Life is like the ebb and flow of the sea. There are glorious soarings and lonely troughs. This is the ups and downs of life. The same is true for Gemini's life, which is constantly changing among the ups and downs and never stops. Gemini is the zodiac sign that is least willing t

Life is like the ebb and flow of the sea. There are glorious soarings and lonely troughs. This is the ups and downs of life. The same is true for Gemini's life, which is constantly changing among the ups and downs and never stops.

Gemini is the zodiac sign that is least willing to live in peace, because they cannot accept a life without passion and adventure. They need to experience new things, and they also long for a colorful life. Because of this, Gemini will continue to chase passion and glory. However, passion and brilliance are like bright fireworks after all. Although they are gorgeous and colorful, they will eventually become silent.

That time of silence is the day when everything returns to loneliness. However, even though they understand that glory is only for a moment and loneliness will eventually come, Gemini still cannot stay, after all, this is the meaning of their life. They must continue to pursue and move forward in order to keep their lives alive forever and to make their lives full of hope and light.

This is Gemini, constantly changing between ups and downs, between glory and loneliness. Although tired, he never stopped, just to make every minute and second of his life colorful. Do you like this kind of Gemini? Do you think their life pursuits are worth emulating?