This sentence has been verified in some of the photos reviewed today. Comparing this photo with the original image and the photographer’s post-production thinking, I agree with half of it.

2024/06/2914:50:32 beauty 1749

What saves photos is the sentence

of light. In some of the photos reviewed today,

has been verified.


This sentence has been verified in some of the photos reviewed today. Comparing this photo with the original image and the photographer’s post-production thinking, I agree with half of it. - DayDayNews



This sentence has been verified in some of the photos reviewed today. Comparing this photo with the original image and the photographer’s post-production thinking, I agree with half of it. - DayDayNews

(original picture)

Compared with the original picture and the photographer's later thinking, I agree with half of it.

It can be seen that the photographer later brightened the highlighted parts of the wall and ground to give the photo a layered look. this is correct.

However, I feel that increasing the saturation of the photo, making the blue stand out and making the rocks on the ground yellow, does not match the overall temperament of the photo.


In the photo, the two caves are the highlights, but the photo is too complete and feels a bit dull.

So my post-production idea, the first step is to cut off the top of the upper stone hole, so as to amplify the presence of the character, and at the same time, it also lays the groundwork for the key processing later.

The second step is to use snapseed's local tool to place the coordinates on the highlighted stone part to brighten it and add layers.

The third step is to use the Impression APP, select the light effect, and add a beam of light into the cave above. Because the top has been cut just now, the tail of the light is easy to handle and will not look fake.

Step 4, instead of increasing the saturation, I will switch to black and white. Because of this photo, the original meaning of the picture is dangerous and wild. Using bright colors will not match.

After converting it to black and white, you can see that the three qualities of light, characters, and composition in the photo are unified.

This sentence has been verified in some of the photos reviewed today. Comparing this photo with the original image and the photographer’s post-production thinking, I agree with half of it. - DayDayNews


This sentence has been verified in some of the photos reviewed today. Comparing this photo with the original image and the photographer’s post-production thinking, I agree with half of it. - DayDayNews


Teacher, I am very confused about which one is better. Ask the teacher to evaluate it. In the later stage of the picture, I adjusted the visuals and brightened the photo

This sentence has been verified in some of the photos reviewed today. Comparing this photo with the original image and the photographer’s post-production thinking, I agree with half of it. - DayDayNews

. After the post-production, the characters were erased. I think it was inappropriate.

Actually, this photo has a triple contrast.

The first level, the pole in the middle, divides the cleaning staff to the left and right, which is a comparison of positions.

The second level is the comparison of movements between the people on both sides of the pole, two standing and two squatting.

In the third level, there is a contrast in status between cleaners and passers-by.


If it were me taking the photo, I would use the pole in the middle as the axis of symmetry and use vertical cropping to do a simple process.

can form an inverted triangle structure,

and the triple comparison is also clear.

This sentence has been verified in some of the photos reviewed today. Comparing this photo with the original image and the photographer’s post-production thinking, I agree with half of it. - DayDayNews

This sentence has been verified in some of the photos reviewed today. Comparing this photo with the original image and the photographer’s post-production thinking, I agree with half of it. - DayDayNews

This sentence has been verified in some of the photos reviewed today. Comparing this photo with the original image and the photographer’s post-production thinking, I agree with half of it. - DayDayNews

@ exist


Huawei p30

Tourists from Xiamei Ancient Town in Wuyi Mountain

took this kind of photos and achieved one thing: if the characters stand out, the photos will be indistinguishable.

In this photo, the environment is very messy and the characters don’t feel very prominent. Is

obsolete? Not necessarily

. In fact, there are two reasons why the characters do not stand out in this environment.

The first point is that the person is wearing a hat and his face is dark. There is a white tube on the top of the hat, which is irritating.

The second point is that there are too many highlights in the environment, which makes it look trivial.


If I were to take the photo, I would do two things.

First, use snapseed and clipping to cut off the highlights around the two pillars. In this way, the red lanterns on them are also removed.

Second, use the local tool to brighten the highlights on the face. Then, using the paintbrush, lower the brightness of the tube.

One will wax and wane, you will see again:

This sentence has been verified in some of the photos reviewed today. Comparing this photo with the original image and the photographer’s post-production thinking, I agree with half of it. - DayDayNews


This sentence has been verified in some of the photos reviewed today. Comparing this photo with the original image and the photographer’s post-production thinking, I agree with half of it. - DayDayNews

@Sunshine. First taken by


Chongqing summer scenery

This photo was taken very well, especially the transition between far and near levels, which looks very comfortable.

has three problems, which should be solved later.

The first thing is that the boat on the left is not simple enough. It is connected to the lawn below.

Secondly, these lawns are dark, frontward and very large.

The third one is the ship and the distant view behind it. They are both dark and somewhat close to each other, but not too prominent.


If I were to take the photo, the first step would be to crop it and remove the boat on the left.

The second step is to deal with the lawn. You can see that the sun in the distance actually shines on the lawn.

So, use the brush or the spot tool to brighten the lawn part.

The third step is to highlight the existence of the ship. It is actually very simple. Use the local tool to select the distant background and brighten it.

In this way, the background is brightened, but the ship is still dark, so naturally it stands out.

This sentence has been verified in some of the photos reviewed today. Comparing this photo with the original image and the photographer’s post-production thinking, I agree with half of it. - DayDayNews


This sentence has been verified in some of the photos reviewed today. Comparing this photo with the original image and the photographer’s post-production thinking, I agree with half of it. - DayDayNews

@ Xu迿袢



I saw two old people selling dried fruits such as chestnuts and walnuts that they processed and shelled themselves on the street. Behind them, there was an advertising painting "Letter" on the glass wall of the bank. Letter is the foundation of doing business. There was a resonance between the two, so I took the photo easily. Post-production: Cropped some parts, used a black gold filter to reflect the stability of the "letter", and reduced contrast and saturation. Please give the teacher some guidance! Thank you

This sentence has been verified in some of the photos reviewed today. Comparing this photo with the original image and the photographer’s post-production thinking, I agree with half of it. - DayDayNews

Of course, not all photos can be saved later.

For example, in this photo, what a good combination of hawker and the word "信".

However, he chose to shoot from the side. In this way, the word "letter" was completely weakened, and there was still reflection on it.

At the same time, the side shot also captured the opposite aisle. The cluttered environment and passers-by were all located above the customers, making it difficult to crop.


If I were to take the photo, after all, the subject of the photo is the hawker and the word "letter", then stand in front of them and shoot head-on and horizontally. In this way, the combination of the two will be clearer and the environment will be clearer. Neat and clean.

This sentence has been verified in some of the photos reviewed today. Comparing this photo with the original image and the photographer’s post-production thinking, I agree with half of it. - DayDayNews

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