Pregnant brides must be cautious about getting married, these customs and taboos need special attention

Now, getting pregnant and getting married is a normal thing, it can be said that it is double happiness. However, even in this information-based society, people still have some relatively taboo things, which may have become accustomed to them, but they differ in degree. You need to be very careful about getting married during pregnancy, and you need to understand some taboos, so not only the bride, but also the people around him, need to take these precautions in mind.

So, what are the issues that need attention when marrying a pregnant bride? There are several points below, which must be paid attention to.

1. First of all, we must choose the best time to get married.

Seasonal changes make the climate difference between different months and the impact on pregnant brides is also large and small. Relatively speaking, around April is the best time to hold a wedding. The physical condition of the pregnant bride and the state of the baby are relatively stable, so accidents are not easy to happen during the wedding. In addition, during this period, the growth of the baby will not affect the bride's figure, which is also convenient for the bride to customize the wedding dress and take a gorgeous appearance.

2. Pay attention to

The groom’s family should prepare a baby sling and place it in the position of the bride, because the baby and the bride must be married together. If you don't want people to know, you can cover it with a red cloth. After the bride sits in the car, she must sit firmly on the baby's sling, indicating that the baby in the belly will also be stable.

3. Pay attention to the dress wear

When choosing a wedding dress, try to choose light materials, such as lace, and try not to choose thicker satin cloth and big nails. Beads and large tail styles can avoid accidents. Therefore, try to choose a wedding dress with a high waistline and a back drag, which is comfortable, easy and convenient to wear.

For shoes, we must pay attention to the selection of high heels for beauty. Pregnant brides and brides are best to choose shoes less than 2 cm, and try not to choose stilettos, or to focus on comfort and safety. Because the heel is too high or thin, it is easy to increase the burden of pregnant brides walking, and at the same time increase the risk of other accidents such as the bride's feet or falls. Therefore, you must choose good shoes, some shoes can not only show the bride's style, but also ensure the bride's comfort.

It must be noted that after the pregnant bride wears the dress, the dress cannot be shaken, because there is a saying that it will cause abortion. After putting on the wedding dress, it is best for pregnant brides not to wear shoes together.

4. Pay attention to makeup

Weddings are the most grand occasions for two couples. The bride usually spends a long time putting on beautiful makeup to attend. But if it is a pregnant bride, she must not wear heavy makeup. Cosmetics contain many irritating ingredients, which are undoubtedly the most harmful to babies. Therefore, pregnant women and brides must use plant-based cosmetics when choosing cosmetics, and they must choose carefully.

5. Pay attention to when going out

Some customs are very particular, when the auspicious time arrives, the matchmaker holds a brand-new, black umbrella in hand and covers the pregnant bride’s head to escort her Walked into the car. Because the bride has the highest status on the day, she can't see the sun in her head. At the same time, she hopes to live a comfortable and happy life like this female elder.

6. Braziers are forbidden, and tiles are forbidden.

There is a custom that crossing a brazier has the meaning of exorcising evil spirits, while stepping on tiles can imply inheritance. That is, a brazier and tiles are placed in front of the hall door. When the fire is in full swing, the bride needs to step over the brazier with his right foot, and then step on the tiles, which is also called overfire and broken.

However, when the bride is pregnant, he cannot step on the tiles and cross the brazier. So be careful.

7. Pay attention to the wedding

If you are holding a wedding in a hotel, you must pay special attention to the hotel’s environment, banquet style, and choice of casual food. Be sure to discuss with the emcee in advance, try to relax the wedding process as much as possible, leave enough time for the bride to rest, and don't plan large activities. In addition, ensure that there is no smell of smoke in the venue to prevent pregnant brides from inhaling second-hand smoke. After all, second-hand smoke is very harmful to pregnant women. The food prepared for the bride also needs to communicate with the hotel in advance, distinguish it from others, and choose light food suitable for pregnant women.

These taboos regarding the marriage customs of pregnant brides, some are only superstitions that have been passed down in some places, and some are points of attention for the health of the new couple. Marriage is a very important thing, but we must treat these customs and habits more scientifically, take the essence and discard the dross. This is not only for the wedding to have a beautiful meaning and to be able to proceed smoothly, but also for the comprehensive consideration of the physical conditions of pregnant women, brides and babies.

Marriage matters, and the safety of the pregnant bride and baby is more important. Whether it is the bride's or the groom's, it is necessary to take care of the two bodies from many aspects. Have a happy and peaceful wedding!