In the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends bluntly said that they will be "melted". Also being tested are the tires of our cars, especially when driving on high-temperature roads for a long time, which can easily cause tire blowouts and serious conseque

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In the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends bluntly said that they will be

Entering the summer

The weather is getting hotter

Many friends

bluntly said that they will be "melted"

In the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends bluntly said that they will be

In the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends bluntly said that they will be

The same has been tested

and the tires of our cars

Especially when driving on high-temperature roads for a long time

it is extremely easy to cause Flat tire

causes serious consequences

In the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends bluntly said that they will be

In the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends bluntly said that they will be

In the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends bluntly said that they will be

In the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends bluntly said that they will be

① Overloading and speeding

In the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends bluntly said that they will be

② Poor road conditions

In the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends bluntly said that they will be

③ Unstable air pressure

In the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends bluntly said that they will be

④ Tire Aging

In the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends bluntly said that they will be

When a tire bursts suddenly while driving

Many drivers will subconsciously

turn the steering wheel or slam on the brakes

This is completely wrong. ‍♂️

In the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends bluntly said that they will be

Taking this kind of behavior

will often cause the vehicle to lose control, roll over

and even cause

car crash and death.

In the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends bluntly said that they will be

So, what should the correct approach


01 Hold the steering wheel tightly and control the driving direction ✔

If a vehicle has a tire puncture, the driver should hold the steering wheel tightly with both hands, resist the self-rotation of the steering wheel, correct slightly in the opposite direction of the deviation, and keep the vehicle moving forward.

02Use the point braking method, do not brake suddenly✔

In order to decelerate or stop in an emergency, the driver's first reaction is often to brake urgently, but such operation can easily lead to loss of direction, or the vehicle will spin due to uneven braking force. Tail, rollover. Therefore, we need to use to brake and slow down slowly.

03Turn on the hazard warning flashing lights in a timely manner to warn other vehicles ✔

After the vehicle has stopped, turn on the hazard warning flashing lights in a timely manner and place a triangle warning sign behind the vehicle to warn other vehicle drivers to pay attention. If you have a spare tire and you have experience in changing tires, you should change the tire as soon as possible while ensuring safety. If not, call the rescue hotline in time. Drivers are also reminded not to discard the replaced tires on the road.

04 If a tire blowout occurs on the highway, "pull over, people evacuate, and call the police immediately" ✔

If a vehicle has a tire blowout on the highway and collides with other vehicles or guardrails, after the driver stops the vehicle, the vehicle All personnel inside the vehicle must quickly move to a safe area such as outside the guardrail, and do not stay in the lane or emergency lane. At the same time, a warning triangle must be placed 150 meters behind the vehicle and the police call must be made.

In the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends bluntly said that they will be

It is better to turn the tide than to

nip it in the bud

Pay more attention to the following points at ordinary times

You can prevent tire blowouts to the greatest extent

In the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends bluntly said that they will be


Do not overload or speed.

When a vehicle is driving at high speed for a long time, the intense friction between the tires and the ground will generate a large amount of heat. The high temperature of the tire itself causes the internal pressure of the tire to exceed the load strength and cause a tire burst. When the vehicle load exceeds the maximum load-bearing capacity of the wheels, the internal pressure in the tires increases, which can also easily lead to tire blowouts.


Maintain reasonable tire pressure

Usually, the standard vehicle tire pressure is between 2.3~2.5bar. If the tire pressure is too high or too low, the tire endurance performance will be reduced. When the tire pressure is too high, when it encounters potholes or sharp objects on the road, it is easy to get stuck in the tire, causing a puncture.When the tire pressure is too low, the performance of the rubber is reduced and the tire becomes soft, which can also lead to a puncture.

In the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends bluntly said that they will be


Clean tires regularly

During driving, foreign objects, such as gravel, glass fragments, etc., will be mixed in the tire tread. These foreign objects can easily puncture the tire, so you must develop the habit of cleaning the tires regularly.

In the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends bluntly said that they will be


Pay attention to the tire service life

The life of the tire is 40,000 kilometers or 2 years. For vehicles that often drive on the highway, the replacement time and mileage should be appropriately advanced. At the same time, long-term exposure to the sun in summer will also greatly reduce the service life of tires.

In the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends bluntly said that they will be

Finally, Shu Shu reminds

all drivers

to pay attention to tire pressure and tire conditions at all times

and do maintenance and care

to avoid serious accidents caused by tire blowouts

In the summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends bluntly said that they will be


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