Pre-marital notarization, also known as pre-marital property notarization, is the abbreviation of pre-marital property agreement notarization. It refers to the notarization agency certifying the authenticity and legality of the agreement between the man and woman who are about to

Pre-marital notarization, also known as pre-marital property notarization , is the abbreviation of notarization of pre-marital property agreement. It refers to the authenticity and legality of the agreement reached by the notary office on the scope of pre-marital property and debts and the ownership of rights between the men and women who are about to get married. Sex-giving activities.

Pre-marital notarization has only been proposed for a few years. However, due to the increase in divorce rates in recent years, pre-marital notarization business has become busy. In general, pre-marital financial notarization can help resolve property disputes and help both spouses clarify the quantity, scope, value and ownership of property. It is a reliable legal basis for resolving marital disputes. At the same time, pre-marital notarization can help prevent marital disputes, protect the legitimate rights and interests of both spouses, and promote harmonious coexistence in the family.

Essentially speaking, the main purpose of pre-marital notarization is to clarify the ownership of property rights, which is the legal expression of economic ownership relations, that is: the owner of property rights has the right to possess, use, benefit from, and dispose of his own property in accordance with the law. This kind of property ownership embodied in the form of law is an effective tool used to consolidate and standardize property relations in the commodity economy, restrict people's economic behavior, maintain the order of the commodity economy, and ensure the operation of the commodity economy.

With the development of the economy, everyone is more protective of their own property, and it is not uncommon to notarize property before marriage. However, the adverse consequences of notarization of property before marriage are also obvious. Although the impact on the relationship between husband and wife cannot be measured in terms of money, , but it is far from what money can make up for. There are many couples who break up just because of the notarization of pre-marital property when both parties have suitable conditions in all aspects. Therefore, if you want to do pre-marital notarization, you also need to pay attention to the method and attitude of negotiation.