If a newborn has congenital heart disease, cyanosis will gradually appear in the body after birth, mainly on the lips, nail bed, and tip of the nose. In severe cases, cyanosis may even appear throughout the body.

As parents, we should strengthen our understanding of congenital heart disease and avoid congenital heart disease in newborns. Let’s take a look at the specific manifestations and prevention methods of congenital heart disease.

Manifestations of congenital heart disease

1, blue and purple

If a newborn has congenital heart disease, his body will gradually appear cyanosis after birth. The specific parts are mainly in the lips, nail bed and the tip of the nose. In severe cases, even cyanosis will appear throughout the body.

2, Heart murmur

Children with congenital heart disease may develop symptoms of heart murmur. The cause of this symptom is arterial valve or aortic stenosis in children, which causes a large and thick murmur in the sternum, accompanied by tremors.

3. Easily tired and poor in mental strength.

If you find that your baby is unwilling to move, unable to suck, has difficulty feeding, and has shortness of breath, it may be caused by congenital heart disease, and parents should be more vigilant. These symptoms are related to poor heart function, insufficient blood supply, and hypoxia.

4. General edema

Children with congenital heart disease may have symptoms of generalized edema. This symptom is caused by disorders of the child's heart function. Specifically, urine output decreases, weight increases, and then the child will develop edema in the lower limbs and body.

These symptoms can endanger children's health and lead to threats to their lives. Therefore, we should take the following preventive measures to prevent congenital heart disease in newborns.

1. Do good health care during pregnancy

Although the cause of congenital heart disease has not yet been completely determined, many evidences show that 2 to 7 weeks of pregnancy is a critical period for fetal heart development, and pregnant women need to do good health care during pregnancy during this period.

includes preventing infections such as rubella virus , influenza virus , cytomegalovirus , herpes virus , and avoiding exposure to radiation and some chemical harmful substances.

In addition, if pregnant women suffer from hyperthyroidism, hypertension or diabetes , they may also increase the risk of congenital heart disease, so corresponding measures need to be taken to control the condition.

2. Take medication under the guidance of a doctor.

Pregnant women should pay attention to medication during pregnancy and do not take drugs that may affect fetal development, including anti-epileptic drugs, antibiotics, anti-cancer drugs, etc. These drugs should be taken under the guidance of a professional doctor, and do not take them without permission.

3. Do a good job in prenatal examination

In order to better reduce the incidence of congenital heart disease, it is necessary for pregnant women to undergo ultrasound examination and prenatal examination, especially in the 18th to 22nd weeks of the second trimester, which is when congenital heart disease is discovered. The best time to get sick. This is when the fetus can be diagnosed and evaluated, and decisions can be made.

In summary, children with congenital heart disease will have symptoms such as cyanosis, heart murmur, fatigue, lack of energy, and generalized edema. To prevent congenital heart disease, parents need to strengthen their understanding of congenital heart disease. If parents notice these symptoms, they should be sent to a regular hospital in time to let the doctor make professional judgment to avoid delaying the condition.

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