In 2014, Apple released its first in-vehicle system, CarPlay, at the Geneva Motor Show. This important milestone in the history of automobiles led cars that could only be called "feature machines" to the stage of "smart machines". From then on, Cars are no longer just transportat

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In 2014, Apple released the first car system CarPlay at the Geneva Motor Show. This important milestone in the history of automobiles has led cars that could only be called "functional machines" in the past to the stage of "smart machines". From then on, cars are no longer just transportation, but are developing in an intelligent and humane direction. They are partners that can interact with people and even provide companionship.

In 2014, Apple released its first in-vehicle system, CarPlay, at the Geneva Motor Show. This important milestone in the history of automobiles led cars that could only be called

When talking about "smartphones", people tend to think of the new car-making forces first. Compared with traditional car companies, the biggest advantage of new forces is that they can break away from the limitations of traditional car manufacturing and use the Internet and big data to create more "novel" technological equipment for their products. This has also intensified the deployment of smart technology to a certain extent. "Involution". Not to mention whether these "packaged" functions are gimmicks, but what is certain is that the smart technology capabilities of many traditional car companies are no less than those of new forces.

For example, Changan Auchan car, the Auchan X7PLUS launched by it can be called a master of black technology. Changan Auchan X7PLUS is based on the "people-oriented" concept. Product research and development is truly based on user needs, and from a meticulous and caring development perspective, it presents a truly smart car terminal to the market. And it is also breaking consumers' impression of the backward intelligence level of traditional cars, allowing fuel vehicles to have an intelligent travel experience that is comparable to new energy sources and new forces.

Find pain points with a down-to-earth approach and understand users to "hit the mark with one click"

Since its launch on October 17, the cumulative orders for Changan Auchan X7PLUS have exceeded 30,000 units. Why is it so popular in the market? Could it be that and Auchan have the secret to creating a “hot product”? This is because Changan Auchan has created a high-quality model that understands users best, that is, it stands on the side of users and is their most trustworthy friend. Quality, all have their own unique ideas. In Auchan's view, products that can impress current consumers must not only functionally solve consumers' pain points, but also effectively convert products into user communication language.

In 2014, Apple released its first in-vehicle system, CarPlay, at the Geneva Motor Show. This important milestone in the history of automobiles led cars that could only be called

Therefore, when Auchan X7PLUS was in the research and development stage, it conducted many in-depth interviews in medium and large cities to gain a profound insight into and summarize the living conditions and travel needs of the user group, and "supervised and guided" product development through potential customers. , and finally rooted in the product strength of Auchan X7PLUS. It is precisely because Changan Auchan attaches great importance to user thinking and product research and development is based on user needs. Auchan X7PLUS is a "hit in one hit" in terms of power, comfort, and intelligence.

days to get off the phone, only fast! OnStyle3.0+ brings a new extremely fast experience

With the widespread popularity of smart phones and the Internet, it goes without saying that young people with the fastest ability to accept cannot leave. Even many middle-aged and elderly people have begun to slowly adapt to the Internet+ era. In response to the demand for intelligent interconnection, Changan Auchan X7PLUS is equipped with OnStyle3.0+ intelligent control car system, which brings users the "three new" smart car experience of "extremely fast new experience, new interactive thinking, and new realm of safety".

’s so-called “extremely fast new experience” refers to the fact that Changan Auchan’s car chip is equipped with Qualcomm’s eight-core processor, reaching an ultra-high-speed computing frequency of 2.2GHZ, achieving extremely fast boot-up in 0.5 seconds, lightning networking in 1 second, and navigation home in 1 second. 1 second face recognition is very fast.

"Interactive new thinking" means that the car-machine system is equipped with 50 wake-up words, 153 car use scenarios, and 529 voice intention recognitions, which can support natural chat-style conversations, wake-up-free instructions in multiple scenarios, and also supports nicknames. Definition makes communication between machines and computers more warm. "New realm of safety" means that this car has many reliable safety guarantees such as cloud-eye rearview camera, automatic parking system, DMS driving status monitoring, bodyguard mode, and ACC driving system. It is enough for

to have a "face"! FACE ID helps you say goodbye to your last key

Changan Auchan X7PLUS is equipped with the FACE ID facial recognition system . After registering and logging into your personal account, you can go outside the car without a key. will automatically recognize the facial features of the driver and unlock it in 1 second. The vehicle can also be started immediately after facial recognition in the car.

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