What do users look for when buying Yadi products? At present, the automobile industry is undergoing a major transformation, and electrification, intelligence, and connectivity have become the general trend. As a major player in the field of travel hardware, two-wheeled electric v

users buy Yadi products, what do they look for?

At present, the automobile industry is undergoing a major transformation, and electrification, intelligence, and connectivity have become the general trend. As a major player in the field of travel hardware, two-wheeled electric vehicles are also undergoing similar changes. More and more electric vehicle brands are beginning to focus on improving product capabilities. Branding, lithium-ionization, intelligence, and connectivity have become today's trends. .

As a leading brand of two-wheeled electric vehicles, Yadi has long been aware of the importance of building product strength. In 2015, it formally proposed the strategic goal of "higher-end electric vehicles" and launched Yadi graphene batteries in 2018; The GN series equipped with graphene battery was launched; in 2021, Yadea launched the urban high-end brand "VFLY".

Behind the series of actions, Yadi is no longer pursuing simple channel expansion and sales growth, but comprehensive improvement from technology to brand.

Now, Yadi has taken its strategy one step further. On June 27, Yadea held a new product launch conference for the GN3, and new models such as the S9, E9 and Q7 of the Yardi GN3 equipped with the TTFAR3.0 extended range system were publicly unveiled. Among them, Yadi Guanneng 3 S9 MAX can easily exceed 200 kilometers in battery life among national standard electric products.

Guanneng 3 S9 and E9 products

01 More than technology

Yadi was founded in 2001. For more than 20 years, it has always focused on two-wheeled electric vehicles and has grown into an industry leader. Yadi sold a total of 13.86 million electric vehicles globally in 2021, a year-on-year increase of 28.3%, ranking first in global sales for five consecutive years.

In this process, Yadi realized very early that core technology was the key to development. The GN series, which is positioned at the mid-to-high end, was originally designed to solve the pain points of traditional two-wheeled electric vehicles that "cannot run fast" and "cannot run far". In 2020, Yadea launched the Guanneng 1.0 series, achieving breakthroughs in cruising range and battery management systems. In 2021, equipped with the TTFAR 8-level range extension system, the second generation of Canneng has further improved its cruising range.

Yadi Canneng 3 new product launch site

The Canon 3 released this time goes a step further, with a battery life that can easily exceed 200 kilometers, which is basically the "ceiling" of the two-wheeled electric vehicle industry. Behind this are a large number of black technologies, industry firsts and system upgrades, the most important of which is breakthroughs in batteries.

Yadi released two self-developed battery products this time. Among them, the TTFAR Graphene 3rd generation Plus battery uses graphene raw materials. Compared with ordinary Yadi lead-acid batteries of the same volume, the capacity is increased by about 30% and the battery life is about 3 times longer, increasing the endurance of two-wheeled electric vehicles. mileage and product life cycle; another TTFAR carbon fiber 2.0 lithium battery uses square laminated cells and compact PACK technology, becoming the largest capacity lithium battery in the new national standard.

In addition to breakthroughs in core technology, Yadi believes that high-end products also need the support of ultimate appearance design.

Mo Jiajun, director of the Industrial Design Center of Yadi Technology Group, told " Geek Park " that this time the GN3 series has particularly enhanced its appearance and logo design. According to him, Yadi has conducted in-depth cooperation with BMW Design Works and YANG DESIGN to carry out a completely new appearance design for the entire new product. At the same time, two new design languages ​​have been developed: one is a new national standard product that is more radical, emphasizes logic, and has some sports car style feel; the other emphasizes performance and muscle.

Yadea Crown 3 product

In terms of car logos, Yadea has also been optimized. Forbes China's most influential industrial designer Yang Mingjie designed the new Crown 3 logo. The number "3" is inspired by Concepts such as lightning, energy, and heartbeat were born, representing speed, endurance, quality, and experience. At the same time, Yadi has also exclusively developed a series of new national colors this time, integrating several colors representing China to form Yadi's new iridescent color system.

The reason why Yadi emphasizes appearance design so much is because it wants its products to have the attribute of "identity label".In the past, many users had a more traditional impression of Yadi, but with the rise of a new generation of consumer groups, Yadi's product design has begun to move closer to the new generation; on the other hand, the consumer market has moved from simple material needs to self-pleasure. In the second half of demand, users pay more attention to features such as quality of life, safety and environmental protection.

02 Pursuing more than 3 times the experience optimization

Yadi Caneng series is positioned at the mid-to-high end. In addition to technology and appearance design, Yadi believes that it also needs to provide the ultimate riding experience, as well as artificial intelligence that meets social needs.

Compared with the previous two generations, the biggest change in the GN 3 series is in the product experience. Mo Jiajun said, "Initially, the GN series focused on performance and mileage. GN 3 hopes to bring more than 3 times the experience optimization to users on the basis of continuing the previous advantages."

One of the pain points in the riding experience of electric vehicles is Lagging way to unlock. At present, the main unlocking method is mechanical unlocking through a key, or remote key button unlocking. These two methods have one thing in common, which is that they must use a physical key. If the user forgets to bring the physical key, the vehicle will not be unlocked. At the same time, the experience of using the physical key is not very good, and the operation is relatively complicated.

Therefore, the new unlocking function has become a highlight of the GN3 product upgrade. Yadi Guanneng 3 has added NFC card management and copying functions. After sharing a vehicle through the Yadi Zhixing applet, the person being shared can have vehicle control permissions for the vehicle; at the same time, watches, bracelets with NFC functions, Mobile phones and home access cards can also be copied. This solves the problem of poor physical key experience.

In addition, the riding experience is another major pain point of two-wheeled electric vehicles. Many people may have similar experiences. When riding a two-wheeled electric bicycle, you often maintain a certain posture, which can easily lead to back pain over time.

Mo Jiajun, Director of Industrial Design Center of Yadi Technology Group

Yadi’s solution is to reconstruct ergonomics. From the beginning of the design of GN 3 series products, special consideration was given to ergonomics. The counterweights of 50% in the front and 50% in the rear can keep people's center of gravity at the center of the car. At the same time, Yadi has made adjustments to some details to make the riser fit more closely to the human body; it has done a lot of testing and tuning on the golden triangle of handlebars, pedals, and buttocks. The vertical pedal can reach 45 degrees, making it Whether you are a tall boy of 1.8 meters or a petite girl of 1.6 meters, you can ride comfortably for a long time.

It is worth mentioning that GN3 also improves the user experience through smart light language and newly upgraded TTFAR anti-skid tires. It is understood that the GN3 series products are equipped with Yadi Smart Eye headlights, streamer turn lights and safety obsidian taillights. This newly upgraded smart light language gives the vehicle a new experience; in terms of tires, this time Yadi TTFAR anti-skid tires use customized rubber materials, and the tire tread has been redesigned to combine long endurance, grip, water drainage and anti-skid properties. In wet conditions, the tire has better grip. Traditional products increased by 20%.

In the long run, vehicle intelligence has become a general trend in the two-wheeled electric vehicle industry. This time, Yadea Crown Energy 3 is equipped with YADEA OS smart center, which debuts the smart sleep function this time. Even if you forget to lock the car, as long as you leave it for 2 to 15 minutes, the car will automatically cut off the power supply, effectively preventing the loss of the car. It can be said to be a very user-friendly design; at the same time, Guaneng 3 has also upgraded to the Yadi AI smart voice assistant, which has Functions such as voice startup, voice seat opening, voice car search, etc. further facilitate car owners' control without even needing a key.

03 From product competition to ecological experience competition

Benefiting from the demographic dividend, the number of domestic two-wheeled electric vehicle companies once exceeded 2,000 in 2013, and the two-wheeled electric vehicle market share has exceeded 300 million units in 2019. For a long time, the two-wheeled electric vehicle industry has been highly homogeneous and has been basically in a competitive state of price war and channel war. The introduction of the new national standard

has directly improved the industry competition landscape.Nowadays, the two-wheeled electric vehicle industry has entered a new game stage and begun to evolve toward branding, lithium-ionization, intelligence, and connectivity. also means that the competition between enterprises is no longer limited to a single technology or product, but the competition of the entire ecology and experience.

Yadi Canneng 3 Q7

Wang Jiaozeng, president of the domestic business group of Yadi Technology Group, said that Yadi’s high-endization is a pyramid structure. The bottom layer is the improvement of product performance and technical routes, and the upper layer is the user experience and ecology. of construction. In the future, Yadi electric vehicles will complete the ecosystem of two-wheeled electric vehicles through users, vehicles and intelligent systems, reshape the user experience and become its core competitiveness.

From the perspective of the hardware industry, ecology and experience are the keys for Chinese companies to break through. Yadi's strategy is similar to the development trajectories of many hardware company brands.

At present, ICT companies such as Huawei , Baidu , Xiaomi and other ICT companies have entered the automobile industry, and Geely and NIO have begun to deploy mobile phones. Although the way of doing things and the content look completely different, they are essentially the same. Exploring to build its own complete ecology. Then, by mastering the ecology and the big data behind it, we can better iterate products and let ourselves take the initiative in industrial development.

The release of Yadi Guanneng 3 has kicked off the ecological competition in the two-wheeled electric vehicle industry. In the future, brand competition will no longer be based on ", one trick, ", but competition on comprehensive strengths such as technology, product quality, intelligence, sales, share, and customer satisfaction.

* Header picture source: Yadi official website