Driving is not as simple as "stepping on the accelerator and rushing forward." Although everyone is an experienced driver who has held a license for many years, good driving habits still need to be accumulated through daily use of the car. Good habits can not only ensure the safe

2024/07/0313:19:32 car 1975

Driving is not as simple as "stepping on the accelerator and rushing forward." Although everyone is an experienced driver who has held a license for many years, good driving habits still need to be accumulated through daily use of the car. Good habits can not only ensure the safety of drivers and passengers, but also extend the service life of your car. Today, Ono will talk to you about the bad car habits that can "injure" your car!

Neutral coasting

There has been a legend among veteran drivers that "neutral coasting saves fuel". However, most of the current family cars are electronic injection engines . The driving computer will control the fuel injector to adjust the fuel injection rate according to the throttle and vehicle speed. When coasting in neutral, the engine is at idle and will continue to provide fuel to avoid stalling, so coasting in neutral is not very fuel-efficient.

In addition, coasting in neutral may damage the gearbox. The engine is in an idling state, and the sliding drive wheels will drive the gearbox gears to rotate at high speed, resulting in a speed difference. Over time, the gearbox will be damaged.

Fuel tank alarm

When the fuel tank alarm indicates that the fuel level is insufficient, some car owners will feel that "it is still OK and can run for dozens of kilometers more." However, when the fuel tank alarm lights up, it is recommended that the car owner go to a nearby gas station to refill in time. EFI cars The fuel pump relies on fuel to dissipate heat. If the oil level is too low, the fuel pump may overheat and cause damage to the engine.

Improper parking

The situation of "more cars and less space" when parking is quite common everywhere. In order to park, some car owners choose to let their cars "ride" on the curb. However, this parking method has been used for a long time, resulting in an excessive gap between the four wheels. If it causes serious distortion to the frame, it will also affect the closing of the door.

Do not turn off electrical appliances after parking.

Forget to turn off the radio, forget to turn off the wipers, forget to turn off the air conditioner, etc. after parking. This will place a greater load on the engine and starter when the vehicle is started next time. This will damage the engine in the long run.

Don’t slow down when passing a speed bump

Ignoring the speed bump or even accelerating over the speed bump, the vehicle may be able to filter the vibration easily, but it is still not recommended because not slowing down when passing a speed bump or a pit can easily damage the shock absorbing parts; the vehicle It is difficult to control the direction when bumpy, and it is difficult to avoid the tire pressure when encountering deep potholes, and it is easy to cause tire bulges.

Driving is not as simple as

Driving is not as simple as

Driving is not as simple as

Activity time

July 16, 2022 to August 31, 2022

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