I remember that I had just gotten off work. It was about 7 o'clock in the evening, and I heard a roar in the distance, "You just don't care about anything? How difficult it is for me. Why didn't you come again after we agreed?" When I walked in, I found a mother. There was a smal

I remember that I had just gotten off work, it was already around 7pm

I heard a roar in the distance

"You just don't care about anything, how difficult it is for me, we already agreed, why didn't you come again?

walked in I found a mother with a small

tied to her body followed by a large

carrying large and small bags

In fact, what she was roaring about, I can’t hear or remember clearly.

But the lonely and helpless back view at that time And the scene left a deep impression on me

Putting aside my mother’s emotional breakdown, I think there are many cases like this around us. We should sympathize with mothers and criticize fathers. I don’t think so. I think everyone. What we need to reflect on is, is there something wrong with our parenting method? Do families with two or three children have to be so devastated?

In fact, what I want to say is that society is progressing too fast. , children born every 3-5 years have a much wider and deeper exposure to society than the parents born in the 70s and 80s. Although times are progressing and children are growing up, we have. The progress of parenting methods and concepts seems to be much slower.

Many parents even hand over the responsibility for their children's education to the school, and some parents also have this mentality when looking for extracurricular classes for their children. Refusing to say that you don’t have time and you don’t know how to teach your children. If at work, your subordinates say to you: Leader, I can’t do this because I’ve never done it before, and I don’t think I can do it well, and I can’t do it either.” How would you handle it? I imagine the situation is similar. It is obvious that such a reason for evasion is definitely not tenable.

Start by accompanying them with your heart, even if it is just a simple chase and slapstick, if you put your heart into it, the children will feel the close contact with their parents, and establish a connection and relationship with their parents that parents and children should naturally have.

Self-learning and growth are important. Don't think that learning a few parenting methods will solve all problems. Only if you grow up with your child can you give him strong support and support on his path.

Finally, I sincerely suggest that you read it with your children. In the book, there are problems that children will encounter, truths that they will understand, and life that they will face. There are topics in common with you, and there are Your common connection;

No one is born to be the perfect parents!