Many pregnant mothers are unwilling to take medicine after getting sick, fearing that the medicine will affect the fetus. This concern is understandable. I also have the concerns you have! I had just given birth to a baby, and for the past few months, I had been tortured by pregn

Many pregnant mothers are unwilling to take medicine after getting sick, fearing that the medicine will affect the fetus. This concern is understandable.

I also have the concerns you have!

I just gave birth to a child. In the past few months, I was tortured by prurigo pregnancy and had trouble sleeping and eating. I originally planned to rely on willpower to resist, but I overestimated my willpower.

As long as I have some willpower, I might take the Peking University exam and enter the Concorde .

I also signed up and went to the dermatology department.

While waiting for the doctor, I scratched my belly and thighs, like an incompletely evolved monkey.

A patient recognizes me.

She greeted me, "Are you a doctor from the pharmacy?" I remember you, we are about the same month! I heard that your doctor doesn’t need to take a break during pregnancy. Do you take medicine even when you are sick?

I looked at her like this at the time!

Small eyes, big doubts!

This question is very similar to the question I asked my teacher at the toilet door in the third grade of elementary school. My question at the time was: Teacher, do you also need to pee?

Besides, who said we don’t need to rest. Don’t we want to rest? We can't rest!

We will also get sick when we are pregnant, and we need to take medicine when we are sick.

Even if you take medicine, you will worry that it will not be good for your baby!

I consider myself an expert in medication, but when it came time to give myself medication, I hesitated!

When a grain of ashes from the

era falls on a person's head, it is like a mountain.

The teratogenic rate of one in 10,000 will fall on my baby for his entire life.

Of course, I ended up taking medicine. I took oral antihistamine + calamine + weak potency hormone ointment.

works great. My itchy rash disappeared on the third day.

Having said that, what do I want to tell you?

talks about the safety principles of medication during pregnancy.

Some people may ask, why should I know this? I'm not sick. I am very healthy!

The ten-month pregnancy period looks short but is actually very long. What is

embryo? The medical definition of an embryo is a semi-allograft. This little guy who has half your genes is running amok in your body and doing whatever he wants, thanks to his immunity. It will reduce your body's immunity, cause various physiological changes in your body, and affect the levels of hormones in your body. You may develop new diseases or aggravate existing diseases, and you will inevitably need to use drugs.

Statistical analysis shows that pregnant women take an average of 3 to 5 drugs during pregnancy. 80% of pregnant women take medication during pregnancy.

Therefore, it is very necessary to understand some common sense about medication during pregnancy.

If you have a certain knowledge reserve, you will have an extra sense of control.

As a pregnant woman, what common sense do you need to know about safe medication use during pregnancy?

If you have underlying diseases before pregnancy, you must adjust your drug treatment plan before getting pregnant. As we all know, there is no absolutely safe drug. Three-drug. Under healthy conditions, doctors and pharmacists will not recommend that you take any medicine except folic acid .

However, when medication is necessary, it cannot be ignored.

Reasonable medication intervention during pregnancy is beneficial to pregnant women. In addition to alleviating symptoms and preventing aggravation of the condition, it can also reduce neonatal diseases and reduce neonatal mortality.

The number of birth defects caused by drugs is not as high as we think. Those actually caused by drugs may only account for about 2%-3% of the teratogenic factors.

What I often say is that talking about toxicity regardless of dosage is just being a hooligan. Under normal circumstances, taking a small amount of drugs occasionally will not increase the probability of birth defects.

The relationship between medication and birth defects mentioned in drug instructions is generally studied under the condition of long-term and large-dose medication. Long-term use of large doses of medication is most likely to cause birth defects.

I am not saying these things to make you less vigilant about medication during pregnancy. I want to tell you not to worry too much about the effects of drugs on the fetus and ignore the pregnant woman herself.

Some pregnant women are worried about the impact of drugs on the fetus and refuse to take them. As a result, it is counterproductive and leads to premature birth or stunted growth.

Therefore, we have summarized the first principle: Take the medicine when it is necessary and do not take the medicine by yourself. If medication is unavoidable, please be sure to seek help from doctors and pharmacists to choose safer and more suitable medicines.

What is the second item?

Avoid taking medications during the teratogenic sensitive period.

What is the teratogenic sensitive period? It refers to the 2-8 weeks of embryonic development, which is the period from 28 days to 70 days after menopause. This stage is the stage of tissue differentiation and organ development. If you are not careful, it will affect the fetus.

Before this, 2 weeks ago, it was just a fertilized egg. If it was affected, it would directly lead to fetal arrest.

Looking back, by the 9th week, it is no longer an embryo. Most of his organs have differentiated and he has become a fetus. Taking drugs generally will not cause birth defects, and even if they do, they will be relatively mild.

If your condition permits, try to avoid the first trimester and choose medication in the second and third trimesters.

Therefore, the second principle of safe medication we summarized is: avoid medication during sensitive periods.

has avoided the sensitive period. Is there anything else we should pay attention to?

has it!

The third article is: simplify the complex

You can use one medicine instead of two kinds of medicine, use safe medicines, short treatment courses and small doses, you can use one medicine without two kinds of medicine, you can use Western medicine instead of Chinese medicine.

This one is easy to understand. Which medicine to use, what dose to use, and how long to use it are all issues that doctors and pharmacists have to consider. You just need to cooperate with the doctor or pharmacist’s treatment!

Maternal and infant safety is the expectation of every family.

Safe medication is our goal!

As a pharmacist, we also hope to use our professional knowledge to find sufficient information and give you tendentious suggestions.

But the reality is that we do not know everything. There is no information on many drugs, especially traditional Chinese medicine, which has no evidence-based evidence. Sometimes we can only provide individual cases, and we can only provide the obligation to inform.

Finally, let’s summarize:

  • If you are sick during pregnancy, you don’t have to fight it. Doctors and pharmacists can help you.
  • Master the three principles of medication and use medication safely to protect children's health.
  • 3 to 8 weeks without medication to minimize the impact.
  • Shorten the treatment course and use a small dose, with clear indications and don’t panic.
  • Let’s talk about toxicity aside from the dose. The teacher says you are acting like a hooligan.