Hello everyone, my name is Xiao Shang. Children's emotions are always the most real. Whoever can bring more happiness to him will be closer to him!

Hello everyone, my name is Xiaoshang Parenting Collection

Children's emotions are always the most real. Whoever can bring more happiness to him will be closer to him!

By chance, I heard a conversation between my mother and her good friend Aunt Li. Aunt Li had a child. She got married a few years ago and had a child soon. After the child was born, Aunt Li’s child had a job with her daughter-in-law. She was too busy, so she and her in-laws took turns taking care of the children, each of them responsible for a week.

Every year during the Spring Festival, the whole family gathers together. During this year’s party, someone asked Aunt Li’s grandson, “Do you like grandma or grandma?” Unexpectedly, the child said, “I like grandma very much. I don’t like grandma.” This made Aunt Li very embarrassed at that time. I was a little angry at that time, and asked the child angrily, "I take you out to play every day, study with you, and make delicious food for you. How can you not like grandma so much?" The child's concept may be very simple. , responded, "Every time grandma takes me out to play, I feel that grandma is stronger and I like grandma very much." This response made Aunt Li very troubled!

Aunt Li has a very strong personality and said to her children, "Grandma won't care about you anymore, go find your grandma to play with you." Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Aunt Li's children quickly changed the topic. No one took this seriously. After that, Aunt Li really stopped taking care of her children.

Aunt Li is also very troubled by this matter. She is also raising a child. Why does her child like her grandma but not her grandma? Could it be that grandma has some special methods?

Aunt Li's daughter-in-law and I are also classmates. Once, we were invited to visit the child's grandmother's house. When we arrived, we saw that the child's grandmother really knew how to take care of the baby. After staying at their house for a long time, the child never had a fuss and was not naughty. He was playing peacefully with his grandma all the time. It also aroused my thirst for knowledge. I was puzzled as to why my child was not so well-behaved. So I came in to observe for a while, and I have to say that the games my grandma played with her grandson were really fun. Even I had the idea of ​​trying my hand at it!

Grandma and her children are playing the "alarm clock game". The child puts his hand on the table and when the alarm clock rings ten times, he can look up to find his grandma. This is real. It can also develop children's brain and interests. They also played a numbers game with a 10×10 board. When grandma reads the number, the grandson must cross the number within 10 seconds, and then the child reports the number to grandma. More than anyone else. I see this kind of game being really fun. Not only can children learn knowledge, but also achieve the purpose of playing. Killing two birds with one stone!

And according to the child’s mother, there are many games like my grandma’s. I am very curious about how my grandma knows about so many fun games. When playing games, it not only develops IQ, but also exercises the body, so I asked my grandma where to find so many games. It was very necessary for publicity! Grandma's face was filled with a confident smile, and then she took out a set of books from behind. "Early Education Game Book at Home". When the truth came to light, I quickly took out the book and discussed it!

Early childhood education games are generally familiar to parents. She is a famous pediatrician. Both are doctors. She has changed the lives of many children with her teaching concepts and methods. Some celebrities even accepted early education methods when they were young! The biggest highlight of the educational method in the book

is that it is in line with children's playful nature, stimulates children's potential while playing, and allows children to learn to think and learn independently without forcing children to study. study. This method not only mobilizes children's enthusiasm, but also educates and entertains! This is real!