According to CCTV reports, children's kitchenware that is now hot-selling online has many hidden dangers: It is understood that if you search for "children's kitchenware" on the e-commerce platform, you will find N-piece sets including induction cookers, steamers, and cooking pot

According to CCTV, there are many hidden dangers in children's kitchenware that are now hotly sold online:

It is understood that if you search for "children's kitchenware" on the e-commerce platform, you will find N-piece sets including induction cookers, steamers, and cooking pots. The selling price ranges from a few dozen yuan to a hundred yuan, and the monthly sales of many stores exceed 1,000 pieces.

Although they are children's kitchenware, many of them are "real fire, real cooking and real heating". When purchased, a "fuel bottle" is often included, but the fuel composition is not indicated. Firefighters discovered during the experiment that if fuel oil was poured into the kitchen utensils, the stove suddenly exploded 7 minutes later, posing a great safety hazard.

My impression of "children's kitchen utensils" is still limited to plastic toys for playing house. I didn't expect that "open flames" are now used. Is it just for playing with the heartbeat?

When a child does not have the physical strength and adaptability to operate an "open flame", it is dangerous to let him use "children's kitchen utensils". The harm an exploding "stove" can do to children and families is immeasurable.

Once he has this ability, let him experience real kitchen utensils, which is more in line with safety standards and more standardized. It is neither appropriate nor necessary to sell "children's kitchenware" as toys - letting children play with fire, isn't this a trick?

Recently, according to the British " Guardian " report, as the 95-year copyright protection period of " Mickey Mouse " approaches, Disney may lose the exclusive copyright of the company's most representative cartoon image.

"Mickey Mouse" created by Walt Disney in 1928, has long been the spokesperson of this huge entertainment empire. However, according to U.S. copyright protection law, Mickey Mouse's copyright protection period is 95 years, which means that starting from 2024, the image of Mickey Mouse will "automatically enter the public domain", which means that after that, artists can use Mickey Mouse at will. Create images of yourself.

The most powerful "Disney Legal Department" on the planet may not be able to issue legal letters at will in the future - in other words, Mickey Mouse will soon belong to you, me, and everyone! Use it however you like! (One more question, what about Donald Duck ?) Now that the copyright of

is about to expire, Disney seems to have to "find another way": registering a trademark is a good way, and it can also develop new images - Dear Disney lovers , do you remember Lina Belle?

According to The Paper, Eskisehir Province, located in the northwest of Turkey, has recently discovered a large amount of rare earth resources, and its reserves can meet the world's demand for 1,000 years:

It is understood that rare earths are known as "modern "Industrial vitamin" is a non-renewable resource that can be widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, textile, ceramics, permanent magnet materials and other fields.

The ore deposit discovered in Eskisehir Province contains approximately 694 million tons of rare earths, which may bring billions of dollars in revenue to Turkey after processing.

Rare earths are not actually rare, but when converted into useful materials, the procedures are cumbersome and costly, hence the name "rare earths".

China's rare earth industry chain is in a leading position in the world. Not only does its reserves account for 37% of the world's original reserves, but its mining output accounts for 58% of the world's, and its smelting and separation capacity accounts for 90% of the world's. It ranks first in the world in all three aspects.

found that rare earths are very important, but how to mine, smelt and separate them, these technologies are also very important. I hope that Turkey’s rare earth resources can be effectively developed. After all, the nearly 700 million tons of rare earths is good news for everyone.

According to @ boiling point video report, on July 4th, a "smart class farce" was staged in Pu'er, Yunnan:

According to Mr. Zhang, a parent of students in the No. 4 Middle School in Simao District, the school divided students based on "whether to buy a tablet computer or not." There are smart classes and traditional classes. Students who want to enter smart classes need to spend 5,800 yuan to buy tablet computers.

After investigation, the reports from the masses were true. Relevant departments in Pu'er City have ordered the school to immediately stop illegal charging, cancel the separation of smart classes and regular classes, urge the school to refund all illegal fees of 2.4446 million yuan to 719 students, and take back tablet computers, supporting equipment and teaching resources. For unified teaching use.

It turns out that the so-called "smart class" does not depend on how smart you are, but on how much (IQ) tax you pay.

People-oriented education, in the eyes of the administrators of No. 4 Middle School, has become based on money and tablets, which is ridiculous!

It can be seen from the news that 719 students have purchased tablet computers as required - but if everyone buys a tablet computer, what threshold will the school increase for the "smart class" it calls? The next step is to buy a campus house in order to enter the "top class"?

According to Science and Technology Daily, American scientists are developing a new artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm to predict crimes by learning time and geographical location patterns from public data on violent and property crimes.

It is understood that the model can predict future criminal activities one week in advance with an accuracy of about 90%. The model also revealed certain biases in police enforcement, such as higher arrest rates in wealthy areas and lower arrest rates in poor areas.

uses AI algorithms to predict criminal behavior, which is a bit interesting. Perhaps one day, magical operations such as "I predicted your prediction" will be performed in real life, but is it really effective and can it really curb crime?

After all, even a criminal's mind may change. If "in order to prevent you from committing a crime, you are arrested/monitored in advance", will this exacerbate the situation? This is also a question worth thinking about.

Recently, a thesis defense meeting for primary school students was held at Beiqing Experimental School in Kunming City, which attracted the attention of netizens:

It is understood that the school is the first school in Yunnan Province to hold a thesis defense meeting for primary school students. Thesis defense content includes the importance of protecting the ecological environment, the impact of short videos on primary school students, discussion of the changes in Chinese women's clothing, and the impact of Qin Shihuang 's achievements on Chinese history.

This year's primary school students not only listened to the college students' songs (" The Lonely Brave Man "), but also wrote the college students' graduation thesis. Could this be the legendary "taking the path of college students, leaving college students with no way out"? Walk"? These questions

are quite interesting. I wonder how they will answer them in a lively and playful way? I hope that these topic selections will bring them the fun of thinking, the experience of collecting information, and the enjoyment of expression. I also hope that they will not become a mere formality and increase the burden on their parents.

One sentence: Leave the growth to the children and leave the purity to the parents.

Recently, QQ Music added the Music Zone function in the internal beta version:

Music Zone is a virtual social space specially created for users, where users can generate a virtual personal image and decorate their own cabin.

In addition, there are virtual players and playlist walls hung on the walls, and users and visitors can click to play songs. In this virtual space, people can also go to specific public places to participate in music activities, such as immersive disco dancing at the "Disco Club".

Welcome to my home - listen to music.

"QQ Music" + "QQ Show" + "QQ Nest"... It is really a universe where everything can be expanded. But I believe that the end of all things is the metaverse, and the end of the metaverse and is charging - I wonder if one day, this Zone will start charging?

In the future, will you be more willing to spend money to buy a player in the virtual world/spend money to listen to music at home, or will you buy a physical album in the real world?

On July 4, Jay Chou 's unreleased new album was scored "early" on Douban . The low score of 5.8 caused controversy -

Later, Douban issued an apology, saying that Douban Music has recently begun to revise the entries. As a result It leads to background bugs and causes trouble to everyone. Ratings are currently closed and all ratings and comments have been cleared.

It is understood that Jay Chou's new album "The Greatest Work" will premiere the MV globally at 12 noon on July 6, and the digital album will be pre-sold on July 8 and officially released on July 15. As of press time, The number of reservations for QQ Music, Kugou Music , and Kuwo Music has exceeded 2 million.The

album is not online, will the scores come out first? Douban, are you still the Douban I know? This is not something that can be fooled by a bug.

Jay Chou’s new album, one day countdown! I suddenly remembered what he said when he was young: "This time the sales of "Qili Xiang" are pretty good, and I can still save my face. If the sales volume is not as good as expected one day, I will not release records, and I will have a side job. I've thought about it, and opened 'Zhou Dad's Tofu Shop' and 'Zhou Mom's Fried Rice Noodles'."

Although I really want to try Zhou Mom's Fried Rice Noodles, , this day is probably still far away. After all, this is "the greatest." "Works"! I hope that this time, Douban can show its true score.