When we send a message, the other party responds slowly or not at all. This is when we feel uneasy, suspicious, and distrustful, which can cause problems in the friendship between two people. If the other party replies slowly or does not reply at all, it may be because they are b

When we send a message, the other party responds very slowly, or does not reply at all. This is when we feel uneasy, suspicious, and distrustful, which can cause problems in the friendship between two people. If the other party replies slowly or does not reply at all, it may be because he is busy or for some other special reason. Or maybe he just doesn't want to reply, he has lost interest in you .

Let’s take a look at the reasons why these zodiac signs respond slowly or do not reply to messages.


Aries usually respond to messages quickly. If they encounter TA who does not reply to messages for a long time. There is a high probability that TA has a higher priority to do . Aries are egoists, they will prioritize their own needs. When they have more important things to do, they will concentrate on what they are currently doing. Unless your message is a particularly urgent matter, otherwise they will We won't stop what we're doing to get back to you. But when they are done, they will reply to your message immediately.


When Taurus replies to you, they may be a little uneasy. They have too many words and ideas to communicate with you, and they may have to think about it for a long time . This means that they may be slow to respond to messages. They are quite stubborn. If they don’t reply to your messages, it’s probably because you have done something to offend them, and they are angry with you. Until their anger subsides, they will never Reply to your message.


Gemini people are usually procrastinators, and they are very indecisive. When you combine these two characteristics, you may come to the reason why they are slow to reply to messages. People born under this sign at the same time always like to doubt themselves. So when they pick up their phone to get back to you. ta may have written many different replies, deleted them after writing them, deleted them and wrote again, but have been unable to reply for a long time.


For Virgo people. The most important thing of the day is that everything is done to a high standard. It is TA's obsession with perfection that may cause you to wait hours or even days to get a reply to your message . Because they need to come up with a response that makes them feel perfect and appropriate, then they will reply to you.

Finally, waiting for a reply from a person is usually more painful. If you have time, reply to your friends or loved ones as soon as possible. If you really don’t want to reply to someone. You can also tell him directly about .