Premier Li Keqiang chaired an executive meeting of the State Council on July 13 to deploy policies and measures to stabilize and expand employment and ensure overall stability in employment. The meeting pointed out that employment is a top priority for people's livelihood and an

2024/06/2522:44:32 constellation 1587
Premier Li Keqiang chaired an executive meeting of the State Council on July 13 to deploy policies and measures to stabilize and expand employment and ensure overall stability in employment. The meeting pointed out that employment is a top priority for people's livelihood and an  - DayDayNews

Li Keqiang presided over an executive meeting of the State Council.

Deployed policies and measures to stabilize and expand employment to ensure the overall stability of employment.

Required multiple measures to be taken to expand consumption and determine measures to support the consumption of green smart home appliances.

Premier Li Keqiang presided over an executive meeting of the State Council on July 13. , deploys policies and measures to stabilize and expand jobs, to ensure the overall stability of employment; is required to take multiple measures to expand consumption, and determine measures to support the consumption of green smart home appliances. The conference pointed out that employment is a top priority for people's livelihood and an important support for stabilizing the economy. Only when there are jobs can we create wealth and increase income, which will then drive consumption and economic growth. Since the beginning of this year, various localities and departments have implemented the arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and stepped up efforts to implement various policies to stabilize employment. The employment situation in June was better than that in April and May. However, the task of stabilizing employment is still arduous. We must insist on giving priority to employment, promote employment through development, and support accelerated economic recovery and steady development by stabilizing employment. First, continue to stabilize employment by protecting market entities. We will continue to implement policies to assist enterprises in rescuing businesses, clear up implementation bottlenecks, and implement packaged services such as delayed payment of social insurance premiums, refunds for job stabilization, and employment subsidies. The second is to use more market-oriented and socialized methods to create more jobs. Support entrepreneurship to create employment, and continue to issue entrepreneurial guaranteed loans of up to 200,000 yuan to eligible start-ups and individual industrial and commercial households with interest discounts from the government. Local governments must allocate funds to help incubation bases reduce costs such as space rent for start-up companies. The third is to ensure the employment of key groups such as college graduates and migrant workers. Implement the determined policy of expanding employment channels for graduates. Accelerate the resumption of offline recruitment. Introduce policies to support the service outsourcing industry to absorb graduates. Provide continuous online support services to unemployed graduates on a "one person, one policy" basis. Implement and provide work relief to . Ensure that at least one person in the zero-employment family is employed as soon as possible. The fourth is to protect workers’ equal employment rights. It is strictly prohibited to discriminate in employment against those who have recovered from a positive COVID-19 nucleic acid test. Relevant departments must strengthen labor and social security inspections and seriously deal with any such discrimination that is discovered. Fifth, local governments must assume the main responsibility for stabilizing employment and ensure that employment goals are achieved. Provide timely notification and supervision of local employment work. The

conference pointed out that there are more than 200 million people in flexible employment in our country. Flexible employment can effectively promote employment and is also conducive to stimulating market vitality and social creativity. It is necessary to strengthen guarantees and services. First, flexible employment personnel are allowed to participate in basic employee pension and medical insurance at the place of employment, and rely on the national unified platform for insurance registration to improve the convenience of social security payment, transfer and medical treatment in other places. For college graduates and people with employment difficulties who engage in flexible employment, social security subsidies will be provided in accordance with regulations. The second is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of flexible employment personnel in accordance with the law, seriously investigate and deal with issues such as evasion of employer responsibilities and arrears of wages, and implement pilot occupational injury protection pilots. The third is to speed up the construction of the gig market and promote public employment service agencies to provide free supply and demand matching for gig workers; provide training subsidies and living allowances during training to qualified flexible employment personnel. The

conference pointed out that consumption is the final demand, and expanding consumption will not only help improve people’s living standards, but also drive employment, investment and industrial upgrading. We must focus on using market-oriented and sustainable methods to expand consumption, better leverage the leading role of consumption in economic growth, and meet the needs of the masses. It is necessary to accelerate the release of the consumption potential of green smart home appliances. The first is to carry out the trade-in of home appliances for new ones and the return of home appliances to rural areas across the country, and encourage qualified localities to provide financial and policy support. During implementation, it is necessary to maintain a unified and open national market and ensure fair competition. The second is to improve the standards for green smart home appliances and promote the standardization of full-chain services such as installation and maintenance. The third is to support the development of recycling of used home appliances, fully implement the gigabit optical fiber network project, accelerate the renovation of old urban communities, consolidate and upgrade rural power grids, and provide support for expanding home appliance consumption. The

conference looked at other matters.

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Manuscript source: Jiangsu Education Publishing

Editor of this issue: Shi Danting

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Premier Li Keqiang chaired an executive meeting of the State Council on July 13 to deploy policies and measures to stabilize and expand employment and ensure overall stability in employment. The meeting pointed out that employment is a top priority for people's livelihood and an  - DayDayNews

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