The auspicious day for moving in July of the Gregorian calendar is July 7, 2022, which is Thursday, the ninth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar. It is in conflict with the rabbit (Yimao) and is in the east. [Suitable] Moving, getting married, travel, making certificate

The auspicious day for moving in July of the Gregorian calendar

July 7, 2022 in the Gregorian calendar, Thursday, the ninth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, is in the direction of the rabbit (Yimao) evil spirit east

[Suitable] Moving house Marriage, travel, contract trading, buying clothes, burial, husbandry, and livestock Choukaisheng's grave, coffin removal, adult ceremony, adult ceremony, removal of clothes

[taboo] trade opening, bed opening, market opening, construction start

July 12, 2022 in the Gregorian calendar, Tuesday, the fourteenth day of the sixth lunar month, the Monkey (Gengshen) evil north

[Suitable] Moving Renovation, opening, opening, getting married, moving into the house, collecting certificates, starting construction, setting up a bed, traveling, picking up a car, burial, trade, opening, tourism

[Taboo] praying for a child, seeking an heir, construction, demolition

July 15, 2022 in the Gregorian calendar, the 17th day of the sixth lunar month , Friday, Chongzhu (Guihai) evil spirit east

[Suitable] Moving Marrying, setting up coupons, moving, opening the market, breaking ground and praying for blessings

[Taboo] Burying and building temples

July 22, 2022 in the Gregorian calendar, the twenty-fourth day of the sixth lunar month, Friday, Chongma (Gengwu) evil spirit south

[Good] Moving Opening of the market, opening of the house, starting construction of the bed, traveling to pick up beams, trading, opening of tourism

[Taboo] getting married, getting a certificate, burial, making a stove, getting a haircut, getting married, going to the funeral by boat

July 24, 2022 in the Gregorian calendar, Sunday, the twenty-sixth day of the sixth month in the lunar calendar, is in opposition to the Monkey (Renshen) in the north

[appropriate] Moving Obtaining certificates Breaking ground Opening of the market Starting construction Tourism Burying Animals Removing clothes Marrying and laying beds Adopting migrant children When asking for an heir, hang a plaque to enter the house and enter the population.

[Taboo] Bringing in livestock and cutting wood

Precautions and attention

1. We often say auspicious words during the Chinese New Year, and we can also say auspicious words when moving. Try to say something auspicious on the day of moving. talk.

2. If the front door is facing the back door or the front window is facing the back window, it will cause evil spirits. The effect of the evil spirit in the house is that as soon as the energy enters the house, it comes out immediately, so it is not possible to gather the energy to gather wealth.

3. It is good to do the right thing at the right time. Moving to a new home is a lifetime event, so be sure to choose a good time and auspicious day. The purpose of choosing a day is to "pursue good luck and avoid evil". Choose a day when noble people and gods will take care of you and avoid evil gods and evil spirits, so as to ensure the safety of your home.