Don’t know the price, configuration, or actual performance... Do you dare to drive such a "car blind box"? Seeing the huge potential of blind box consumption, the automobile consumer market has also started to develop the "blind box trend". Car companies hope that this kind of ma

I don’t know the price

I don’t know the configuration

I don’t know the actual performance


Do you dare to drive such a "car blind box"


Seeing the huge potential of blind box consumption

The automobile consumer market

has also created a "blind box trend"

Car companies expect this kind of marketing

to gain the favor of more consumer groups


a series of unknown factors are involved

and The concerns caused by this

also deserve the attention of consumers.

Some car companies hope to use the blind box craze to open the door to the consumer market. Wu Bofeng/Photo

"Blind ordering " has become a new marketing form for car companies

Reporters have noticed that recently, well-known car companies including Changan Auchan , Dongfeng Citroen and other well-known car companies have launched "blind ordering" car purchase plans. Most new car brands such as Chuang, Hengchi, jikrypton, etc. have shown full interest. It can be said that "blind ordering" has become one of the main methods of marketing for new car brands.

Blind ordering

refers to the situation where consumers pay a deposit and choose to buy a car based only on part of the product information announced by the car company in advance when the price of the vehicle has not been announced.

Since the complete product information is not yet known, the deposit paid mostly ranges from a few hundred yuan to thousands of yuan.

Data map

Take the Dongfeng Citroen Versailles C5 X model as an example.

The vehicle started "blind ordering" when it released the new car preview image, with deposits of 99 yuan and 2,999 yuan respectively. After

consumers successfully pay the deposit, the former can get a mug, while the latter can get richer additional rights such as preferential modifications and free peripheral products. In addition, customized according to the preferences of young people, customers who pay 99 yuan can get one chance to draw Versailles blind box gifts, while customers who pay 2,999 yuan can get two such chances.

What is the charm of “blind ordering” that is so loved by car companies?

Yan Jinghui, a member of the expert committee of the China Automobile Market Circulation Association, told a reporter from the " China Consumer News ":

The main feature of "blind ordering" for car purchases is that the deposit threshold is low, and car companies will provide attractive preferential measures and rich Car-purchasing benefits, such as free maintenance and deposit deductions from the vehicle price, attracted the attention of the consumer market as soon as they were launched. This is also the main reason why many car companies choose to follow suit.

"By being different from traditional marketing, new cars are highly popular at the beginning of their launch, which lays a good situation for the future market development of new cars. This move also shows that the increasingly fierce competition in the automobile consumer market has prompted new car marketing to move from the launch of to the beginning of the debut.

Key information is not transparent and risky

Due to the particularity of automobile products, consumers will check the complete information of the vehicle when buying a car, and then make up their mind to buy after repeated consideration, and the overall cost-effectiveness of the vehicle is what determines their purchase. One of the important reference factors for vehicles. But the emergence of "blind ordering" directly broke this traditional concept of car buying.

For consumers, are bulk consumer goods cars really suitable for “blind ordering”? Jiang Linfan, a senior blind box enthusiast at

: Although I like the blind box gameplay very much, I still don’t dare to try products with higher market prices like cars. This is beyond my understanding of the blind box gameplay.

netizen "Pan Jin": Buying a car is like buying a house. I will only choose to buy when I see the real thing. I would rather buy at a higher cost than bear the risks caused by being "blind".

As early as 2016, the new car brand Tesla launched a "blind order" car purchase method. However, after the vehicle was officially delivered, consumers reported that it had poor interior materials and "reduced configuration" of autonomous driving chips. The violation of the rights of car owners caused Tesla to no longer use this marketing method. It can be seen that the "blind order" marketing method is not foolproof.

reporter noticed that among the vehicles currently using the "blind order" marketing method, there are many models with a market price of more than 200,000 yuan. We don’t know what the final transaction rate of this “blind ordering” method will be if the vehicle is ordered without disclosing the price.

Data map

Yan Jinghui believes:

In the past, consumers were relatively passive in understanding vehicle information. Basically, it was the manufacturer's early publicity. Consumers only focused on a certain model just before buying a car, resulting in vehicle market popularity that was not suitable to be controlled. However, the emergence of "blind ordering" has broken the conventional marketing model. Consumers must actively pay attention to vehicle configuration information and check whether the vehicle information disclosed by the manufacturer meets their expectations and needs.

Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the National Passenger Car Market Information Joint Association, told a reporter from China Consumer News:

Price factor is the most sensitive topic for car consumers. Determining vehicle prices is an important way to segment market segments and consumer groups, and is also the main indicator for consumers to purchase vehicles. When the price of the vehicle has not yet been determined, whether it is appropriate to "blind order" a vehicle that costs hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of yuan needs to attract attention in the industry.

"Blind ordering" volume is not equal to actual sales

"Dongfeng Fengshen Haoji blind ordering exceeded 10,000 orders on the first day" "Chery Wujie Pro blind ordering took 376 minutes, and the order volume exceeded 10,000 units, which is equivalent to completing an order every 2.25 seconds "...Recently, there has been a lot of news in the domestic automobile market about the fruitful results of "blind ordering" by car companies.

In the eyes of many consumers, order volume is synonymous with sales performance in the automobile market, but after careful analysis, you will find that there is not much correlation between the two.

reporters noticed that car companies often launch another marketing method when launching "blind ordering": consumers can choose to refund at any time during this period. In other words, the "blind ordering" report card does not represent the market influence of the model, so the "blind ordering" results cannot be equated with market sales.

An industry insider who works in the marketing department of a mainstream independent brand told a reporter from China Consumer News:

"Blind ordering" has become a way for car companies to promote new cars, and its significance is mainly for publicity. When this new "rule of the game" was introduced, the method of selling and refunding at the same time paved the way for the contrast between the sales performance in the terminal market and the time of ordering after the model was finally launched.

"Since the 'blind ordering' process itself has no cost, there are a lot of fake orders or even multiple orders per person, which leads to an 'abnormal' surge in order sales, and also creates some unexpectedly popular models. , This is an open secret in the industry. However, when the vehicle is officially launched, the terminal market performance can reveal the true market influence of the model."

Cui Dongshu said:

The domestic automobile consumer market has become increasingly mature, and car companies are looking forward to using novel products. marketing methods to attract consumers’ attention. However, while car companies are seeking innovative marketing methods, they also need to take into account consumers' feelings and the future development of the brand. If a vehicle that was successful in the "blind order" phase fails to recover after being launched, the contrast between the two may have a counterproductive publicity effect.

Reporter/Wu Bofeng

Source: China Consumer News