On June 29, the Passenger Car Association released the auto market sales data for the fourth week of June. Data show that the passenger car market retailed 487,000 units in the fourth week of June, a year-on-year increase of 33%, and continued to maintain double-digit growth comp

article: Original by Understand Car Emperor Li Dezhe

[Original by Understand Car Emperor Industry] On June 29, the Passenger Car Association released the auto market sales data for the fourth week of June (June 20-26). Data show that the passenger car market retailed 487,000 units in the fourth week of June, a year-on-year increase of 33%, and continued to maintain double-digit growth compared with last week. Wholesale sales in the passenger car market were 561,000 units, a year-on-year increase of nearly 50% and a month-on-month increase of 30%.

html In the fourth week of June, retail sales in the automobile market increased by 33% year-on-year, with average daily sales of nearly 70,000 units.

From June 1st to June 26th, the cumulative retail sales of the passenger car market reached 1.422 million units, an increase of 27% compared with the same period last year. %. Wholesale sales of passenger car manufacturers have exceeded 1.5 million units, an increase of 40% year-on-year.

From June 1st to June 26th, the wholesale sales of passenger car manufacturers nationwide have exceeded 1.5 million units

From the perspective of average daily retail sales, the national passenger car market retail sales in the fourth week of June averaged 69,594 units per day, a year-on-year increase of 33% . Average daily sales have continued to rise since June. The Passenger Car Association pointed out that although the base of retail sales rebounded in the fourth week of June, retail sales driven by favorable policies are still growing strongly, and the year-on-year growth rate is still high. In addition, with the strong introduction of the national purchase tax policy and the further relaxation of epidemic control, governments at all levels have recently introduced a package of policies to boost the economy and promote consumption, which has a certain role in promoting the recovery of the auto market. Terminal popularity and transactions have both There is improvement.

In addition, the Passenger Car Association also stated that the trend of new energy vehicles from major manufacturers in June also grew at a very high speed. It is expected that the retail sales of new energy vehicles in June this year will be nearly 500,000, which is expected to hit a new record high.

The Passenger Car Association predicts that retail sales of narrowly defined passenger cars will reach 1.83 million units in June

According to the retail target survey released by the Passenger Car Association a week ago, manufacturers accounting for about 80% of the overall market in June have achieved double-digit year-on-year growth, according to It is estimated that retail sales of narrowly defined passenger cars in June are expected to reach 1.83 million units, achieving a year-on-year growth of more than 15%.