Both Da Xun and Xiao Qiyue play the most on slides, swings and balls. Especially Xiao Qiyue, although she is young, she can't stop her love for fun, and she sometimes instructs me on how to assist her. . When she wants to play on the swing, she will climb up on her own, and then

No matter Da Xun or Xiao Qiyue, they play most on slides, swings and balls. Especially Xiao Qiyue, although she is young, she cannot stop her love for fun, and sometimes she will instruct me on how to help. he. When is asked to swing on the swing, will climb up on its own, and then moan at me to ask me to swing it up. I am also very happy to play with her, after all, she is a little cotton-padded jacket.

Slides and Swings

Of course, parents should pay attention when children under 5 years old are swinging. After all, the children are still young. If they are not careful, the child may fall. At the same time, they should also pay attention to the area around the swing to avoid colliding with other children. , well, Da Xun or Xiao Qiyue often bump into each other.

Swinging on a swing

I heard that swinging on a swing helps children mature their inner ear balance function and makes them less prone to motion sickness? I don’t know the specifics, but it can definitely exercise the child’s balance and activate the bones. After all, when swinging, the skeletal muscles in the human body will contract and relax rhythmically.

Swinging can exercise self-control

Moreover, swinging can help children constantly overcome tension and fear, and enhance their psychological endurance and self-control.

So, spend more time on the swings with your kids?