Hello everyone, we meet again. Welcome to Tarot. Next, the teacher will tell you about the fortune of Aquarius in July 2022. Well, we are a mass energy. If you have any questions when the teacher is explaining, you can tell me.

Hello everyone, meet again, welcome to Tawu Tarot. Next, the teacher will tell you about the fortune of Aquarius in July 2022. Well, we are a mass energy. If you have any questions when the teacher is explaining, you can tell me.

This is a very challenging period for you. First of all, conflicts may appear between you and your friends. In terms of friendship, you should pay attention to choosing effective partners, but don’t make too many demands, and don’t use perfection. Pay attention to sizing up the people around you. I think you always hesitate because you are worried that you will make a mistake. Then I want to tell you that the more scared you are, the more unclear the answer may be, and you will not be able to make the right choice from your heart. Even if you make the wrong choice, don’t worry. Mistakes are inevitable. Thinking about mistakes is also an opportunity for growth. After you pay attention, you will better understand why you made a mistake. Then if you have experienced mistakes, your inner energy will reveal softness while being strong, and you will have a stronger perception, and perhaps be more decisive and resolute. At the same time, you will see your own heart more deeply, and you will no longer show off just because you want to express yourself. After avoiding inner conflicts, you will find a rhythm that suits you, and you will also look at things from a more rational perspective.

I think you are the kind of person who will fall deeply in love once you fall in love. After all, time is limited and you cannot take care of many things at the same time, but you also cannot make a choice immediately at this stage. Then I still suggest that you sort things and choose things that are practical for you at this stage and can see real results.

Maybe you have not been living a peaceful life recently. You and the other party will have disputes. The main reason is that the other party will be very dissatisfied with you, and you yourself feel that you have done something wrong. Sometimes you don't even know what method to use. Maybe you can't decide whether to be active or passive. If you don't know what to do, you can also ask me to see if there is any way to help you overcome the obstacles in front of you and get out of the current predicament. I can give you more advice, I hope it can really help you. From the perspective of the other person, I think he is a little anxious, or he wants to quickly adjust his relationship style.

Then what you can do here is to observe the other person, adapt to their likes, create some common topics with the other person, and have more relaxation and laughter when getting along. I also think that you will be more emotionally involved and get along better. Peace of mind. There is also a childish part in your personality. You might as well take the opportunity to please your lover and see the areas where you need to improve. Instead of trying to reason with him or arguing, you should discuss and find a solution together.

There are also single friends. Your status will still be relatively independent. You should have new energy to express your goodwill, but you also seem to be difficult to get close to, which may make new partners very unsure. You can express your passionate energy appropriately, and don't push the other person away from you at the beginning. If this energy is something you value, don't expect the other person to always come to you. Waiting too much will only make the other person suspicious. If you want to connect with the person you like, you have to take action and express your emotions.

Finally, it seems that you have been confused in your career recently. You seem to be unable to understand the instructions. It is not that you can complete the tasks assigned by your superiors smoothly. However, your partners are very helpful and will give you a lot of support. However, you are still not very cooperative. Big problem. The main thing is to communicate and advance the plan first. Even if you have promised others, you still have to work hard to fulfill it. You will also encounter self-righteous energy. Don't care too much. Complete your part first. If you feel uncool, don't make a decision yet.

Okay, that’s it for our Aquarius situation. If you have other questions or want to know more about your situation, you can also take a look alone. See you next time, best wishes to you, bye.