The esophagus of infants and young children is funnel-shaped, with slender mucosa, lack of glands, underdeveloped elastic tissue and muscle layer, immature cardiac sphincter in the lower esophagus, and poor control ability. If the mother feeds the baby with the baby lying on his

Breastfeeding is easy for experienced mothers, but it is still difficult for novice mothers. If the essentials are not mastered, the baby will not be able to breastfeed well, and the mother will suffer accordingly. Broken nipples, mastitis , etc. may come to the door at any time, which will also destroy the new mother's confidence in persisting in breastfeeding. Learn the correct breastfeeding method!

What problems will be caused by incorrect breastfeeding posture

1. Choking on milk . The esophagus of infants and young children is funnel-shaped, with weak mucosa, lack of glands, underdeveloped elastic tissue and muscle layer. The cardia sphincters in the lower esophagus are immature and have poor control ability. If the mother feeds the baby with the baby lying on his back, It is easy to cause milk to stay in the stomach. In addition, the baby does not hold the nipple tightly, and air is easily sucked into the stomach together with the milk when feeding. This makes it easy to choke on the milk when burping or shaking the body. This is a manifestation of gastroesophageal reflux . If you choke on too much milk, it can easily cause to suffocate , so you should be highly vigilant.

2. Damage to teeth. When a mother lies down to feed her baby, almost all the front deciduous teeth are soaked in milk. If the baby falls asleep while breastfeeding, the milk remaining in the mouth will easily decay and produce acid, which will corrode the baby's teeth. Over time, teeth are prone to decalcification and the crowns and crowns of and "fall off" piece by piece. When the saliva and bacteria in the mouth decompose the remaining emulsion, a layer of acidic substances and plaque are produced that adhere to the tooth surface, which will corrode the outermost layer of tooth enamel, and over time will form dental caries. In severe cases, complications such as pulpitis and periodontal abscess may occur, which may also harm the development of permanent teeth and overall health.

3. The face becomes ugly. Normal breastfeeding brings certain functional stimulation to the baby's upper and lower teeth and promotes the normal development of the upper and lower teeth. If the mother's feeding posture is incorrect, the baby's sucking movement will abnormally guide the growth and development of the teeth. For example, if the baby is lying down for breastfeeding for a long time and the baby's mandible extends forward excessively, it is likely that the baby's chin will over-develop forward and develop into a deformity of mandibular protrusion , commonly known as " earth-covered sky ".

4. Ear canal diseases. Because the development of the ear is not yet complete, the Eustachian tube is short, low and straight, and its physiological isthmus has not been formed, so the tube lumen is relatively wide. In addition, the contraction force of the Eustachian tube muscles is weak and the opening of the nasopharynx is low, causing the fluid in the nasopharynx to easily flow into the middle ear. If the mother's feeding posture is improper and the baby is fed lying down, there will be too much milk, which will prevent the baby from swallowing and cause him to choke. The milk will flow back into the nasopharynx and enter the middle ear from the Eustachian tube, causing acute otitis media and affecting hearing development. .

5. The baby has difficulty feeding. If the mother's feeding posture is inappropriate, although the baby's small mouth bites the nipple, it does not bite around the areola, making it difficult to squeeze the nipple and suck the milk, which will cause difficulty in feeding and crying.

6. Mom has back pain. During breastfeeding, especially during confinement, due to changes in endocrine hormones in the body, the elasticity and strength of muscles and tendons often decrease to varying degrees, and the tension of joint capsules and ligaments near joints also decreases, thus Causes joint laxity. In this case, if the mother's breastfeeding posture is incorrect and she always feeds her baby in one posture for a long time, the fixed posture will become stiff, which will easily increase the burden on the already weak joints, tendons, and ligaments. Symptoms such as upper body, neck, shoulder, and waist pain may occur.

4 positions that new mothers must learn to breastfeed

1. Cradle position. Cradle feeding is probably the most widely used breastfeeding method. The baby's head rests on the mother's arms, with the abdomen facing inward, while the mother's hands support the baby's buttocks to facilitate physical contact. Use soft cushions or handrails to support your arms so that your arm muscles will not become tense due to raising your shoulders too high. When using this feeding position, elevating your feet can help your body relax, such as placing your feet on a footrest.

2. Semi-reclining position. In the first few days after delivery, it is still difficult for the mother to sit up. At this time, it is most suitable to feed the baby in a semi-lying position.The baby lies across the mother's abdomen, with a pillow behind his back to raise his upper body, and he lies in a reclining position.

3. Side-lying type. Use this position when feeding at night or when you want to relax. Both mother and baby lie on their sides on the bed, with their bellies facing each other, so that the baby's mouth faces the nipple. The mother's arms and shoulders should be placed flat on the mattress, with only the head supported by the pillow. The mother can use a rolled towel or similar object to cushion the baby to keep the baby in the same position.

4. Rugby style. This position is particularly suitable when feeding twins, or when another child wants to cling to the mother at the same time. The baby lies on the mother's arms, with the buttocks facing each other. If necessary, a soft cushion can be used to support the baby, while the mother's lower arms should support the baby's back. The body should lean forward slightly to bring the baby closer to the breast. Once you start feeding, you can relax and lean back. This position allows the baby to suck milk from the lower breast.