The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer!

2024/05/1823:33:32 beauty 1687
The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Summer is here again

Lotus flowers in Chengdu are popular again!

This exclusive midsummer beauty

is intoxicating -

red lotus flamboyant, white lotus elegant

curling up, looking forward to life

watery light, wind and pavilion


The lotus flowers in Chengdu are blooming just right

Xiaobu sends you

A pond full of lotus breeze, full of summer lotus fragrance



- The lotus leaves in the sky are infinitely green , and the lotus flowers are red in the sun -

The lotus fragrance fills the lake in June, red clothes and green fans reflect the clear waves

In the Chengdu Cultural Park

The emerald green lotus leaves cover the pink beauty

A vast expanse of green

Supporting the graceful lotus

Like green gauze holding red satin

Floating on the clear and calm lake

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNewsThe lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNewsThe lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Jack LEE

Red lotus flowers , glittering and translucent about to fall

white lotus with rain, icy and flawless

lotus flower beads, like sweat condensed makeup

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNewsThe lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Jack LEE

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNewsThe lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Ancient pottery

The lotus fairy looked back and smiled

The pond was full of lotus fragrance

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNewsThe lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNewsThe lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Chengdu Jimei Team Wang Xiao

Chongzhou The lotuses in full bloom also have a unique charm

They are quiet and serene with buds

With green covers and green plates, they are shy and shy

Rolling Balls

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNewsThe lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Strolling in the Garden

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Peng Shao

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Li Xu



- The little lotus has just revealed its sharp corners, and the dragonfly has already stood on it -

Tian Tian is beginning to emerge from the water, Han Huan Nian Jiao Rui

The red lotus is delicate and beautiful, while the white lotus is subtle

Water lilies are elegant, each has its own charm

Throughout the ages, how many literati

have fallen in love with it

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Strolling in the courtyard

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Shang Yingying has bloomed

For Zhou Bangyan, the lotus is

The early sun on the leaves has dried up the rain, and the water surface is clear and round

One by one, the wind lifts the lotus


There is endless oriental beauty in the lotus

She has The noble

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

photography of "Clear water comes out of hibiscus

and the natural carvings are removed" | The leisurely stroll in the courtyard

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | The ancient pottery

has the indifferent

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

photography of "The moon is bright and the boat flutes are rising

The wind is still and the lotus in the pond is fragrant" | The leisurely stroll in the courtyard

has " Just like the Three Thousand Women of the Han Dynasty

half with heavy make-up and half with light make-up, the bright and beautiful

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

photography | Jack LEE

has the leisurely

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNewsThe lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

photography of "turning over the blank page and seeing birds

shining in the water, red lotus and the delicate fragrance" | ancient pottery

and "little lotus" The elegance of "dragonflies standing on their heads" has long been revealed.

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNewsThe lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Ancient pottery

Each frame

is an intoxicating ink painting



- Coming out of the mud but not stained, washing the water without being demonic -

Make lotus for clothes, gather hibiscus for clothes

Lotus is a gentleman among flowers

Don't like publicity, and leave the world

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Li Xu

The rain stops and the lotus has a strong fragrance

Although it is as soft as cotton, it is as quiet as water

But the scorching sun cannot make it wither

The wind and rain cannot make it bend

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography| Li Xu

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography| Jack LEE

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography| Zou Lili

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography| Mud

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Zou Lili

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Jack LEE

Don’t ask for beauty, don’t regret being ordinary

When the spark of life is the hottest

It smiles slightly

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Jack LEE

With red makeup and green cover

Although it is independent in the water

, it does not grow out of the crowd

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Jack LEE

When the last "cloud" petal falls from the branch

It is not sad at all

Once it was not stained by the red dust, it is still the sunset when it shines on me

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNewsThe lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Jack LEE

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Heavy Harvest

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Strolling in the garden



- Returning to the boat late after having fun, straying into the depths of lotus flowers -

Lotus is not only beautiful

but also witnesses the summer memories of Chengdu people

The lotus blossoms accompany the tour, Making an appointment with orchids on the leaves

About a few friends

Boating on the lake

Laughing across the lotus flowers and talking to each other

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Strolling in the courtyard

Osmanthus seeds in the three autumns, lotus flowers ten miles away

The lotuses on campus bear witness to the parting of youth

and the inevitable growth in life

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNewsThe lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Zou Lili

Strolling by the lotus pond

The pure, curling flowers

The clear and green leaves

Reflect the smiles of children, and the old people’s chats and laughter

are the most beautiful light and shadow in midsummer

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Zou Lili

Only green lotus and red lotus root The lotus leaves are curled and relaxed, and the lotus flowers are open and closed.

Your encounter with Chengdu is also so beautiful and natural.

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

Photography | Chengdu Extremely Beautiful Team Wang Xiao

This summer

If there is What must be done

then it must be to see the lotus flowers in Chengdu

to meet the most beautiful summer

and the most beautiful Chengdu

The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNewsThe lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

# interactive today #

Which treasure of Chengdu is your favorite lotus viewing spot?

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The lotus flowers are popular again in Chengdu in midsummer! - DayDayNews

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Chengdu Publishing Editor | Yu Xiaohong Tian Dou

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