July is coming, universities, middle schools and primary schools have entered the summer vacation one after another, and the noisy campus has become quiet. Summer is the most extensive time for children to develop their interest in reading and expand their knowledge horizons. On

7 is coming, universities, middle schools and primary schools have entered the summer vacation one after another, and the noisy campus has become quiet. Summer is the most extensive time for children to develop their interest in reading and expand their knowledge horizons. On a hot summer day, stay cool with books. Taking into account the needs of parents and children's preferences, the children's book brand "Xiao Yilin" of Yilin Publishing House has launched the second series of "Xiao Yilin International Award Children's Books". "Xiaoyilin International Award Children's Book" not only solves the book selection problem of parents, but also aims to use excellent children's literature to create a rich spiritual world for children and help them grow. The first volume of

will be released in June 2021 and has been well received by parents, teachers and others. Among them, "Sam's Eight Wishes" was selected into the 2021 "Hundred Classes and Thousands of People" summer reading list, the 2021 Shenzhen Reading Month "Top Ten Children's Books of the Year" finalist award, and the China Media Business Daily selected the 50 most promising children's books in 2021. Book, the 9th "China Children's Book List" annual "Best Children's Book" Award, etc. The second volume of

now features five books: "How Big is Your World", "Alice in the Mirror", " The Child in the Can ", "The Secret of the Work Machine", "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" 》. Among them, "How Big is Your World" and "Alice in the Mirror" were selected into the 2022 summer reading list for hundreds of classes and thousands of students, corresponding to third grade and fifth grade respectively. This book list for hundreds of classes and thousands of students was developed by 108 early childhood education experts and famous Chinese language teachers across the country, adhering to the principle of "adult perspective, children's perspective" and adhering to the idea of ​​"someone recommends and someone leads to read". These teachers have rich theoretical research on reading education and many years of practical experience in reading teaching. They have an in-depth understanding of children's physical and mental development patterns and the requirements for Chinese language learning at each grade. They have set the target requirements for whole book reading in the newly promulgated 2022 edition of the new curriculum standard. There is systematic research.

selects world award-winning children's books to make growth more powerful.

's second volume continues to adhere to the principle of high-quality book selection, selecting outstanding works that have won international awards in the field of children's books, and providing high-quality products for children's bookshelves. Ulf Nilsson, the author of "How Big is Your World", is a Swedish children's literature master and has won the Lindgren Literary Award; Kathy Cassidy, the author of "Alice in the Mirror", has Nominated for the Teen Queen Award three times and shortlisted for the British Carnegie Award; Christina Nesterlinger, the author of "Child in a Can" , is the double winner of the International Andersen Award and the Lindgren Award; "Homework" The author of "The Secret of the Machine" is Dan Gutman, a well-known American children's writer and " New York Times " best-selling author. His books are deeply loved by children and have won more than a dozen state book awards so far; he wrote "Nani" C.S. Lewis of "Asian Legend" is a giant in the world of fantasy literature.

A good story that touches the heart of children

Ulf Nilsson, the author of "How Big is Your World" once said: "A good story for children should contain 40% personal experience, 50% laughter and 10% %Eternal things. "Children have keen reading tentacles, and what can attract them must be stories that are rich in emotional connotation and touch their inner world. The content of this set of books

focuses on children's self-awareness, interpersonal communication, learning confusion and other topics. It uses wonderful stories to subtly help children build self-confidence, courage, and learn to distinguish right from wrong.

For example, "How Big is Your World" tells children from the perspective of a "thinking" little mouse that everyone's definition of "world" is different, and how big your world is depends on your courage to explore. No matter how big it is, if you break through your own limitations, you can build your own wonderful world and encounter great moments one after another.

"Alice in the Mirror" starts from the topic of campus bullying and tells the interpersonal difficulties that adolescent children encounter in school. The "heart-wrenching" experience of Alice warns children to bravely say "no" to campus bullying . No matter when, they should clearly understand themselves, not blindly follow, not be cowardly, and insist on their right choices. ."The Secret of the Homework Machine" provides insight into children's schoolwork worries. By telling the experience of a group of children from "going astray" to suddenly awakening, it tells readers not to regard homework as a burden. Homework is a necessary way to consolidate knowledge.

In-depth introduction by famous experts can help children understand the subject more accurately.

In-depth introduction can help children understand the subject more accurately. Each of the five books in the second series has an introduction written by an expert. The introduction author of

"How Big is Your World" is Chen Sai, the senior writer of " Sanlian Life Weekly ". Ms. Chen Sai had an exclusive interview with Mr. Nelson. She recalled: "He had a kind of warmth, humor and endless curiosity about life unique to children's book writers, which left a very deep impression on me." "In the Mirror" "Alice" is read by Rei Mikawa and Bai Taotao, the founders of "Children's Book Mom". Based on the story of Alice, the two experts extracted ten abilities for children to gain positive self-protection, which is highly recognized by parents. Rei Mikawa and Bai Taotao wrote in the introduction: "Let children learn to face conflicts, isolation, and bullying from an early age, while also being able to solve problems well and have the ability to live well in any environment. This is The value of this book lies in the introduction of "Child in a Can"

by Zhang Zuqing, a special teacher. As a teacher, he does not want his children to have perfect character like the protagonist Conrad. He said: We found many shadows of ourselves in reality in the artificial Conrad. Adults always want their children to be "perfect", but a child's true intentions are not within their scope of consideration.

The author of the introduction to "Secrets of Homework Machines" is Li Zuwen, a special teacher in Guangdong Province. He said in the recommendation preface: "Will having a homework machine make you relaxed and happy? This story may change children's attitude towards homework and understand that there are no shortcuts to learning and growth."

Yu, a senior media person and children's book promoter Ying Ying wrote the preface to "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" and commented: "The four children in the story pass through the magical wardrobe and enter the world of Narnia, experiencing 'surprises' again and again. Get spiritual inspiration and sublimation, and grow into a more powerful individual. "

The broadening of the mind, the perfection of character, the warmth of family affection, the power of friendship, the persistence of personality, and self-protection..." Xiaoyilin International Award-winning children's book. "Using vivid and humorous stories full of suspense and imagination, it deeply explores a series of growth themes from multiple angles.

Nandu reporter Huang Qian