This is Shenyang, our hometown. The "Look at Shenyang on i" international short video competition aims to collect outstanding short video works related to Shenyang city in multiple scenarios for Chinese and foreign creative teams, anchors, self-media and individuals, and promote

2024/06/2813:15:33 beauty 1319

There are bright lights above

There are fireworks below

There are more than 9 million different ways of life

This is Shenyang, our hometown

This is Shenyang, our hometown. The

In the eyes of a thousand people

There are a thousand kinds of Shenyang

In your eyes What does Shenyang look like?

This is Shenyang, our hometown. The

July 15th

"iLook at Shenyang"

The first Shenyang International Short Video Competition was launched

Shenyang citizens

and people from all walks of life who have long been paying attention to and loving Shenyang

Pick up the camera and mobile phone in your hand

Take a photo of Shenyang in your eyes

Become a city photographer

Tell the story of Shenyang through the lens

The "See Shenyang on i" International Short Video Competition is aimed at Chinese and foreign creative teams, anchors, self-media and individuals, and collects outstanding short video works related to Shenyang city in multiple scenarios. Promote the multi-dimensional construction and three-dimensional communication of Shenyang's city image, use real Shenyang stories to interpret a vivid and diverse image of China, and create a strong social public opinion atmosphere for the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

This is Shenyang, our hometown. The

This is Shenyang, our hometown. The

Competition units

According to the diversified characteristics of the participating subjects

The competition has set up three thematic units

This is Shenyang, our hometown. The

"Shenyang in the Eyes of Foreigners"

Welcome in Shenyang Foreign friends who study, work and live record their own special Shenyang stories in the form of short videos. Take pictures of the people and things, food, beautiful scenery, culture, technology, etc. related to Shenyang to show your sincere and friendly city emotions, and use diverse languages ​​and cultural habits to introduce Shenyang’s open and inclusive international city image to the world.

What do you decide to shoot?

For the following directions, please refer to

This is Shenyang, our hometown. The

  • "See Shenyang and check in landmarks": Foreign friends use the form of vlog to shoot around one or more landmarks in Shenyang to recommend Shenyang to their relatives and friends.

  • "iSee Shenyang, Beautiful Food": Foreign friends talk about their favorite Shenyang food, their experiences of tasting food and learning to cook food in Shenyang.

  • "iSee Shenyang, I Love My Home": A snapshot of the life of a family of foreign friends in Shenyang, telling the story of iShenyang.

This is Shenyang, our hometown. The

"I will take pictures of my Shenyang"

welcomes Shenyang citizens and people from all walks of life who have long been paying attention to and loving Shenyang. They can explore the charm of Shenyang in their own eyes through multiple channels. From the microscopic perspective of daily life, they can introduce Shenyang's unique customs and customs to the outside world, and tell the story. Shenyang Stories spreads positive voices, displays positive images, gathers positive energy, promotes the spirit of the city, and enhances citizens’ sense of happiness and pride.

What to shoot, you decide

For the following directions, please refer to

This is Shenyang, our hometown. The

  • "iLook at Shenyang and you are the Shenyang City Photographer": issued a call for recruitment of "Shenyang City Photographers", let the works speak for themselves, and awarded the title of "City Photographer" to the winner.
  • "iLook at Shenyang and see the beautiful countryside in your eyes": uses the countryside as the canvas and the earth as the background to capture the countryside, folks and nostalgia in your eyes.
  • "iSee Shenyang and discover the secrets of Shenyang": discovers the niche beauty of Shenyang and recommends unknown and unique streets, alleys, landscapes and culture.

This is Shenyang, our hometown. The

"Perceive the Charm of Shenyang"

welcomes media organizations, studios and related teams and individuals to use flexible narrative modes, unique presentation styles and more professional shooting techniques to explore and refine the city's characteristic culture, customs, landmarks and symbols. Communication elements display Shenyang’s urban image and humanistic features, integrating them into a unique sense of place. The winner will be awarded the title of "City Photographer".

This is Shenyang, our hometown. The

This is Shenyang, our hometown. The

Competition arrangement

  • Contest starts July 15th
  • Collection of works July 15th - August 31st
  • Preliminary review of works September 1st - 9th 4
  • online voting September 10th - 16th
  • expert final review September 17th - At the end of September,
  • This is Shenyang, our hometown. The

    award settings

    • competition will include comprehensive awards, special awards, individual awards, excellence awards, outstanding organization awards, communication contribution awards, etc. The specific number will be determined according to the actual situation;
    • various awards will be integrated with expert review, online voting, communication interaction, etc. Decision will be made on a case-by-case basis;
    • Each entry will not win the prize twice in principle.

    This is Shenyang, our hometown. The

    Submit articles for the competition

    Registration methods

    Participating institutions or individuals can submit articles through the following two methods

    This is Shenyang, our hometown. The

    This is Shenyang, our hometown. The . Download the "Shenyang Release" client (available for download in all major download markets) and register an account

    On the homepage, click on the "My" channel ——"I want to report information", leave a message in the format of "[iLook at Shenyang] + "Title of Work" + Entry Topic + Baidu Netdisk Address and Extraction Code + Name + Valid Mobile Phone Number + Introduction to the Work".

    This is Shenyang, our hometown. The . Follow the "Shenyang Release" WeChat public account

    and leave a message in the format of "[iLook at Shenyang] + "Title of Work" + Entry Topic + Baidu Netdisk Address and Extraction Code + Name + Valid Mobile Phone Number + Introduction to the Work".

    • Please save the video in Baidu network disk
    • "Work introduction" can be the shooting background, personal feelings, etc.
    • Contact number: 22690837

    This is Shenyang, our hometown. The

    This is Shenyang, our hometown. The

    Work requirements

    This is Shenyang, our hometown. The . The content of the work should be closely related to the theme, truly show the beautiful Shenyang style, and embody positive energy , shall not involve violence, pornography, religion and racial discrimination, shall not contain reactionary or illegal content, and shall not contain advertisements.

    This is Shenyang, our hometown. The . Media organizations, studios, and individuals can be participants, and each participant must submit no more than two works.

    This is Shenyang, our hometown. The . There is no limit to the form of the work, including documentaries, talk shows, vlogs, etc., and the duration should be within 3 minutes.

    This is Shenyang, our hometown. The . There is no limit to the language of the work, and it must have Chinese and English or English subtitles.

    This is Shenyang, our hometown. The . The video resolution is 1280*720 or above. The format accepts MPG, MPEG, AVI, MOV, WMV, and MP4 files. It supports horizontal or vertical screen shooting; the video screen is required to be clean and without corner markers, station logos, watermarks or logos.

    This is Shenyang, our hometown. The . The submitted work must be an original work that the contestant participated in and owned the complete copyright. No copyright-free materials may be used, and any legal rights such as copyrights and trademark rights of third parties shall not be infringed. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. The contestants shall bear full responsibility for any disputes arising from the copyright and copyright of the work. Works that have participated in other competitions cannot participate in this competition. The competition organizing committee and relevant cooperation units have the right to use the participating short videos and promise to only use the participating videos for event media broadcasts and city image promotion.

    This is Shenyang, our hometown. The

    display and promotion

    submitted works display

    After the works are submitted, the best ones will be selected in the "Shenyang Release" Government Affairs New Media, "Fingertip Shenyang" App, "Yunshengjing" App and municipal media on Today's Toutiao, Douyin Official accounts and other multi-platform channels will be broadcast under the tag #"i看Shenyang" short video contest submissions #. The results of the

    This is Shenyang, our hometown. The

    award-winning works promotion

    competition will be announced online at the end of September or early October, and an awards ceremony will be held to issue certificates and awards to the winners. Excellent works will be released through various domestic and foreign platforms including the "Shenyang Release" government new media matrix, Shenyang Radio and Television Station all-media platform, and overseas social media Shenyang city accounts.

    This is Shenyang, our hometown. The

    My friends,

    , are you unable to sit still?

    , quickly pick up the camera and mobile phone in your hand,

    , and take a picture of Shenyang in your eyes.

    Editor Liu Ying

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