Recently, the policy of “halving purchase tax” that consumers are most concerned about has finally been implemented after half a month of publicity. Before the implementation of this policy, my country implemented a purchase tax of 10% of the purchase price for new cars; after th

2024/07/0208:14:33 car 1452

A few days ago, the "halving purchase tax" policy that consumers are most concerned about has finally been implemented after half a month of publicity. Before the implementation of this policy, my country's new car registration system was subject to a purchase tax of 10% of the purchase price; after the implementation of the policy, the tax rate will be changed to 5%.

But for those prospective car owners who want to buy Beijing Hyundai ix35, the discount is not just that: Beijing Hyundai has increased its efforts on the basis of the national purchase tax reduction of 50%, and launched the "full tax exemption only for bronze, oil plus "Man is the King" is a huge benefit event. From now on, users who purchase all models of Beijing Hyundai can enjoy the remaining 50% reduction and exemption of Beijing Hyundai on the basis of the national purchase tax reduction of 50%, which is 100% purchase tax exemption. The new ix35, seventh-generation Elantra, and fifth-generation Tucson L models can also enjoy a fuel subsidy of up to 15,000 yuan; some models can also enjoy a replacement subsidy of up to 10,000 yuan, , lifetime free basic maintenance and warranty, and a series of other models Good faith policy.

Recently, the policy of “halving purchase tax” that consumers are most concerned about has finally been implemented after half a month of publicity. Before the implementation of this policy, my country implemented a purchase tax of 10% of the purchase price for new cars; after th - DayDayNews

27,000 yuan discount, both versions enjoy great value benefits

As one of the main members of Beijing Hyundai's SUV family, the new ix35 has always been a highly popular product in the market segment. Its smart technology configuration and features far exceed those of the same level. The considerable sincerity discounts are unmatched by models of the same class, which can be said to be the ceiling of compact SUV's cost performance.

In this event, taking the new ix35 leading version as an example, the manufacturer's guide price is 139,800 yuan. This model has two options: 2.0L version and 1.4T version. The original landing price including purchase tax was 150,000 yuan. above. In this event, both power versions of the models can enjoy a full purchase tax reduction of about 12,000 yuan. In addition to the 15,000 yuan fuel subsidy provided by Beijing Hyundai sincerely, users who purchase these two versions of the models can get 2 With a discount of about 17,000 yuan, I finally got my favorite car model for a price of more than 120,000 yuan.

Recently, the policy of “halving purchase tax” that consumers are most concerned about has finally been implemented after half a month of publicity. Before the implementation of this policy, my country implemented a purchase tax of 10% of the purchase price for new cars; after th - DayDayNews

The price of similar cars is unmatched. Dimensionality reduction hits the small SUV market

Compared with joint ventures and competing products of the same level, Beijing Hyundai ix35 can be said to have demonstrated an overwhelming cost-effective advantage.

In the past, it was impossible to buy a joint venture compact SUV for 100,000 yuan. However, the Beijing Hyundai ix35’s price of 109,800 yuan can be said to be almost unrivaled in the compact SUV market, and it has a small advantage in terms of products. In this case, the price completely crushes the joint venture models of the same level. The 100,000 yuan range where

ix35 is located is mainly the battlefield for joint venture small SUVs and domestic SUVs. The ix35 has a body of 4.5 meters and a wheelbase of 2.64 meters. With the size and configuration of a compact SUV, it can be said to be a dimensionality reduction blow to these models, allowing users who are still considering small SUVs and domestic SUVs to give up their previous choices. choose.

Recently, the policy of “halving purchase tax” that consumers are most concerned about has finally been implemented after half a month of publicity. Before the implementation of this policy, my country implemented a purchase tax of 10% of the purchase price for new cars; after th - DayDayNews

Beijing Hyundai ix35 Comparison of joint venture small SUV Binx Zhi, C-HR

Family pragmatism ix35 can be your worry-free big boss

As a family compact SUV known for its worry-free, you don’t have to worry about the space practicality of ix35 , the wheelbase of 2.64 meters brings great space potential. With a large body of 4.5 meters and a huge loading space of 465 liters, whether it is the modular cabinet you just bought from IKEA, or a tent or oven, for a wild camping trip, the ix35 can meet your needs.

In terms of power, Beijing Hyundai ix35 has two powertrains: 2.0L naturally aspirated +6AT and 1.4T turbocharged +7DCT. The power selection can be described as sweet or salty. The fuel consumption per 100 kilometers of the two cars is 6.3L (2.0L) and 6.1L (1.4T) respectively. Today, when the price of 92-octane oil exceeds the "9 yuan mark", compared with the mainstream models in the market, the ix35 can save car owners 3,000 yuan per year. -5000 gas fee.

Recently, the policy of “halving purchase tax” that consumers are most concerned about has finally been implemented after half a month of publicity. Before the implementation of this policy, my country implemented a purchase tax of 10% of the purchase price for new cars; after th - DayDayNews

In addition, Beijing Hyundai ix35 also has intelligent voice interaction function, car-home mutual control, Baidu CarLife, QQ music , BLE mobile phone Bluetooth key and other functions. It can connect your home, your mobile phone, and your car into one, forming an ecological interaction. You can control the sweeping robot at home from the car and feel that you have a clean home when you walk in; you can also use your mobile phone to remotely start and stop the car, and turn on the air conditioner before getting in the car to avoid the "scorching summer and cold winter" before getting in the car.

Recently, the policy of “halving purchase tax” that consumers are most concerned about has finally been implemented after half a month of publicity. Before the implementation of this policy, my country implemented a purchase tax of 10% of the purchase price for new cars; after th - DayDayNews

Not only that, ix35 has 17 ADAS intelligent driving functions, including NSCC navigation-based intelligent cruise control, HDA highway driving assistance, LDW lane departure warning, LKA lane departure assist and other functions.Rich advanced driving assistance functions can ensure worry-free driving and safe travel for the whole family.

When driving on the highway, you can turn on the lane centering function with one click, and it will adjust the cruising speed based on the real-time road information in the navigation. In extreme circumstances, ix35 can also link LDW lane departure warning and LKA lane departure assist functions during driving to promptly remind you that the car is drifting off, and even help you correct your driving actions. Not only does it free your hands during driving, it also doubles the safety of travel.

Recently, the policy of “halving purchase tax” that consumers are most concerned about has finally been implemented after half a month of publicity. Before the implementation of this policy, my country implemented a purchase tax of 10% of the purchase price for new cars; after th - DayDayNews


The country releases policy signals, which at the macro level are meant to benefit consumption, boost demand, and promote internal economic circulation; for us ordinary consumers, the more meaning is to respond to the trend and get policy dividends.

This "phased purchase tax halving" is a rare opportunity, and buying a car "sooner rather than later" is a rare opportunity. According to the 60 billion yuan stated by the State Council, the policy will benefit 8 million vehicles. It will only take 5 months from now on for the halving of the purchase tax to be divided up. The preferential policy can be said to be "first come, first served". ".

With this dual discount of full purchase tax exemption, the Beijing Hyundai ix35 is at a historically low price. It is a good time to buy it at this time when the price is freezing. For those who just need a car or have a need for improvement in a compact SUV, it is definitely the right choice at the moment. The best worry-free choice.

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July 16, 2022 to July 16, 2022

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