China News Service, Jinan, July 15th. Reporters learned from a press conference held by the Shandong Provincial Government on the 15th that by 2025, Shandong will achieve an average charging facility service radius of less than 3 kilometers in central urban areas.

The Shandong Provincial Government held a press conference to introduce the development of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Shandong Province. Photo by Tang Xiaoya

China News Service, Jinan, July 15 (Tang Xiaoya) Reporters learned from a press conference held by the Shandong Provincial Government on the 15th that by 2025, Shandong will achieve an average charging facility service radius of less than 3 kilometers in central urban areas. In addition, the province has increased the number of charging facilities within 1.5 kilometers of old residential areas, and included the construction of charging infrastructure into the scope of "making up for shortcomings" in the renovation of old urban residential areas and the construction of urban residential communities.

Yu Xiuzhong, a member of the Party Leadership Group of Shandong Provincial Energy Bureau, introduced at the meeting that as of the end of 2021, the number of new energy vehicles in the province had reached 733,800, a year-on-year increase of 45.68%. Among them, the number of electric vehicles ranks among the top in the country, and the demand for charging infrastructure construction continues to increase. "Shandong encourages charging facility operating companies to cooperate with vehicle companies and commercial real estate to increase revenue through crowdfunding, power markets, advertising services and other methods to stimulate the vitality of the charging service market."

Yu Xiuzhong revealed that by 2025, The number of public and dedicated charging and swapping stations in Shandong will reach more than 8,000, the charging infrastructure will reach more than 150,000 units, and the personal charging infrastructure will reach more than 250,000 units. Among them, there are about 5,000 public charging and swapping stations and about 95,000 charging infrastructure units; there are about 3,000 dedicated charging and swapping stations and about 55,000 charging infrastructure units.

In response to problems such as difficulty in charging in residential areas, Li Wei, construction engineering supervisor of the Shandong Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, said that the province promotes the simultaneous implementation of charging facilities during the construction of urban public parking lots, using corners and sporadic sites in the city, As well as existing facilities and sites such as green spaces, squares, and civil air defenses, we will build and develop intensive parking facilities such as underground parking lots and mechanical parking garages. In addition, cities with tight parking demand can increase the construction standards of new residential communities to 1:1.5. At the same time, it is required that 100% of the parking spaces in newly built residential areas be equipped with charging infrastructure or reserve construction and installation conditions, and the design, construction, and acceptance are synchronized with the main building.

In order to reduce the electricity cost of electric vehicles, Shandong has implemented a time-of-use electricity price policy for residents' electric vehicle charging piles. Dong Jingying, deputy general manager of State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company, said that in Shandong, according to the charging time period of residents' electric vehicles, starting from May 1 this year, the charging electricity price for residents' personal charging piles from 10 pm to 8 am the next day is only 0.385 yuan. (RMB, the same below)/kWh, which is 0.17 yuan/kWh lower than before. "For low-power charging pile installation applications that provide identification, parking space certificates and property registration certificates, we will complete the meter installation and power connection within 3 working days."

Zhang Jian, chairman of Shandong Electric Energy Substitution Promotion Association , said He said that the province has built a public service platform for charging infrastructure information, with a total of 49 charging operation platforms, 249 charging facility operators, nearly 4,855 charging stations, and 47,286 charging piles. The number and access rate rank first in the country. It is at the forefront of the provincial charging facilities supervision and service platform and has initially built a "network" for electric vehicle charging in Shandong.

It is understood that Shandong has vigorously promoted the development of new energy vehicles during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period. As of the end of 2020, the number of electric vehicles in the province reached 501,600, an increase of 468,700 vehicles from the end of the "12th Five-Year Plan". As of the end of 2021, there are 249 charging facility operating companies in Shandong Province, and the scale and quality of the charging service industry have been comprehensively improved. 特来电 has become the leading company in charging facility operations, such as LuRuan Technology, Sanda Electric Power, Jicheng Electronics, etc. The share of enterprise-related products ranks among the top in the country. (End)