Pregnancy is a very happy thing for a woman who is preparing for pregnancy. However, some women are not prepared for pregnancy, but they accidentally become "pregnant" and their belly becomes bigger. They went to the hospital without being sure. , I went to the hospital for exami

Pregnancy is a very happy thing for a woman who is preparing for pregnancy, but some women are not prepared for pregnancy, but they accidentally become "pregnant", and their belly becomes bigger, so they went to the hospital without being sure. After going to the hospital for examination, I found out that this was not pregnancy, but caused by "hydatidiform molar pregnancy". Why is this happening? What are the symptoms of molar pregnancy? Let’s take a look.

What is a mole?

A mole is a benign disease. Due to the proliferation of placental villous trophoblasts and interstitial edema after pregnancy, blisters of different sizes are formed, which are connected by pedicles and look like grapes, so we call it a mole.

Hydatidiform mole is divided into complete mole and partial mole .

In complete mole pregnancy, we cannot see the fetus and fetal appendages, only blister-like objects of different sizes occupying the entire uterine cavity. Microscopically, there is an absence of embryonic or fetal tissue, diffuse trophoblast hyperplasia, and villous blisters.

In partial mole, only part of the villi are blister-like, and there is an embryo or fetus, but most of them are dead. Under the microscope, the presence of embryonic or fetal tissue, localized trophoblast proliferation, scallop-like villi, and trophoblast and inclusions can be seen in the interstitium.

Why does molar pregnancy occur?

1. Racial factors - molar pregnancy is more common in Asian countries, especially Southeast Asian countries, while it is relatively rare in European and American countries. Some people think that it may be related to race.

2. Nutritional factors - According to the geographical distribution of hydatidiform mole, it mostly occurs in rice-eating countries. Some people think that it may be related to the residents' eating habits.

3. Infectious factors - It is believed that the occurrence of mole is related to infection, but its causal relationship with mole is not yet clear.

4. Too old or too young - When the mother is older than 35 years old, the incidence of molar pregnancy will double. On the contrary, the incidence of molar pregnancy in women younger than 20 years old will also increase significantly.

5. If the previous pregnancy was a molar pregnancy - the chance of having a molar pregnancy again this time is also significantly higher.

 6. Genetic factors.

What are the symptoms of molar pregnancy?

1. Symptoms of pregnancy poisoning

What are the symptoms of molar pregnancy? About half of the patients may have severe vomiting after menopause, and hypertension , edema and proteinuria may occur later.

| 2, no fetus available

Before and after 8 weeks of amenorrhea, B ultrasound monitoring found no fetal sac, fetal heart and fetus. Even at 18 weeks of gestation, there is still no fetal movement and no fetal heartbeat. B-ultrasound scan showed snowflake-like image but no fetal image.

 3. Ovarian luteinized cyst

 What are the symptoms of molar pregnancy? It often occurs in some patients and can be discovered through bimanual examination or more easily through B-ultrasound examination.

 4, hemoptysis

Some patients may have hemoptysis or blood-streaked sputum. Doctors should take the initiative to ask whether they have such symptoms.

Warm reminder: Female friends who have been pregnant with molar pregnancy are not suitable to get pregnant as soon as possible. They need to recover well and undergo one or two years of examinations to check that there are no problems with their bodies before they can get pregnant again. .