The importance of sports to children's growth-how to let children participate and fall in love with sports

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A certain school's football exercise

Today I will discuss with you the issue-the importance of sports to the growth of children. In fact, most parents now know that physical exercise is very important for children, but parents who really want to understand and can do it are still relatively limited. So let’s take a look at the significance of physical exercise for children today:

  1. Preventing obesity: must be the original intention of many parents who hope their children exercise more, because parents all know the harm that obesity brings to their children's health. However, the implementation situation is that after the child has gained weight to a certain extent, he hurriedly wants to use exercise to make the child lose weight. In fact, this is similar to the situation of our own exercise. Most of us parents exercise because they feel that they are themselves. Too fat, not afraid of getting fat.
  2. Cultivate interest: For many preschool children, they have not yet come into contact with a lot of cultural knowledge. At this time, the most likely direction to arouse children's interest is sports and music. Although our article is mainly about sports, here is a sentence. The cultivation of literary interests plays a very important role in the development of children's future EQ and aesthetic ability. Therefore, it is recommended that parents at least be with their children. Find a literary and artistic interest that suits you, go hand-in-hand with sports interests, and stick to it.
  3. build the body: will use "build" in English to express this meaning, which is to build a body suitable for the standard quality of children of the current age through physical exercise. Our physical fitness includes many aspects, such as strength, endurance, explosiveness, flexibility, coordination and so on. We allow children to exercise from an early age, so that children should reach the physical fitness that they should have as much as possible. Many of our children’s physical development is fatter than the same age standard, some shorter than the same age standard, and some children should You can play tennis but you can only shoot big balls. Some children can skip a hundred ropes in a row but can't jump over one. These are manifestations of the physical development not being matched with age.
  4. Release stress and energy: Now many children are burdened with schoolwork and urgently need to find an activity outside of school to let themselves temporarily forget about the pressure in learning and vent the negative emotions caused by unsuccessful learning. There are still many children who have a lot of free time, and children are more energetic. When their excessive emotions cannot be released, they will turn their attention to electronic products. This is why most children often watch TV and play. The reason for the mobile phone, because they have nothing to do except this. At this time, a sport that children are very interested in can be well qualified for this role. Through exercise, children sweat like rain and secrete dopamine, which effectively relieves stress and consumes excess energy. It is a very effective means for children to adjust themselves.
  5. Increase appetite and promote sleep: This does not require me to repeat it. Through physical exercise, children's daily consumption and metabolism rate increase. Children will naturally eat better when they are hungry. As long as parents have a reasonable nutritional balance , Children can quickly supplement their physical strength through diet and promote the body to absorb more nutrients. Effective daily exercise can make a child feel tired, help him sleep better, and promote body recovery and bone growth.
  6. Make up for the lack of school physical education: Nowadays, the physical education of many schools is difficult to achieve the amount of exercise children need every day. Normally, our children should participate in outdoor sports for more than one hour every day. In addition to physical exercise, children can also Supplement vitamin D through the sun to promote calcium absorption and breathe fresh outdoor air. If outdoor sports conditions do not allow it, it should be converted to equivalent indoor sports as a supplement. But in many of our schools, the importance of physical education and the intensity of physical education content are difficult to reach this standard. Many elementary schools may have three sessions of physical education a week. The duration and intensity are difficult to meet the requirements, and they are often cancelled for some reasons. Moreover, children’s interest in sports is rarely cultivated through physical education classes. The school’s physical education classes cover a wide range of subjects. In this class, we are playing basketball.Interest, the next class will become skipping rope.

The advantages of sports are actually needless to say, then let's take a look at how to make children participate and fall in love with sports.

  1. Looking for interest: is a prerequisite for doing everything. City loves. To cultivate children to participate in physical exercise, you must find the sports that children are interested in. Actually, there are many ways to exercise, and there are many sports projects, but if you want children To add color and sense of accomplishment to children's growth through exercise, it is necessary to find one or two sports items that children really like to learn in-depth while pan-sports. My own child before elementary school, I took him to play football, basketball, running, badminton, roller skating and cycling, but after a period of training and familiarization, he was most interested in sports in the first grade In the end, the project was fixed as basketball. During the basketball practice, he never cried hard and didn’t feel tired after practicing for a long time. He also said that he would like to play professional league in the future. By liking basketball, he gradually fell in love with basketball games, and he was also concerned about basketball rules Familiar quickly, this also saved me a lot of things, he currently basically has a basketball training every other day, not long, about an hour. There will be three five-kilometer jogging in the intervening day. In this way, his daily exercise volume can be satisfied.
  2. believes they can do it: is abroad, a three-year-old child can learn to ski in one day. In domestic dialects, our children didn't even know how to shoot the ball when they were three years old and did not go to kindergarten. This is our limitation on children's talents. We should fully believe in children's abilities. Our current parents often say: "The children are so smart now". We all know that the children now have evolved and are smarter than the previous generation, but we are still using the old methods in education Children, sports are afraid of bumps and tired children. If our parents cannot learn to look at the growth of the child with an advanced perspective, then we will become the biggest stumbling block in the growth of the child.
  3. Quality companionship and habit formation: Children have to form a habit of one thing, which is closely related to their parents' quality companionship. We can’t expect very young children to run to the stadium to exercise with basketball when they arrive at home. Most The situation still needs the company of our parents. As parents, we still have to exercise self-discipline when we accompany our children to exercise. If it is not in the interest class, our parents should try our best to participate in the children’s exercise program, even if You may not be good at this project. The companion of family physical exercise is generally recommended by the father. On the one hand, the father himself can bring the child a sense of security and strength. On the other hand, the father may be more or less at school when he is a man. Everyone will have the habit of sports, and there will also be the habit of watching sports games, so they should play a greater role in sports with their children. Don’t use the interface to accompany your child to play with your mobile phone, and don’t mix too much irritable emotions in the process of accompany your child to exercise. You should accompany your child rationally and calmly, and improve yourself through the Internet and practice. The level of this project. I usually take my child to watch more sports games of his favorite events, so that he has an idol in this field, which is very helpful for his future development.
  4. equipment is very important: workers must first sharpen their tools if they want to do their jobs well, and equipment for doing things is very important. If we want our children to fall in love with a certain sport through exercise, we must let them touch and use this project as much as possible The required professional equipment. The professional equipment I'm talking about is not expensive luxury consumables. For example, when my child was in kindergarten, I often took him to play football. One day a parent asked us to go to the stadium to play football together. My child and I were very happy. After arriving at the stadium, I found that the other party had arrived. Use a "volleyball" to practice shooting. My child and I were surprised to ask the reason. The other parent said, "Volleyball is relatively soft, so it doesn't hurt to kick on the body." This problem is common to many parents. We often ask children to wear a pair of sandals and go to the stadium to run, wear jeans to play in the basketball court, wear roller skates with inaccurate plastic numbers, and do not even bring complete protective gear. Just go sliding on the concrete floor. This is a problem we often make. If our child has been exposed to unprofessional equipment since childhood, how can he become interested in this sport? If our children are afraid that they will hurt when they are playing football, how can we count on the futureCan national football rise? Our children were supposed to be in contact with basketball by shooting children's No. 5 basketball, but we used a ball to have this good enlightenment stage wasted. I remember taking my child to go mountain climbing during the middle class of kindergarten. When I shortened my trekking pole to him and finally taught him how to use it, the child’s excited eyes and longing for the unknown were really moving.
  5. Persistence is the most important thing: does everything with perseverance. I have always pursued a successful concept of "find what I am interested in, and then stick to it." It is most taboo to do things halfway. Our parents sometimes let their children learn a variety of interest classes, most of which will be replaced in the learning process, and in the end they may not learn anything. Find your child’s golden point of interest, and then help and accompany the child to make progress together. I believe that in the near future, you will have the same joy and sense of accomplishment as your child.

The above are some of my simple opinions. To be honest, the child’s daily schoolwork burden is quite heavy, but when you make time to accompany him to exercise, help him relieve and release the pressure, he will double the joy you brought him. They will be more energetic, focused, appetite increased, and sleep quality high during the day in class. Sunny and cheerful, more and more friends. In short, there will be many, many things you can't imagine. Finally, thank you again for taking the time to read my original article, and welcome your valuable suggestions for me, thank you for your support, and I will continue to work hard.