I often see people on the Internet saying they don’t want to have a second child. In addition to practical considerations, such as the high cost and high pressure of raising a child, there is also a very important reason, which is that many people cannot guarantee that every chil

I often see people on the Internet saying they don’t want to have a second child. In addition to practical considerations, such as the high cost and high pressure of raising a child, there is also a very important reason, which is that many people cannot guarantee that every child will be born. All children are impartial, and they are worried that their inadvertent partiality or neglect will cause harm to the children.

Recently in Bozhou, Anhui, a mother shared an interesting scene of her second-born sister competing for favor with her brother. This mother's family of four went for a walk. At first, the mother took her daughter, and the father took his son. During this period, the father picked up his son. When the daughter saw it, she immediately became "jealous" and asked her father not to carry her brother but only to carry her. The father had no choice but to put down his son and carry his daughter on his back.

After walking for a while, the father wanted to put his daughter down and hold one by the other hand and walk together, but the overbearing daughter refused and insisted on pampering her alone. When the father saw this, he threatened his daughter that if she didn't obey, he would beat her when she got home. As a result, my daughter became unhappy for a moment and walked back in tears all the way. The mother didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she saw this, and quickly comforted her daughter, but with little effect.

After returning home, her daughter suddenly remembered what her father had said about beating her when he got home, and she immediately started crying again. The mother said that the father would not hit her, but the daughter refused to come in. She also asked if the father still beat her, would the mother protect her? After several minutes of comfort, the daughter walked into the house with runny nose and tears, but her anger was obviously not gone, and she kept complaining that her father was too cruel to her.

The mother said that her father usually doesn’t spend much time with the child, so she had to push her sister even harder all night, which led to this scene happening.

Netizens also commented on this:

"This girl is a bit selfish, she needs to be well educated, really! It will get worse over time. At the age of three, bad tempers are all willfulness born out of habit!"

" The same goes for my son. His mother immediately became anxious when she hugged other children. She had to hold him instead of hugging him. She acted so mischievously that I was speechless. "

"My niece would beat her brother to death at every turn when she was little. She once said. She gave up and said that she would leave her brother to turn on the TV for her, because the TV was too high for her to turn on. "

What do you think?