middle of the month. Be patient. The news may involve friends or family members. You may not necessarily feel bad, but you are still shocked. But the more open you are to it, the easier it is to see that it’s actually a good thing.

htmlBe careful not to make impulse purchases at the end of the month. Although you are not usually an impulsive consumer, you may feel pressured or anxious to buy something important. It is best to wait for a more suitable time and choice.

☆☆☆Libra - Translator: Wave Foam Aph

This month, a big change may occur in an area that has been bothering you for a long time. You may have made up your mind to put up with the status quo for now because you don't believe in the possibility of any positive change. However, dear Libra , this may come in the form of a surprise that you definitely deserve. Accept it with gratitude and grace. Around the second week of July, you may find yourself surrounded by moody, irritable people, and this may be related to a project you have been planning for a long time. It doesn't matter. It's nothing you can't handle. As long as you maintain an optimistic and positive attitude, others will gradually follow suit.It's important for you to have a positive conversation with an influential person, but don't take yourself too seriously or get too anxious about it. In fact, if you can try to inject your own sense of humor into the conversation and be more relaxed, you should have the best results. If you've been thinking about a creative idea that you came up with while brainstorming for , maybe now would be a good time to take it to the next stage. You'll first present the idea to supportive friends who might be able to give you an objective opinion. This gives you a chance to tweak the idea a bit before moving on to someone who can open doors for you.

☆☆☆Scorpio - Translator: Night Out Girl Andre

html In early July, you may feel out of place, and then you will find that your relatives, friends and loved ones will guide you out of your protective shell and back into the world. This is a good thing and something you really need right now. You just have to have fun and don't take yourself and what you're dealing with so seriously. After this, everything will change.

This month, there may be some delays, and these things are related to what others originally owed you. Don't let these situations distract you from your experience. You have other things to deal with. Although this unfairness does tend to distract you, the situation will soon be corrected. At the same time, you need to do your best to be efficient so you don't feel like you're being held back by this unfair situation.

Someone you have a professional or personal relationship with may arouse your resentment or inflame you. You must be careful not to get emotional. If you get angry and angry so easily, it will cause distress later and you will regret it. Stay calm and reasonable and others will think you are wise.

In late July, money or legal-related issues will be resolved and the results will be as you wish. This matter is related to a mistake you have made in the past. You should regard this experience as a lucky opportunity from which you learned valuable lessons.

☆☆☆Sagittarius - Translator: Wuhuan

Sagittarius: You are ambitious, hard-working, and no matter what you do for a living, you are a serious and responsible person. Throughout July, however, you may find yourself wondering if there are other career paths to explore, or if there is something you can still pursue. why not? If you're eager to learn something new and want to take another path, this is a great time to explore the possibilities. You don’t need to make any big moves yet—in fact, I encourage you to take your time—but learn as much as you can to find what works best for you. You may have new social opportunities this month. You'll likely have many opportunities to meet a variety of people, many of whom will share new interests and hobbies. You are not shy, but you may feel intimidated by introductions. Be brave no matter what, and be willing to discover the exciting new worlds that are becoming within your reach. Later in the month, misunderstandings may arise when you and a friend or loved one have different expectations. You may both assume things are going to be a certain way, but this can be resolved with an open-hearted conversation. Focus on maintaining your relationship, because you'll find out later that it wasn't a serious problem.

☆☆☆Capricorn - Translator: Night Out Girl Andre

html In early October, you will find yourself wrapped up in various opinions and emotions, as if you were caught in the center of a storm. If these emotions and perceptions are related to your current job or something that is very important to you, then you may panic because of it. But don't panic, don't be impatient. Everything will be better. You will find your own solutions with a calm and organized mind. don’t worry.

You may find that you need more help than you expected. Don’t be afraid to ask others to repay what you owe. The kinds of problems you imagine don't exist, and it's a way for others to actively participate.

If you've always wanted to volunteer and serve a cause you're passionate about, the opportunity may soon come your way.In fact, something very special may have an extraordinary impact on you. These things are totally worth adjusting your schedule to make time specifically for. If you have an idea for starting a business, now is a great time to think about what to do next. You may meet someone who can point you in the right direction.

☆☆☆Aquarius - Translator: Wang Wow

At the beginning of the new moon, keep yourself in a humorous and relaxed mood, and use an open mind to deal with the series of new opportunities that will arise. Because it is easy for you to be too serious when facing various new opportunities this month, so that you are unable to enjoy the opportunity itself or learn what you need to learn from it. By the second week of the month, simply starting a work task will make you feel cynical. Don't let that happen. Even though everything seems wrong, things will soon get better. In fact, you may make more progress in the coming weeks than you realize. Maybe you’re thinking about partnering up on a project you’ve been passionate about for a long time. You’ll use it as a way to connect with where you want to be. But is it really necessary to be in company? If you are determined to succeed and don't need anyone's help, this approach will weaken your energy. (So) Before deciding to cooperate with someone, you must fully consider it. Maybe you're feeling sorry for something that didn't turn out as promised, but the responsibility isn't yours. Don't let this put you in a bad mood, because soon you will have the opportunity to start over again and get the satisfaction you want.

☆☆☆Pisces - Translator: Aiyowei pm

Pisces, this month is particularly full of energy for you, and you can gain a lot in many aspects. For one, you'll find that you'll have the upper hand in the long-term battle involving doing something right and getting compensated, possibly financially. Just make sure you don't react in a way that makes you careless. Be grateful, but also be smart about how you handle the consequences.

involves financial risks. The bottleneck of will be broken in July. If you know how it happens, you will avoid this situation in the future.

Although you are even more free-spirited and unrestrained emotionally than usual, you must pay attention to the way and place to express yourself this month. For example, think twice before posting about your personal life on social media; while this is always a good idea, this is an especially important reminder for you.

Try to understand your own health patterns in the next few weeks. Pay attention to the quality of your diet, frequency of exercise, whether you are taking in water correctly, and whether your mental health is maintained well. If you have determination, these are important factors in ensuring your well-being.

htmlA new friendship or romance will blossom in late October, bringing with it the spiritual rapport you've been waiting for.