Everyone’s Style/Photography Works/Silver Medal Award in the Black and White Category of the National Photography Competition (Silver Medal Award in the Black and White Category of the 1982 China Women’s Photography Competition/Photography: Ali) In the spring of 1981, the art mus

Everyone’s Style/Photography/National Photography Competition Silver Medal Award in the Black and White Group

(Silver Medal Award in the Black and White Group of the 1982 China Women’s Photography Competition/Photography: Ali)

In the spring of 1981, the art museum gave me a month’s creative leave, and I worked on at home. prepared works for the National Art Exhibition. Ali gave her another task: to take care of her one-year-old daughter.

Both tasks are important and neither can be neglected.

My daughter cries when she is put down but does not cry when she is picked up, but she cannot draw while holding her. Helpless, I had to tie my daughter to my back and continue painting.

When Ali came home from get off work and saw the scene in front of her, she couldn’t laugh or cry. She found it very interesting, so she picked up the camera on the table and took two pictures.

A few days later, I rushed out and took a look. The focus of one picture was not adjusted and it was blurry. The other one still has some flavor. As the National Women's Photography Competition was calling for submissions, I enlarged a picture, named it "Everyone's Style", and sent it to the organizing committee. As a result, I won a silver medal in the black and white category of the competition!

"Popular Photography" published a special page; more than 20 media across the country published and commented on it. Ali became famous in one fell swoop.

The Municipal Photography Association held a special seminar and invited several experts and authorities in the photography field from the province to comment.

Experts emphasized: The greatest success of this work is the composition. The author's creativity and skill are obvious. Every prop in the picture tells the audience what the author wants to express. For example, the child on his back, the Venus on the windowsill, the wine bottle...

The authority said: The key to this work is the good use of light and shadow, which like a silhouette sets off the protagonist's resolute and persistent image...

The leader concluded: This is not only a masterpiece of photography, but also a book that explains the protagonist's fighting spirit to readers...

Finally, the host asked the author Ali to introduce her creative experience and acceptance speech.

Ali tried to evade it again and again, but amidst the warm applause, she said with embarrassment:

I am just a blind cat who meets a dead mouse .




Editor/Mr. Kangua
