Text/Shadow Picture/From the Internet Ryunosuke Akutagawa once said: "Destiny is not accidental, but inevitable. It is hidden in your character." Character determines destiny. This is not Buddhist knowledge, but knowledge theory. Everything in the world has cause and effect, and

2024/06/2323:48:33 constellation 1435


pictures/from the Internet

Ryunosuke Akutagawa once said: "Fate is not accidental, but inevitable. It is hidden in your character."

Character determines destiny, this is not Buddhism Knowledge, but theory of knowledge.

Everything in the world has cause and effect. A person's destiny mainly depends on his past and current behavior.

A woman has a bad fate and her marriages have failed many times. No matter who she is with, she cannot last long. This is not because she is unlucky, but because she has a problem with her character.

Regarding marriage, if you fail once, you are lucky; if you fail twice, you should find the reason within yourself.

Machiavelli once said: "Fate is the master of half of our actions, but it leaves the other half or the whole half at our disposal."

A person's destiny is mainly dominated and controlled by himself. What have you done? things will have corresponding results.

The quality of a woman's marriage often depends on her own attributes. A woman with a happy marriage has the attribute of a swan, and can live a happy life no matter who she is with; while a woman who is always in an unhappy marriage mostly has the attribute of a Pixiu, no matter who she is married to. No one can live long.

Attributes of Pixiu - only eat but not vomit

According to records, Pixiu is a very ferocious auspicious beast in Chinese myths and legends.

From a mythological perspective, it symbolizes wealth and auspiciousness, so it is loved by everyone.

In terms of habits, it feeds on wealth from all directions, swallowing everything without letting it out. It can only get in but not get out. It is like a selfish person who only knows how to take and never pays.

This kind of person has a huge appetite and wants to turn everything that belongs to others into his own. No matter how much he gets, he is not willing to give a single cent.

Such people are always self-centered, they are greedy, never satisfied, and have no sense of gratitude.

No matter what you have given them, they will never give you anything in return.

Dealing with such people is undoubtedly a disaster.

A woman with the Pixiu attribute will never live long with anyone.

Once a woman has the Pixiu attribute, her marriage will not be happy. No matter how good a man she meets, her life will not last long.

To a certain extent, this kind of woman is not suitable for marriage at all.

One of the reasons: Only knowing how to take, but not knowing how to give.

When you are in love, it is natural for a man to spend money, and it is justified for her to spend nothing.

It is natural to get a house, a car and a betrothal gift when you get married. It is right to not bring any dowry.

After getting married, it is natural for a man to make money to support the family, and it is natural for her to be responsible for her beauty.

This kind of woman is always on the enjoying side in the relationship between men and women. She asks for unlimited things, but she never gives half of it.

The worst thing is that everything makes sense in her mind.

When a man marries such a woman, he may be able to tolerate it in a short period of time, but as time goes by, there will be many conflicts, and it is reasonable that he will not be able to live with her.

Reason 2: Enjoying everything for granted, without any sense of gratitude.

Gong Zizhen of the Qing Dynasty wrote in "Miscellaneous Poems of Jianhai": "Falling red is not a heartless thing, it turns into spring mud to protect the flowers."

The branch fell. The flower is not a ruthless thing, it turns into the soil of spring and contributes its own strength to the cultivation of the next generation.

Even flowers, after being protected by branches, know how to repay the kindness with their broken bodies, let alone people?

But women with the Pixiu attribute do not have this trait. They have no sense of gratitude. No matter how much they get, they take it for granted. They never think about repaying.

In the minds of this kind of woman, the reason for parents-in-law buying a house and a car as a gift is so that their son can marry a wife, taking care of a pregnant daughter-in-law so that she can continue the family lineage, and raising children because they are their own grandchildren. .

They obviously enjoyed everything, but they took everything so naturally and completely distanced themselves from each other, always pretending that they didn't owe their parents-in-law anything.

When a woman behaves like this, it is natural for her to have an unhappy marriage, because no one in this world can stand such a woman.

Reason three: There is no bottom line, even children can be used as bargaining chips

"The thread is in the hands of a loving mother, and the clothes are on the body of a wanderer."

In the minds of most people, maternal love is great, and a mother can often sacrifice for her children. Everything, but not all women are worthy of being mothers.

In this world, there is a kind of woman who has never regarded herself as a mother. In their minds, children are born to men, and it is natural for men to pay for them. If the price cannot be negotiated, they will not give birth. In their consciousness, children are just a bargaining chip in exchange for benefits.

It is the instinct of animals to lick calves and love them deeply. Tiger poison does not eat its children. How terrible is it for a woman to live so long that she even sells her children?

How can a woman without any emotion or a bottom line gain the respect and love of others?

Such women usually end up betrayed by their relatives, but many of them do not think there is anything wrong with them, but blame their unfair fate.

Maintaining marriage has never been a simple matter.

Marriage is not the end of life, but the beginning.

Marriage heralds a new starting point in life and also symbolizes a turning point in life.

A good marriage can bring happiness for the rest of your life, and a successful marriage cannot be separated from the following conditions.

First, sense of responsibility

The most important thing in marriage is sense of responsibility. After a man gets married, he becomes a husband and father, and after a woman gets married, she becomes a wife and mother.

Only a strong sense of responsibility can play these two roles well. Once the role playing is successful, married life will not be too bad.

Only by always remembering your identity and shouldering your responsibilities can you have a happy family.

Second, give spirit

Home is not a place for asking, but a place where spirit is required.

Husbands and wives need to give to each other and be considerate of each other. Parents need to give to their children, and children need to repay their parents.

Only by doing these three things well can family relationships be harmonious, otherwise what you will face will definitely be a disaster.

Third, be grateful

Be a grateful person. Keep in mind the good things others do to you and the benefits you enjoy from them, and repay them in the future.

Everything has a cause and effect. A person without a grateful heart will eventually make people feel disappointed, lose their hearts, and even cause betrayal and alienation.

People with a grateful heart are destined to be liked and cherished by others, and gain more happiness.

I am Yinger, an original author focusing on the emotional field.

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