Many parents hope that their children will be obedient, not lose their temper, and just listen to what is said. This makes the parents worry-free, but in fact they ignore the true inner reactions of their children. Some parents are more arbitrary in educating their children, sayi

Many parents hope that their children will be obedient, not lose their temper, and listen to whatever is said. This makes the parents worry less, but actually ignores the true inner reactions of their children.

Some parents are more arbitrary in educating their children. They say the same thing and ignore their children's needs. They resolutely implement their own behavioral will so that their children dare not say no. If this continues for a long time, the children will know that saying it is useless, so they will bow their heads and obey.

Such children may choose to be patient before puberty, dare to get angry but dare not speak out, and appear to be obedient and sensible. However, when they reach adolescence, they often break out, choose to resist, and do not listen to the correct advice of their parents. They do not trust their parents, care about face, and do not care when they have difficulties. I dare not tell my parents that the one who suffers in the end is actually the child himself.

At this time, the parents lamented: "I saw that when I was a child, I was obedient, but when I grew up, I was not obedient at all, and always opposed me." Instead of doing this, it is better to face the child's tantrums and disobedience correctly and let the child's character change. Being rational is more conducive to one's own healthy development.

What should parents do when their children lose their temper?

. Do not overuse the majesty of parents to suppress

Children who dare to lose their temper to their parents show that they do not regard their parents as outsiders. The parent-child relationship is still very good . After the child loses his temper, he often forgets it in a while and smiles happily. Every time After a dispute, the relationship becomes stronger .

If parents confront violence with violence, and the family atmosphere is very violent, their children will become increasingly irritable, and have paranoid personalities. Then they will be really disobedient, and it will be difficult for parents to dissuade their children's behavior.

. Teach children to control their emotions

When a child loses his temper, it is not appropriate to ignore it completely and let nature take its course. The child will feel the indifference of the parents and think they do not care about them. The angry little mind will be even more hurt. .

Coax the child appropriately, divert attention, and make the child happy; Read some emotional management books to the child , so that the child can be cheerful and open-minded, and will not easily make himself unhappy because of trivial things, that is, people It is often said that "good character."

. Adhere to principles without compromise.

Children sometimes make troubles unreasonably, which is a characteristic of their age and are not mature enough. Parents should guide them correctly, patiently persuade, reason, adhere to principles without compromise, let Children know the rules and know that getting angry cannot solve problems.

Children can also act based on the faces of adults, and can keenly capture the expressions of their parents. As long as parents hesitate for a moment, the children will take advantage of the situation and will not give up until the goal is achieved. Parents should also stick to the bottom line when it is time to be strict. Don't be soft-hearted either.

. Create a warm and harmonious atmosphere in the family.

A warm and loving family. Parents respect and love each other and do not lose their temper. This has a subtle influence on children. Children's speech tone and behavior are often similar to their parents. Parents Need to set an example for children.

In families where there are frequent quarrels, children lack a sense of security. They will develop a pleaser personality . They suppress their inner emotions and tolerate their real needs in order to gain their parents' attention, which is detrimental to their own development.

It is not scary for children to lose their temper. Learn the correct way to deal with it. It can make children's characters more rational and mature. Emotional management is very important. It is related to the development of children's future studies and careers.

A person's success is not only high IQ, but also high emotional intelligence. A good way of doing things Attitude adds value to the smooth development of children . First learn to get along with your parents in the family, and then learn to interact with others, and have a better life. Life.

Welcome to follow @Carrot Mom Parenting Talk Assistant Social Worker , an elderly mother of two children, focuses on sharing scientific parenting knowledge.