The Twelve Constellations Confusion Analysis series talks about the confusion I have heard about this constellation that everyone has. What does this zodiac sign mean, and how should I respond to this zodiac sign? It’s another way to understand this constellation. Today is the la

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The Twelve Constellations Confusion Analysis series talks about the confusion I have heard about this constellation that everyone has. What does this zodiac sign mean, and how should I respond to this zodiac sign? It’s another way to understand this constellation. Today is the la - DayDayNews

The twelve zodiac signs confusion analysis series talks about the confusion I have heard about everyone's confusion about this zodiac sign. What does this zodiac sign mean, and how should I respond to this zodiac sign? It’s another way to understand this constellation. Today is the last issue of this series. I wonder if this series has given you some more specific help in understanding this constellation. If you want to see other constellations, please click on the collection at the top to view. In addition, you are also welcome to leave a message and tell me what new content you want to see, so that I can start a new series.

I don’t think there is any need to give away the last article, it is about Aries . I am still a little worried about the confusing aspects of Aries and , because there is nothing confusing about Aries to discuss. Their expressions are very direct, there are no twists and turns behind the scenes, and there is no confusion. People don't understand their minds. Basically, what they say and do, the correct answer is to understand it according to how you feel it. After thinking about it for a long time, I feel that the only thing that gives me some room for explanation is probably the "silliness" of Aries. I guess many people will say that they know it’s an Aries when they see the title “Silly”. Why is Aries bound to being stupid? So far, I have never met a stupid Aries, but sometimes, they can really make you angry. The stupidity of Aries is that they use it when they want to. We call it Schrödinger's stupidity. We all know that Aries is a very passionate zodiac sign. In order to maintain high enthusiasm for things they are interested in or worthy of, Aries usually use energy-saving mode. In power-saving mode, the system will have a message in the background. Judging, is your program suitable for using my battery? Aries directly blocks things that they don’t think are important, and they don’t have much impact anyway. I just completely messed it up, and the result is “stupid”, which is just a universal excuse for them to be too lazy to think about it and too lazy to deal with it. If there is something that you really can't figure out and you feel that Aries is doing something that shouldn't be done, then there is no doubt that either Aries is not intelligent enough or they think it is not worth using.

The Twelve Constellations Confusion Analysis series talks about the confusion I have heard about this constellation that everyone has. What does this zodiac sign mean, and how should I respond to this zodiac sign? It’s another way to understand this constellation. Today is the la - DayDayNews


Q: There is an Aries chasing me. At first, he was very positive. Although he did not say it very formally, he also hinted several times whether we could be together. But I felt it was too fast. I wanted to know more about it, so I kept avoiding it. Maybe I persisted for two months. Now he is not very active anymore. Does it mean he is cold? Will Aries regain interest after losing interest?

A: In my mind, Aries have always been in child mode, that is, they care about the timeliness of something. If they like something, they will get it immediately, and if they don’t like something, they will cry immediately. There is no mode of patience and no understanding of the joy of delayed gratification. That’s why there is a problem of hands being faster than brains and acting impulsively. Some Aries may look very mature, for example, they are very professional in doing things, very responsible, very reliable in handling problems, and they don't seem to be very impulsive people. But the maturity shown by Aries is basically related to their professional skills. They can become very professional people with strong professional skills, but when it comes to emotional mode, no matter how mature Aries is on the surface, I think It is difficult for them to get rid of this child-like psychological appeal. Of course, this is not a criticism. It is also because of this that Aries maintains a positive attitude towards many things.

Aries is passionate about many things for three minutes because the satisfaction he wants is not enough. When it comes to love, especially those relationships that make Aries attracted to you all of a sudden, if there is no feedback to add a little fuel, it will indeed not last. how long. It is rare for Aries to insist on being hot on the face and cold on the bottom. Aries retreats quite quickly in the face of difficulties.

Aries needs a goal to do many things. If this goal is particularly easy to achieve or particularly difficult to achieve, Aries will feel a lack of interest. This degree is particularly important.For example, my Aries colleague will want to learn something every once in a while. If she thinks about it a little and finds that learning such a thing is too expensive and too difficult, she will immediately give up the idea. If learning such a thing is too difficult for her, It's very simple, it's quick to get started, they immediately achieve their goal, and once it's completed, she will quickly forget about it.

The same is true for love. Don't test Aries too much. It's okay to slow down the pace. It's even necessary to fall in love with Aries, but don't create artificial obstacles for Aries and always let Aries get into trouble. If the process is too fast, Aries can easily confuse liking with their own desire to conquer, because Aries’ interest in a person is often quite superficial to be honest. It may be because you are good-looking, or it may be because you are Something he was talking about was interesting, and even because he was particularly cold towards him, it seemed difficult to follow. But after getting along with each other, you may find that it is not the case at all. You take it too much for granted. Because Aries has a relatively optimistic personality, it is easy to take things for granted. Things that are beautiful in your imagination may be very different from the actual feelings. Then Aries The enthusiasm will immediately decline uncontrollably.

What I want to explain to Aries is that no matter what the situation is, Aries' original intention is not to play with feelings, and what they give is always true love. It is this rhythm of getting along that needs to be grasped very carefully.


Q: I broke up with Aries and have not been in contact for half a year. Recently, I suddenly started chatting again. I feel that the response to the chat was quite positive. Does this mean there is hope of getting back together?

A: has written a guide on how to get back together with Aries before. He mentioned that the most promising situation for getting back together with Aries is when you have a big fight, Aries counts your crimes, and even says ugly words, and then you and Aries get back together. You break up. In fact, it is easiest to get back together when the quarrel breaks out or the quarrel ends and the couple breaks up. But the window period for Aries to get back together won't be too long. Basically, Aries will cheer up and look forward. If you react so slowly that they completely let go and start thinking about getting back together, then I'm really sorry. Who are you? .

Half a year is indeed enough time to move forward based on my understanding of Aries. If your breakup is not ugly, and Aries proposes the breakup sensibly and formally, then they are really hurt so much that they have to retreat. Unless it is your betrayal, if it is just a conflict between two people, half a year is enough for Aries to take care of themselves. This hurt can be dealt with calmly as a friend, and Aries will not remember that the grudge is true. So unless the quarrel with your ex is too ugly, it's okay to be friends. Either you have completely transformed at this moment and become a more shining person who can attract Aries again, otherwise I think it is actually very difficult for Aries to turn back after the breakup and calm down.


Q: My boyfriend, Aries, always forgets things he promised me, but I think everyone says that Aries are forgetful, and he said so himself, so I always comfort myself that I didn’t do it on purpose, but it really bothers me, and Aries is just like that. Are you so brainless that you can't remember things?

A:A somewhat cruel thing is that most of the things Aries don’t remember are because they don’t pay much attention to them. Even when Aries is too lazy to care about something, they just mess around and do whatever they can. When I was young, I had an Aries classmate who was in the front seat. She endorsed books faster than anyone else, as if she had a plug-in, which amazed me. My Aries colleague claims that she has poor memory and is suffering from Alzheimer's disease . We went to take the test together. Her review time was the shortest among us, but she remembered everything she needed to remember, and her test score was the best among us. OK Do you think Aries have a poor memory? It really doesn't exist. When they need to remember, they really don't miss it. At most, they love emptying. When they feel that they are no longer needed, they will immediately throw it away so that they can put in something they think is important.To say that Aries are forgetful is because they tend to forget the losses they have suffered.

Even Aries, as everyone said, has no eyesight, or is careless. I think it all depends on whether they are careful or not. When they add fuel to the fire, or destroy the atmosphere hahaha, it is because they judge whether the matter will have any impact. big. If things are related to their own goals, Aries are not incapable of observing what is happening. I have met an Aries who has very professional ideals before. She is more sensitive than anyone else and understands all the disturbances in interpersonal relationships in the company. The door is clear. Who is nice to them, who is hiding evil intentions, who is a useful person, and whose tone is not right, Aries knows very clearly in their heart, and they can feel it immediately, without being slow. So I say that for Aries, the only thing they can do is whether they are worthy of their own efforts. Aries who are attentive can really do most things well.


Q: When I am having an affair with an Aries girl, I feel that I am very happy chatting with her at ordinary times. I will respond instantly on WeChat, and when I go out to play, I am always there when I call her. But basically I am the one taking the initiative. If I don’t take the initiative to chat with her, She doesn’t seem to be looking for me for a few days. In the circle of friends, I often see her like and reply to mutual friends. She is very positive and rarely likes me. Does this mean that she doesn't like me that much? Logically speaking, Aries should be very proactive, right?

A: If Aries likes someone, he will definitely show it, and if he doesn't like someone, he will definitely show it. This is somewhat different from being very proactive. It can be said that Aries will not even give a glance to someone they dislike, will never waste their time, will reply to WeChat messages instantly, and will be available at any time. A very important question is that if Aries gets up very quickly and shows 100% enthusiasm from the beginning, then there is a high probability that Aries will get down very quickly. Unless you satisfy all their fantasies in the later stage, being too enthusiastic may just be Their desire to win.

Aries will still be timid towards someone who is particularly serious. There are not a few Aries who are particularly reserved and passive emotionally. There is even a lot of defense mechanism. When you express your affection for Aries, they may subconsciously resist, thinking why you are like this, what do you like me, or whether you like me enough, I need to consider it carefully. Maybe Aries likes her friends proactively and doesn't care about whether the other person proactively likes her. But when it comes to people she cares about, she is more reserved and will also compare whether the other person has responded adequately. This is human nature, and it has nothing to do with what you want to do. If you care about someone, you will have too many measures and calculations. I'm just saying that Aries, who usually seem to not care about many things, will also care about them once they get serious.

One tip for courting Aries is that they are the zodiac signs who care about old relationships very much. Although you can see that Aries often do some new things to excite themselves from time to time, these are just small actions and they will not make them undergo earth-shaking changes. It is still easy to stay in the inherent habits, so it is safest to let them slowly get used to your presence.

There is really nothing to delve into about Aries. If you ask everyone who knows Aries, everyone’s evaluation of the same person must be similar. The Aries you know must be a complete Aries, and there is no closeness or distance. You will see very different sides, which also means that getting along with Aries will be very straightforward. Even if an Aries doesn't get along with you, he will not engage in any conspiracy and make you suffer a big loss, and there will be no disputes. On the bright side. In the last article of this "confusion" series, I will give Aries the most upright and bright award.

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