Friends who have a driver's license know that there are 6 types of C-type driver's licenses; the most common ones are C1 and C2. For these two types of driver's licenses, many car owners only know the difference between manual transmission and automatic transmission, but do not k

Friends who have a driver's license know that there are 6 types of C-type driver's licenses; the most common ones are C1 and C2. For these two types of driver's licenses, many car owners only know the difference between manual transmission and automatic transmission, but do not know other than this In addition to the differences, there are two more important differences!

The first point is the "cost of learning to drive"; Let's first look at the tuition fees. In many places, the tuition for an automatic C2 driver's license is much higher than that of an automatic C1. The test difficulty is much lower than that of a C1 manual, and the training time will be longer than that of a C1 manual. The gears are much shorter; but until they get their driver's license, C2 students don't know how to control the clutch. They can only drive automatic transmission models and cannot experience the joy of driving with manual transmission! It can be said that C2 spent more money to learn a driver's license, but did not learn the real skill of driving!

Another point is very important, and that is the inclusion relationship: C1 can drive the approved driving model of C2, but C2 cannot drive the approved driving type of C1; if you really want to drive, you can only drive an additional car and pay again. Sign up and retake subjects two and three. Only after you pass the exam can you drive the C1 approved model!

The second point is the "daily maintenance cost"; Not only are automatic transmission models with the same configuration much more expensive than manual transmission models, but the automatic transmission of automatic transmission models is very "delicate" and is not as "resistant" to failure as manual transmission models. The subsequent repair costs are also a bit expensive! In terms of "daily maintenance costs", C2 can be said to be a more expensive car and bear higher maintenance costs!

In addition to the difference between the "cost of learning to drive" and the "cost of daily maintenance", there is also the fact that students who learn to drive with a C2 driver's license are often looked down upon by others and lose face: they don't even dare to learn manual transmission, so what kind of men are they? For reasons of face, many people will be "forced" to choose a manual C1 driver's license when studying in driving schools, even if they only drive automatic models in the future!

Also, with the continuous upgrading of the driving test system, it is becoming more and more difficult to get a driver's license; whether it is C1 or C2, you must study hard to be fully prepared for driving on the road later!