Xiao Lin and Xiao Song have been dating for three years and got married last month. Both parents have always hoped that they can have a child as soon as possible, and Xiao Lin also has this plan. But his wife Xiao Song feels that before choosing to prepare for pregnancy, it is be

Xiao Lin and Xiao Song have been dating for three years and got married last month. Both parents have always hoped that they can have a child as soon as possible, and Xiao Lin also has this plan. But his wife Xiao Song feels that before choosing to prepare for pregnancy, it is best to have a premarital checkup. Xiao Lin was a little dissatisfied with Xiao Song's suggestion. He felt that he was in good health and premarital examinations were simply unnecessary.

Due to their different opinions, a trace of disharmony appeared in their happy married life.

Many young couples have been advised to undergo a premarital checkup, but some people always refuse to undergo a premarital checkup. thinks that pre-marital examination is just an ordinary physical examination. is of little significance, but is this really the case?

This article will tell you how important premarital examination is, and what preparations should be made before conducting premarital examination.

1. Why are more and more people unwilling to undergo premarital examination?

Since 1986, my country has begun to implement prenatal check-ups compulsorily. In the decades since premarital examinations have been enforced, the disease detection rate has been around 10%, which has significantly inhibited the spread of infectious diseases and has also reached a certain extent. Eugenics, eugenics" is the purpose of . However, my country's compulsory premarital check-up system was officially abolished in 2003, which led to a serious decline in the number of people undergoing premarital check-ups.

A survey shows that in many areas, the current premarital examination rate is less than one-tenth of the rate ten years ago. Obviously, more and more people are unwilling to undergo premarital examination. What is the reason for the plummeting rate of premarital examination? There are probably the following three points.

(1) Lack of knowledge about premarital examination

There are quite a few young couples who think that premarital examination is ordinary physical examination, can be done or not, or think that premarital examination can be completely replaced by pregnancy examination, antenatal examination and other other examination items. replaced. But in fact, there are essential differences between premarital examination and pregnancy examination, prenatal examination and ordinary physical examination. The focus of several examinations is different.

Pregnancy test focuses on screening for diseases that affect the pregnancy of both men; prenatal checkup is a regular checkup conducted before pregnant women give birth to monitor the status of the fetus in real time; and prenatal checkup The focus is on timely screening of various diseases existing in both men and women, especially infectious diseases and hereditary diseases, to ensure the quality of future marriage and childbearing of both men and women.

premarital examination is to a certain extent more important than pregnancy examination and prenatal examination , because it can play a certain guiding role in the following two examinations.

Obviously, pregnancy test and prenatal checkup cannot replace premarital examination, and ordinary physical examination cannot replace premarital examination.

(2) Believe that premarital check-ups will reveal privacy.

Many people refuse to accept premarital check-ups. In addition to insufficient understanding of the importance of pre-marital check-ups, they are also worried that pre-marital check-ups will reveal privacy. But in fact, our country's system for protecting the privacy of citizens is very complete. For both parties participating in the premarital examination, their personal information and examination results will be properly protected, and there will be no problem of privacy leakage .

However, one thing to note is that for the couple who participate in the inspection, the inspection information is disclosed to each other so that both parties can have a clear understanding of each other's health status.

(3) There are dissatisfaction with the current prenatal check-up system.

These people either think that the items of prenatal check-up are too complicated, or they think that the cost of of prenatal check-up is too high. But such an idea undoubtedly lacks a corresponding sense of responsibility for partners and families. After all, having a premarital check-up is responsible for the loved one, also responsible for the unborn child.

2. Do you really understand the importance of premarital examination?

The so-called premarital examination is to conduct relevant examinations on the bodies and genitals of both men and women before marriage.The premarital examination seems unnecessary, but in fact it has great benefits for the family and descendant , mainly including the following points.

(1) Inhibiting the spread of infectious diseases

Pre-marital examination can help both men and women screen for infectious diseases, especially AIDS, , hepatitis B, syphilis, and other more serious infectious diseases.

Here we need to focus on hepatitis B and AIDS. Both are infectious diseases that seriously threaten human health , but many AIDS patients and hepatitis B patients may not know that they are suffering from them. AIDS or hepatitis B, This is mainly because these two types of diseases have a certain degree of invisibility.

Let’s talk about AIDS first. AIDS generally has an incubation period, which is generally 6-8 years. The shorter may only be a few months, and the longer may be up to ten several years or even longer. During this period, even if the patient has been infected with HIV, will not have any obvious symptoms.

and then . Not all people infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) will suffer from hepatitis B. There are also some people who have no pathological signs of liver disease after being infected with HBV, and their liver functions are also normal. This type of people They are hepatitis B virus carriers.

Although not all hepatitis B virus carriers will develop hepatitis B, early detection of the hepatitis B virus is of great significance to the prevention and treatment of hepatitis B and to inhibit the spread .

No one wants their partner to suffer from infectious diseases, especially such diseases as hepatitis B and AIDS that are "smell-inducing". However, if one of the men and women suffers from an infectious disease, premarital examination can detect the disease as early as possible and inhibit its spread.

(2) Improve fertility quality

Discover in advance whether both parties have fertility and genetic defects. is of great significance to improving fertility quality and reducing the rate of fetal defects, and premarital examination can help to a great extent. play this role.

Statistics show that nearly 1 million newborns in our country have physiological defects every year. Among these newborns, congenital heart disease, Down syndrome, cleft lip, etc. are the most common congenital defects. These defects are also important causes of premature birth, premature death, and disability. factor. According to the existing data, there is a clear positive correlation between the decrease in the prenatal check-up rate and the increase in the birth defect rate.

Although premarital examination cannot 100% prevent newborn defects, if premarital examination is carried out, the probability of congenital defects in offspring can be minimized and intervention can be provided to a certain extent.

(3) Obtain relevant guidance

This is also very important for many young couples who are first-time fathers and mothers. Since these young couples generally lack childbearing experience, doctors will provide them with scientific guidance during premarital examinations to help them improve their pregnancy rates and provide other valuable experiences in marriage and childbearing.

After understanding the importance of premarital examination, many young couples must have the urge to undergo premarital examination. So what are the premarital examination items in and , and what preparations should be made in for premarital examination? Let’s look down at .

3. What items are included in the premarital examination? What preparations are needed?

Before having a premarital examination, both men and women generally have to make these preparations.

first look at the schedule. The premarital examination must be carried out before the wedding, and the earlier the better.On the one hand, early premarital examination can stagger the date of marriage. If any related diseases or other problems appear during the examination, early treatment and intervention can be carried out. On the other hand, if the schedule is too tight, it will be easy for both men and women to be separated by then. No tricks, after all, there are quite a lot of preparations that need to be made before getting married.

In addition, the premarital examination certificate is valid for three months.

Before the premarital examination, both men and women naturally need to bring relevant documents, including household registration book, ID card and three one-inch bareheaded photos. For women, they should try to avoid menstruation before premarital examination, so as not to affect the accuracy of examination results at that time. Furthermore, both men and women should avoid overexertion before the premarital examination, pay attention to a light diet, and keep an empty stomach on the morning of the premarital examination.

Then let’s take a look at the premarital examination project. The main process of is like this.

First of all, when a man and a woman come to the hospital for a premarital examination, the doctor will first conduct a physical examination, and inquire about the past medical history. It means to see whether the examiner's appearance and physical signs are normal, and whether he has suffered from major diseases or has a family history in the past.

Next, both men and women need to undergo reproductive system related examinations. This project is mainly to determine whether there are congenital malformations and developmental abnormalities in the reproductive systems of both men and women. These are related to the future fertility of both men and women. ability. Some genital malformations and dysplasia can generally be judged with the naked eye by men's department and gynecology doctors. Some require the help of ultrasound examination.

Next, for men, a routine semen test is required, which mainly tests the activity of the male semen, whether the liquefaction is normal, whether the sperm abnormality rate is too high, etc. This is very important for judging whether the male has normal fertility It's also critical. Women should take vaginal secretions for examination, including leucorrhea routine, cervical secretion culture and other items.

Finally, relevant examinations for infectious diseases and hereditary diseases are also required, focusing on screening both men and women for AIDS, hepatitis B, syphilis, and other diseases.

is written at the end

Nowadays, due to the reform of the premarital examination system, the premarital examination rate in our country has also dropped significantly. For many people, premarital examination does not seem to be a necessary inspection item for , and the inspection process for and is also relatively cumbersome. But in fact, premarital examination is of great significance to newlyweds. It can detect early whether both men and women are suffering from infectious diseases and intervene and control them.

Premarital examination can also detect as early as possible whether both men and women suffer from hereditary diseases and whether the fertility is normal. This is very helpful in reducing the incidence of birth defects in offspring and improving the quality of marriage and childbearing. In addition, both men and women can also receive scientific guidance during premarital examination, which will be helpful for future pregnancy preparation plans and a harmonious post-marital life.

Before the premarital examination, both men and women should pay attention to a light diet, and ensure adequate sleep, do not eat breakfast on the day of the premarital examination, and do not forget to bring relevant documents.


[1] Yang Jingru, Li Yuhang, Chen Yanzhao. Analysis of the current situation of my country’s premarital examination system and research on improvement countermeasures. [J]. Youth and Society. 2020.01(12)

[2] Tang Mingzhen. Analysis of the psychological state of premarital examination subjects and countermeasures .[J].China Maternal and Child Health Care.2000.15(01)

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