How a person will live in this life depends only on himself. In the vast sea of ​​​​people, some people passed each other, some people walked away, and some people walked into the heart and stayed with each other.

How a person will live in this life depends only on himself.

Su Shi once said: "Life is like a reverse journey, and I am also a traveler."

In the vast sea of ​​people, some people pass by, some walk apart, and some people walk into their hearts and know each other.

The Law of Attraction tells us that everyone will be attracted to the people and things they encounter by their own characteristics.

When the plane tree is planted, the golden phoenix will come.

In life, only by being a better version of yourself can you encounter happiness.

1. Birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together.

" Zhuangzi · Qiu Shui " has a saying: "Summer insects cannot talk about ice, and well frogs cannot talk about the sea."

A small insect that lives in summer and dies in summer cannot be told that the weather is cold; a small frog that has lived in a well for a long time cannot talk about it. It is also difficult to let it understand the vast ocean. The same is true for

people. What kind of people you meet and what you say are really important.

Once, Confucius and Confucius traveled in a carriage.

Unexpectedly, during the break, he immediately chewed up the crops on the street.

The farmer was very angry and stopped the ox cart.

Confucius went to discuss it and got it all right, but he still lost money.

But the farmer seemed to have heard nothing and was still very angry. Confucius was so angry that he was sweating all over.

Confucius saw this and drew a star fruit, and the conclusion was completed in two or three sentences.

In fact, this is "people flock together and birds of a feather flock together".

Conversing with the peasants with Confucius' ability is like drawing cakes to satisfy hunger and add distress; while peasants and horsemen complement each other.

The groom said it simply: Don't be angry with the livestock. How will it know the truth?

I know it so well that it still takes a whip to make it do things, let alone that it doesn’t know you.

A horse, how can it tell whether your crops are edible?

When the peasants heard this, they burst into laughter and let their horses go. They also praised Confucius as a sage, and even his grooms were so good at talking.

The Book of the Later Han Dynasty said: "If you enter the orchid room, you will not smell its fragrance for a long time; if you enter the abalone house, you will not smell its smell for a long time."

People around you are full of negative emotions, and you will be full of complaints; people around you are positive. If you are energetic, you will also be positive and sunny.

In other words, people who like similar people and have the same personality will naturally attract each other easily.

Optimistic and open-minded people usually know positive people; people who love to play tricks often get along with people who have ulterior motives.

People who love plastic arts and gather in arts and crafts circles, songs, and traditional musical instruments; people who love sports, people who play football, basketball, mountain climbing, etc.

Tao is different, Tao is different, Tao is different.

The group of people a person associates with often reflects his value orientation.

and Goshawks Those who soar with wings must be handsome birds; those who collude with wolves, tigers and leopards must be ferocious beasts.

2. Enriching yourself is better than pleasing others.

read this passage:

If you want to own a horse, the effective way is not to pursue it, but to use the time chasing the horse to plant grass.

When the trees are green next year, a group of people will already choose.

The same goes for life. If you want to enter a high-quality interpersonal circle, you should enrich yourself wholeheartedly rather than pleasing others.

Just because everyone who habitually pleases is probably very busy, but rarely reaches conclusions.

Like the well-known Fang Zhongyong, he was a genius child when he was a child, and was constantly led by his father to show off. Finally, he gave up his homework and fell behind one by one. "Disappearing everyone".

pleases, it is a huge fight among oneself.

Without power, it is useless to please anyone; enriching yourself and strengthening yourself is the way out in life.

Dong Zhongshu was in the Western Han Dynasty . He especially liked reading when he was young.

Dong Taigong decided to build a garden in the back room because he wanted the baby to rest and relax in the area.

In the first year, the garden took shape. It happened to be the beautiful scenery of spring. The sisters invited Dong Zhongshu to go out to play many times, but he waved and continued reading.

In the second year, there was a rockery in the garden. My friends also had a great trip. They were all calling Dong Zhongshujia, but he did not raise his head and once again devoted himself to studying and training.

In the third year, all the gardens were completed, and the beautiful gardens were crowded with people. Every once in a while, someone would attract Dong Zhongshu to admire the beautiful scenery, but he still lowered his head to study and train in the house.

This is Dong Zhongshu, who "did not peek into the garden for three years". He does not have to obey others, but he can become a generation of Confucian culture master with his strength. He has experienced four dynasties and been valued throughout his life.

The law of attraction tells us: Look within for everything.

If it blooms, the breeze will come; if it is gorgeous, the sky will sense it.

A person does not have to change his destiny, he can only change his current situation.

If you are gentle, the whole world will be gentle to you; if you are ruthless, the whole world will naturally be unkind to you.

In short: when I change, the world changes.

Life is a process of constantly discovering and growing yourself.

A person who knows how to enrich himself will certainly be respected in daily life: enriching himself is better than pleasing others.

3. Be a better self and meet better others.

The ancients said: "A gentleman should stick to his roots, and the Tao will come from his roots."

If you improve yourself from the source, everything you think will be taken for granted.

During the Warring States Period, , Su Qin had high aspirations and studied and trained under Gui Guzi. After learning

and going down the mountain, he quickly sold his property and tried to persuade him everywhere, but he repeatedly failed.

At that time, Su Qin did not have enough persuasive methods, and his ability to understand the situation of various countries was not enough, and he could not poke the troubles of the princes and kings at all.

can say that failure is certain. After

, Su Qin studied hard again, read the art of war carefully, and studied the general trend of the world.

When he went down the mountain for the second time, his wish was rewarded: Su Qin took full responsibility for the six countries to unite against Qin, becoming the only statesman in history who was in the gap between the six countries.

Fortune will never favor one thing over another. Whatever you enjoy, you can get your match.

Wang Yangming Xinxue once said: "When you see the virtuous, think about it, and when you see the unworthy, reflect inwardly."

Only by becoming better yourself can you meet better people.

I heard a little story.

A young man went to buy a bowl. He took out one without any collision with other bowls, but only heard a monotonous sound.

The young people seemed disappointed. Seeing this, the merchant took a bowl from the cabinet and said, "Try this."

Unexpectedly, he touched many bowls at random and heard a crunching sound. The young man was shocked.

The merchant smiled and said: "If you try a product with residual product, no matter how many bowls there are, it will be low; if you want to try a good bowl, it must be the best product you try."

Bowls are like this, and people also in this way.

Gautama Buddha once said: "No matter who you meet, he is the person who should happen to you in your life. It is no accident."

The encounter between people is like holding up the brilliant sun together, The light illuminates the road, warms the soul, and gradually gathers all the people and things of the same frequency.

Many times, it’s not that you haven’t met good people, but that you haven’t become the best version of yourself.

If you like poplars, birds will come to live there; if you have an ocean, there will be hundreds of rivers coming together.

In short: Only by becoming a better version of yourself can you meet others faster.

respond with the same voice and pursue each other with the same spirit. Things with similar functions always attract each other.

Who you are, who you will meet; the way you treat others determines how others feel and respond to you.

When you become a better version of yourself, of course you can meet stronger others.

How a person will live in this life depends only on himself.

If you are not colorful, everything you encounter and hear will be dull;

When you shine, the world will be colorful and amiable.

Read it bit by bit, make yourself better, meet more successful people, and be happy and peaceful along the way...

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