I am "Yue Xiang Ji", the mother of Dabao and Xiaobao. Click "Follow" above to discuss parenting issues together. (The following pictures are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete them.) July 1, 2022, the party’s birthday, is also the fir

I am the mother of Dabao and Xiaobao. Click "Follow" above to discuss parenting issues together. (The following pictures are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete them)

July 1, 2022, is the party’s birthday and the first day of the second half of the year.

This is a day with special meaning. Whether it is blessings, expectations, or a record of my recent mood, after thinking about it, I always feel that I should write something down.

Okay, then let’s write...

Pictures from the Internet

Time flies by, and the first half of the year has passed by.

Simply recall, a lot of things happened in the first half of the year.

Of course there are happy things. I took a "family portrait" in February. It was the first time I took a serious photo of my little baby. My sister also took some photos. Photos record years and growth.

There are a lot of things that worry me. On the eve of the Spring Festival, my son’s grandfather suffered from back pain. He lay in bed for more than ten days, taking care of the elderly and children. It was really tiring. In May, my husband and grandpa were hospitalized for more than 20 days, which made the whole family very busy. I once realized how difficult it is for middle-aged people.

There are also people who crash and feel sad. I once broke down when I couldn't find the aunt to take care of my baby. I felt sorry for my child and felt all kinds of grievances. Fortunately, the new aunt has been here for nearly a month, and my baby has adapted well. The degree of myopia in Dabao’s eyes has increased seriously. I felt sad and blamed myself. I took my child for a check-up, hoping that it could be effectively controlled in the future.

From grievance, anger, to relief, this is my job. "Everything you lose must be gained." I have gained time and freedom. I can go to and from get off work on time. There is a lot less pressure. Taking care of yourself is everything.

himself has also made a lot of progress. He read more than a dozen books in the first half of the year, allowing himself to slowly accept the life of a middle-aged person. He has a calmer mind and can face things more calmly.

is still very rewarding. Xiaobao is already over 1 year and 7 months old. He is growing up day by day, becoming more sensible and cuter. As for Dabao, he has excellent grades and is self-disciplined and independent. My parents are healthy, we are harmonious as a couple, and our family is warm and loving.

Pictures come from the Internet

Smile peacefully and try to cherish the beauty of the present

Life is at this moment. Don't dwell on the past, and don't look forward to the future. The best way to live is to grasp the present.

Starting today, Dabao has entered his summer life. He plans his vacation with his children, including study, exercise, reading, housework, and playing. Everything should be arranged reasonably. He hopes that his children can have a fulfilling and happy summer vacation.

In 10 days, Xiaobao will be 1 year and 8 months old, and his life should be richer. Next, I need to buy some picture books and toys for older children. Xiaobao’s meals also need to be varied, and he can already eat by himself. Isn’t it great? Slowly develop habits and make your life more regular.

What about myself? Keep reading and writing. I have tasted the sweetness of reading. At least I have a calmer mind and a broader mind. I am also gradually understanding and adapting to the hard and complicated life of middle-aged people. However, you must insist on planned input and output, set some goals for yourself, implement them seriously, and enjoy the pleasure of completing the plan. For the

family, there are still quite a lot of things that need to be done. The "disposal" of household items. Now there are too many things in the house, which makes it look messy. We need to continue to clean up and make the house clean and tidy. Only by improving the living environment can we live comfortably. The decoration of the new home must be started as soon as possible. In July, I urged my husband to start it. The longer it is delayed, the more things will happen. There is also insurance that I have always been thinking about. I always hesitate, and the "two villains" in my heart are fighting. One says it must be bought, and the other says it is not necessary.

pictures from the Internet

Be content with what you have, love yourself, love your family and be grateful

Life is not easy, but I have a deeper understanding after entering middle age.

"Yang Jiang's Biography" wrote: "In life, 'smooth sailing' is just a beautiful blessing. Suffering is inevitable. The most important thing is how to remain perseverant, walk through the darkness of the world, and move towards the dawn, just like Yang Jiang is like this. "

Look at all the hardships in life with a calm mind, face them seriously, and work hard to solve them, because this is what life is like.

Know how to love yourself, love your family, learn to accept the imperfections in life, always be grateful, maintain a contented mind, and happiness will be waiting for you not far away.

In the second half of 2022, I hope that I and my family will be healthy and happy, let’s work hard together!

I am the mother of Dabao and Xiaobao. I like to think about and share parenting-related issues. Welcome to follow me and let’s discuss and communicate together! [yeah]