This sutra is very short, just a few hundred words long, but its Buddhist principles are profound and easy to understand and read. There are some people in China who specialize in reciting the Heart Sutra and may achieve great achievements. It should be noted that this sutra was

1. What are Buddhist scriptures?

China's top ten Buddhist scriptures

Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra (Heart Sutra for short) 24-word meditation formula.

This sutra is very short, a few hundred words, but the Buddhist principles are profound and easy to understand and read. There are some people in China who specialize in reciting the Heart Sutra and may achieve great achievements.

2, " Diamond Prajnaparamita Sutra " (referred to as " Diamond Sutra ")

is moderate in length. It is one of the core Buddhist scriptures with profound Buddhist principles and has been held by many Chinese Buddhists for a long time. It should be noted that this sutra was mainly taught by the Buddha to Subhuti, who was the first person in history to understand emptiness. and abstract, outline.

Therefore, although this sutra is easy to understand, to understand it accurately requires diligent practice. For most people, I would not recommend this sutra as the primary text for understanding Buddhism. Of course, if you don't understand what it means, you can also recite it specifically, which is also a good exercise. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand Buddhist scriptures for the time being. But it would be even worse if you misunderstood or even slandered the scripture after reading it.

3. "The Tathagata Secret of the Great Buddha has cultivated and realized all the righteous paths of Bodhisattva **Surangama Sutra" (referred to as "Surangama Sutra" or "**Surangama Sutra")

"Surangama Sutra" is called 'Shurangama Sutra' "Surangama Sutra", this sutra was mainly taught by the Buddha to the "most learned" Venerable Ananda. Listening more means having a wide range of knowledge. Correspondingly, Ananda has the worst spiritual practice among the big sex, and even ordinary people cannot resist the temptation of female sex. He is very similar to modern people, with broad knowledge and little practice. Classics are very suitable for modern people to read.

Although the Shurangama Sutra is very long, the Buddha taught it in great detail, and the Buddhist principles are also very thorough and easy to understand. Moreover, the verses in this sutra are very good, ingenious, and amazing. Judging from the text alone, it can be said to be an excellent ancient literary work. This sutra, together with the "Lotus Wonderful Dharma Sutra" and "Huayan Sutra", is called "the most important sutra" by Master Xuanhua and other Buddhist monks.

4. "The Lotus Sutra of Wonderful Dharma"

This sutra is called "The Lotus Sutra of Wonderful Dharma". The original text of the sutra calls this sutra "the most important thing in the sutra", which shows its importance. This sutra is also relatively long, with 28 chapters, but it is also relatively easy to read. It should be noted that this sutra contains profound Buddhist principles. Before reading this sutra, readers must have absolute faith in the Buddha.

Before the Buddha spoke this sutra, there were some Buddhists and lay people who took the initiative to leave because of insufficient good roots and merits and being blocked by karma. If you are convinced that your good roots and merits are sufficient and you have absolute faith in the Buddha, you will not slander this sutra. Of course, you should look for it as soon as possible, it will have great benefits.

5. "The Huayan Sutra of Dafang Guangfo" (referred to as the "Huayan Sutra")

This sutra is the first sutra taught by Sakyamuni after he became a Buddha. It is most suitable for people with strong skills. When Sakyamuni first became a Buddha, it was like the sun had just risen and its light shone on a high mountain. In the Avatamsaka Sutra, people with weak roots cannot hear, and even if they hear, they cannot hear. When I wrote the Lotus Sutra, it was like the sun was about to set, illuminating the people on the top of the mountain. Relatively speaking, the Surangama Sutra, Diamond Sutra, Heart Sutra, etc. are like the sun in the sky, which can shine in all directions. The whole person. The full text of Pure Heart Mantra .

The Avatamsaka Sutra is very long, longer than the Lotus Sutra and the Shurangama Sutra. You can see some ** articles in it, such as Puxian Bodhisattva 's practice vows, Puxian Bodhisattva's pure merits, etc.

6, "Amitabha Sutra" Diamond Sutra, physical recovery.

7, " Infinite Life Sutra "

8, "Contemporary Infinite Life Sutra"

These three sutras are all about Amitabha and the Western Paradise (among them "Infinite Life", the original meaning of "Amitabha"), if you want to cultivate the Pure Land , those who want to be reborn in the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss should read these three sutras first.

There is a saying called " Pure Land Five Classics ", that is, reading the Five Pure Land Classics is enough. If you don't read other Buddhist scriptures at all, that's okay.Then the "Five Pure Land Sutras" are these three sutras, plus the "Sutra of Summer Bodhisattva" in the "Huayan Sutra" and the "Perfect Chapter of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva" in the "Surangama Sutra", all included in the above recommendations. middle. A scripture that must be recited every day.

9, "Chang Akan Sutra"

The core classic of Hinayana Buddhism. Chinese Mahayana Buddhism often ignores this sutra, but it is still included in the Mahayana Tripitaka. I gave it a cursory read, and I think this sutra is mainly about meditation and other spiritual practices. I believe it will be of great help to those who want to learn Buddhism. Of course, previous Buddhist sutras also talked about in-depth practice, but this sutra involves more details.

10, "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Vow Sutra" (referred to as " Ksitigarbha Sutra ") is a complete collection of Buddhist scriptures.

The classics of the past dynasties mostly talk about practice, enlightenment, and teaching people to become Buddhas. If you want to practice and become a Buddha, of course you need the above three 'Kings of Sutra'. If you want to eliminate disasters, avoid disasters, seek blessings, and avoid suffering in the three evil ways, then the best one is the Ksitigarbha Sutra. Modern people have deep karma and practice is not easy. If you seek hardship upwards, you must first avoid suffering downwards. At this time, it is best to read more "Ksitigarbha Sutra". Eliminating sinful obstacles and accumulating merit is also the right way to seek Buddhahood.

Buddhist scriptures have three functions: one is to induce you to believe, the other is to teach you how to practice according to different tools, and the third is to "motivate". The legendary part may be to show the magic of Buddhism; the philosophical and practical part is a truth worth studying and thinking about; it extends the cause and effect of the first life to the cause and effect of the third life, whether it exists or not, it can reasonably explain some scientifically unexplainable phenomenon, to achieve guidance. Human characters are always good.

There are many expressions of the Buddha's "heart seal" in the Buddhist scriptures, so Bodhidharma gave "Langa" to Huike (divine light), saying that it can "make the heart seal". The Fifth Patriarch Huangmei also advocated sealing the heart with the Diamond Sutra. Compared with "Langa", after talking to each other and striking bamboo, it is considered to be "standing from the universal". Among them, the title, translator, and text are the components of the Buddhist scriptures, and the style is the style of the Buddhist scriptures. The ten most powerful Buddhist scriptures.