The shoes worn by monks include Arhat shoes, yellow monk shoes, ivy shoes, etc., and they also come in different colors such as black, gray, yellow, and brown. Many believers are curious about the Arhat shoes worn by monks. Why are there six holes?

Text/Lin Qingxuan

The shoes worn by monks include Arhat shoes, yellow monk shoes, ivy and other types, and they also come in different colors such as black, gray, yellow and brown.

Many believers are curious about the Arhat shoes worn by monks. Why are there six holes? It's not beautiful or practical, and it doesn't seem to be for coolness.

In fact, every dharma object in Buddhism is full of wisdom and extraordinary meaning. The holes in these monk shoes are even more knowledgeable, let’s take a look.

Why do monks have six holes in their shoes?

In Buddhist temples, mortals often have wisdom that can be understood.

For example, when I saw the shoes worn by monks and nuns in the temple, I often wondered that those shoes were actually impractical.

There are a total of six holes in the front and back of a monk shoe. They are not for beauty, nor do they seem to be for coolness. Because, if it is to keep cool, most monks wear shoes with thick socks inside, not to mention it is difficult to keep warm in winter. If it is for the sake of appearance, it is not the case. Firstly, being a monk only seeks purity and not beauty. Secondly, the black, gray and earth colors of monk shoes are not the most beautiful colors.

I have it, probably to save money. It is the duty of a monk to be frugal and observe the precepts.

Neither is the case, because although monk shoes have six holes, the fabric used to make them is the same as the connected fabrics, and it is more labor-intensive.

So, why do monks’ shoes have six holes?

There are six holes in a monk's shoe. You can see clearly when you look down.

I met a master who talked about the principles of a monk's shoe for an entire afternoon.

He said that the six holes in the monk's shoes are meant for monks to "look down to see the holes." To bow one's head means to be humble and polite, to see clearly means to see through the six sense organs of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, to see through the six senses of sight, sound, smell, smell, touch, law and six dusts , and to break through the six paths of reincarnation, and to break through the six major troubles of greed, anger, ignorance, conceit, suspicion and wrong views. We even have to see through the shortness of life and the insignificance of the human body.

In a positive sense, these six holes are the " Six Dharma Precepts ", which are not to engage in sexual conduct, not to steal, not to kill, not to lie, not to drink alcohol, and not to eat out of season; they are the "Six Right Conducts", which are to read Reciting, observing, worshiping, naming, praising, and making offerings; as well as the " Six Paramitas": giving, observing precepts, patience, diligence, meditation, wisdom...

A small monk's shoe is the vastness of the world. Let us I have to admire the monks. Monks do not wear leather products because leather cannot be obtained without killing animals. Monks do not wear silk products because a pair of silk shoes may cost the lives of a thousand silkworms! Just wear cotton shoes, there are many rules and wisdom.

Finally, I bought a pair of monk shoes home. When I wore them, I always thought: I have to lower my head and see clearly.

picture source | Ten Wishes Encyclopedia

photography | Miao Chuan, today