42.2% of parents surveyed have purchased children’s cosmetics for their children. China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Wang Pinzhi intern Xiao Pinghua In recent years, cosmetics have shown a trend of becoming younger, with various "children's lipsticks" and "children's na

42.2% of parents surveyed have purchased children’s cosmetics for their children

China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily reporter Wang Pinzhi

Intern Xiao Pinghua

In recent years, cosmetics have become younger, with various “children’s lipsticks” and “children’s nail polishes” appearing. " wait. However, the safety issues of these products also cause a lot of trouble to parents. Recently, a survey of 1,024 parents surveyed by the China Youth Daily Social Survey Center and Wenjuan.com showed that 75.3% of the parents surveyed were concerned about their children’s “smelly” behaviors of wearing makeup and dressing up. support. 42.2% of the parents surveyed have purchased children’s cosmetics for their children. 68.0% of people are worried that the ingredients in cosmetics will irritate and damage their children's skin, and 52.6% are worried that their children will pay too much attention to the external appearance and ignore the internal cultivation.

Among the respondents, 32.2% had children aged 0-6, 43.5% had children aged 6-12, 14.9% had children aged 12-18, and 9.4% had children over 18 years old.

75.3% of the parents surveyed support their children’s “smelling” behavior of wearing makeup and dressing up.

Post-90s Ling Lin (pseudonym) has a one-and-a-half-year-old baby. “I grew up as a girl myself. If my child wants to wear makeup and dress up in the future, I will It’s understandable and supportive.”

"Makeup can increase artistic appeal. If a child needs makeup for stage art, they can put on makeup. If it is just to follow the trend and imitate adults' makeup, that is unreasonable." Zhong Lin, who graduated from the Mural Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, said that dressing up To some extent, it can also improve children's color perception and increase their understanding of color matching. But children should still be guided to learn how to discover true beauty.

75.3% of the parents surveyed expressed support for their children’s “sexy” behavior of putting on makeup and dressing up. 30.8% of the parents surveyed believed that it is natural to love beauty and supported their children’s exploration of beauty. 44.5% of the respondents believed that You can dress up occasionally. 21.5% of the parents surveyed clearly do not support it, 14.0% of the parents surveyed believe that makeup is not safe for their children, and 7.5% of the parents surveyed believe that makeup is not conducive to the healthy growth of their children.

"Children will now use infant shampoo, conditioner , shower gel , as well as infant facial cleanser and sunscreen. I will focus on the ingredients of these products, and they must be safe, gentle and non-irritating. . This is especially true for cosmetics. "Ling Lin thinks that children's makeup needs to be treated according to their age. If you are a child over 15 years old, in adolescence, and have your own ideas, there is no problem in dressing up according to your own preferences. But for younger children, makeup is not appropriate unless there are special occasions. In the

survey, 42.2% of the parents surveyed had purchased children’s cosmetics for their children, while 57.8% had not.

Zhong Lin said that wanting to be beautiful is something everyone has. If their child wants to put on makeup, parents can try to put on beautiful makeup for their child, and then take her to attend a formal occasion and tell her with practical actions. At their age, makeup is only required for formal occasions.

52.6% of the parents surveyed are worried that their children will pay too much attention to the external appearance and ignore the inner cultivation.

What concerns do parents have about their children wearing makeup? In the survey, 68.0% of the parents surveyed were worried that cosmetic ingredients would irritate and damage their children's skin, 52.6% of the parents surveyed were worried that their children would pay too much attention to the external appearance and neglect their inner cultivation, 49.6% of the parents surveyed were worried that counterfeit and shoddy products would affect their children's development, and 42.0% of the parents surveyed are worried about distorting their children's aesthetics, 36.7% of the parents surveyed feel that it will take up time and energy and affect their main studies, and 34.8% of the parents surveyed are worried about creating vanity and comparison.

Ling Lin said that on short video platforms, some parents let their children shoot makeup videos in order to attract traffic. This is completely consuming their children. Parents should not let their children do things that are not suitable for their age. Makeup videos are the business of beauty bloggers. The main task of children is to grow and learn.

"Everyone has a love for beauty. When children grow up, the seeds of beauty will also sprout. Only by allowing children to face beauty directly can they form a correct aesthetic concept."Yang Xin (pseudonym), an art teacher at a junior high school in Jiangxi, believes that parents should guide children's love of dressing up and tell them that they should focus on learning now. If they want to learn makeup, their mothers can teach them, but they cannot indulge in it. It’s never too late to dress up when you’re older. “We found that the more parents don’t let their children wear makeup, the more they learn to do it secretly. It is better for parents to teach their children directly and make three chapters at the same time, making it clear that learning is the main task. In addition, parents should also guide their children to understand the growth experiences of some outstanding women, so that they can form a correct understanding of beauty through reading."

A few days ago, The State Food and Drug Administration officially released the "Children's Cosmetics Supervision" for children's cosmetics for the first time. "Management Regulations" to conduct independent supervision of children's cosmetics. In the survey, 81.4% of the parents surveyed looked forward to the implementation of the "Regulations". Editor: Huang Chong

Source: China Youth Daily Client
