I often hear monks say: "Monks do not tell lies." Lies are lies. Previously, monks could not tell lies at any time. They have only two choices: first, if they must speak, they must tell the truth; second, if what they say will cause certain consequences and hurt certain people, t

2024/05/0614:37:32 buddhism 1063

I often hear monks say: "Monks do not tell lies." Lies are lies. Previously, monks could not tell lies at any time.

They have only two choices:

First, if you must speak, you must tell the truth;

Second, if what you say will cause certain consequences and hurt some people, you can remain silent.

Later, when it developed into Mahayana, convenience lies appeared in order to benefit the world.

I often hear monks say:

There is an example: a hunter is chasing a wild goat. When he chases to a three-way intersection, he doesn't know which intersection the goat ran to.

There happened to be a monk resting on the roadside. The hunter was chasing behind him and could not see clearly where the goat was going, but the monk must have seen it clearly.

At this time, if the hunter comes forward and asks the monk the direction of the goat's escape, the monk has two ways to answer: If he is an early monk and wants to speak, then he can only tell the hunter the correct direction of the goat's escape.

But in order to protect the goat, he can also remain silent and not speak. This situation was okay in the early days, when secular people generally respected monks.

Now, in order to save the goat, the monk can lead the hunter in the opposite direction.

The lies told in this situation are called convenient lies, and they are allowed and encouraged.

There is a saying: You must have integrity when speaking and behaving.

However, if it is for the purpose of protecting others, some truths do not need to be told, and some lies can be told.

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