Hello everyone, I am raising girls. I have 13 years of experience in education. I have certificates as a psychological counselor and a family education guide. I would like to share family raising knowledge with you. My eldest child is a daughter. When my daughter was born, my mot

Hello everyone, I am raising girls. I have thirteen years of experience in education. I have a psychological counselor and family education guidance certificate. I would like to share the knowledge of family raising with you.

My eldest child is a daughter. When my daughter was born, my mother quietly told me: "After two years of recovery, I will have another baby. I must have a son."

I asked my mother: "I am sure about the second child." She will give birth, but what are you going to do if the second child is not a boy? "

My mother responded to me anxiously: "I must give birth to a boy. There are only daughters in the family but not sons, so isn't it true that the Zhang family has lost its offspring? Then I will have no status in my husband's family. "

I didn't refute my mother at the time. My mother said this just because she was afraid that I would be looked down upon in my husband's family, and she had no ill intentions. Fortunately, it was my mother who said this, not my mother-in-law. Yes, otherwise many people will rise to the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law .

In fact, many old people have a deep-rooted concept: there must be a boy in the family. As the younger generation, it is difficult for us to change their ideas of favoring boys over girls. After all, they represent the thoughts of a large group of people.

So if there is only a daughter but no son in the family, does that mean she is a divorced queen? Obviously not.

01 Children are the inheritance of their father’s bloodline, not just the continuation of the surname.

Chinese people have a strong sense of family and pay attention to the continuation of the family name, especially the current marriage customs are generally male-dominated, so they feel that only boys can Continue the family legacy.

But I think life is not only the continuation of the surname, but also the inheritance of the blood of the fathers. No matter whether it is a boy or a girl, they all have the blood of their parents flowing in them. They are all children of their parents. In this way, why are there What if my daughter is the queen? Aren’t girls the inheritance of their fathers’ lives?

There is a family in our village who gave birth to three daughters. For this reason, they were once laughed at in the village and even couldn't hold their heads up.

However, their three daughters have always been very competitive and are very good at studying. All three of them graduated from prestigious schools, have strong working abilities, and have a happy family life. They jointly agreed that if there are two children in the family, one will have the same surname as her husband's family. The other one has their last name.

It’s just that there are no boys in the family, but the three daughters still allow their parents’ family to continue from generation to generation. Is this situation considered “discontinued”?

What is even more commendable is that after their three daughters graduated, they have never forgotten to give back to their parents. They have spent money and effort to help the village build roads and develop special industries. They have also continued to promote their hometown and attract investment. Their status in the village is no better than any other boys. Low, does this count as "breaking up"?

02 Three benefits of raising girls, it’s so delicious when you get older

Actually, I am not blindly praising girls and belittling boys, but in my opinion, regardless of gender, for parents and families, it should be the same important.

But because girls are naturally attentive and considerate, with more delicate emotions, it is not until they are older that they realize how wonderful it is to raise girls.

The first benefit is that most daughters are considerate of their parents and know how to be considerate of them.

Daughters and sons are still very different. Daughters have been their parents' little cotton-padded jackets since they were young. They know how to consider their parents since they were young.

Sons may still be sweet boys when they are young, but once they grow up, they will be shy about expressing their feelings, and their relationship with their parents will become more distant. Especially after marriage, if the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not good, it will be difficult for them to get along with them. My parents maintain a very close relationship, and it may be a problem for them to provide for themselves in their old age.

My aunt’s family has two daughters and one son. When my uncle was sick, my two cousins ​​basically took turns taking care of them. They took care of them in the hospital and took care of them without any complaints. But my cousin felt that Taking care of patients is dirty and tiring, and I always find reasons not to come to the hospital.

Until this moment, my uncle, who usually favored his son, regretted it. He usually favored sons over daughters, but now he was unable to move in the hospital bed, but it was his daughter who took good care of him.

The second benefit is that when you have a daughter, you won’t have conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and your life will be comfortable.

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law should be one of the most difficult to reconcile in the world, but people with daughters do not need to face such a complicated relationship.

In life, most mothers-in-law and sons-in-law have a relatively good relationship. Without the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, her old age life will be more comfortable and happy.

And because the daughter is filial and considerate to her parents, the son-in-law will also be infected by the daughter and will take more care of his parents. This kind of elderly care problem is very secure.

The third benefit is that when you give birth to a daughter, you don’t have to help take care of your grandson (daughter), and your life will be better in your later years.

People who give birth to daughters will not have to help take care of their grandchildren (daughter) in the future. Although many grandmothers are now helping their daughters to take care of their children, this is An option is that I can help take care of the children, or I can choose not to.

Or you can discuss with your in-laws to take turns taking care of the children, so that you can have part of your own time and do things you like. This way, your life in your later years will be of higher quality and happier.

Many people will definitely refute me at this time and say, these boys can do it too, why does it have to be a girl? In fact, the benefits I listed above only represent most situations, and I do not rule out that there are also many boys who can do it. Very good.

Actually, I just want to tell those who favor sons over daughters that daughters are also very good. A family with only daughters but no sons is not "discontinued". On the contrary, in many cases, such families are happier and the elderly's life in their later years is more secure. The

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