Mom, mom is superhuman, the most beautiful woman in the eyes of children. Most mothers are used to holding their children, because mothers feel that holding their children in their arms is the most secure way to take care of them! Of course, children also like to be held. That’s

Mom, mother is superman, the most beautiful woman in the eyes of children.

Most mothers are used to holding their children, because mothers feel that holding their children in their arms is the most secure way to take care of them! Of course, children also like to be held. That’s when they feel most secure!

Many swaddled babies seem to like to be held in their arms to sleep. Watching the child sleeping soundly, I suddenly put it down and the child woke up the next day. Why, maybe it’s the sense of security at play! After all, when a mother holds her child, that's when the child is closest to the mother's heart, and it's also when the child smells the mother's scent the strongest!

When a child is afraid of crying, the mother instinctively picks up the child and comforts her by saying, "Mom, hold me. The baby will stop crying. Don't be afraid. Mom will hold me!" Or the child instinctively cries for his mother when he meets a stranger. Shout things like "I want mommy, mommy hugs me"!

A mother regards her child as her life, even more than her own life!

Many mothers will never divorce for the sake of their children, no matter how unhappy their marriage is! Because she is afraid that her child will have misfortune in his future life! A mother is like an umbrella, always protecting her children from wind and rain! The mother is the best friend of the child when he was a child. Most of all the whispers are said to the mother!

She is used to caring and caring, she is used to giving silently. So when the child began to live independently, she began to feel that she could not live without the child! I spent eighteen years of youth nurturing the growth of my children. Later, the children began to yearn for freedom, but my mother was reluctant to let go.

Mother is always worried about this, worried about this, afraid of this, as if her child cannot survive without her! At this time, love cannot be let go, cannot be let go! If so, such love becomes a bond! When the kite flies, mother should put the string, otherwise the kite will not fly high! If you tighten the string tightly, you are afraid of danger in the sky, and the kite may fall! Let go, it is a kind of freedom for the child, and it is not a kind of freedom for the mother?

Moms, your children are not yours, and neither is your marriage. Give yourself freedom, give your children freedom, and live more for yourself in the remaining days!

Let them choose their own love, let them do their own work, let them go! Don't let your love become a shackles. If you lock your children, you will also lock yourself! Just like handcuffs, neither the police nor the thief are free when making arrests!

Dad, when talking about dad, I think of this sentence: "Mom, where is dad?" Dad, most of them don't seem to like staying at home, why? It seems to be a convention that dad takes care of the outside world and mom takes care of the house! Of course not all parents are like this! However, more and more fathers, when they return home, habitually turn on the TV and look at their mobile phones! Children always call their mother first when something happens, and then their mother says, "Look for your dad!" What do you think of this phenomenon?

Most families are now headed by women, and everyone seems to think so. So what kind of house does mom run? Whose home? How do you become a home?

A mother is a home where she takes care of trivial matters, a home where she loves others, a home where she works hard, works hard and does not complain, but cannot ignore it! Where is dad? "Don't ask me, you figure it out!" "I'm already very tired, can't you be considerate of me?" "Why are you so busy?" "Why are you so nagging?" "Okay, look at it. Do it!” This is what many dads like to say! Listening and discussing seems to have become a luxury wish for mothers! What do you think of this phenomenon?

Many fathers like to carry their children on their shoulders! That is a kind of belief in oneself and a kind of responsibility towards the children. However, more and more dads like to say, "Go to your mom, I'm busy!" "Let mom hold you, my back hurts from exhaustion!" "Where's your mom, don't bother me!" Regarding this phenomenon, What do you think?