Child safety seats, also known as child restraint systems, are mainly designed for children of different weights (or age groups). They restrain children in safety seats and can effectively improve children's safety in cars. As cars enter the popularization stage, self-driving tra

 Child safety seat, also known as child restraint system, is mainly a seat designed for children of different weights (or age groups). It restrains children in safety seats and can effectively improve children's safety in cars.

As cars enter the popularization stage, self-driving travel has become one of the important ways for family leisure. But the biggest problem for parents traveling with their children is how to ensure their children's safety. According to a foreign research project, the use of special safety devices for children in cars can effectively reduce the probability of children being injured by about 70%, and the casualty rate is reduced from 11.5% to 3.5%. important means of efficiency.

my country is a major manufacturer of child safety seats. About 80% of the world's child safety seats are manufactured in China every year, but it is a small country in the use of child safety seats. This is mainly due to the slow development due to the lack of mandatory legislation, backward standards, consumption habits and other factors. In 2020, the transaction volume of Tmall's child safety seat industry reached 1.648 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of only 3.31%.

Until the newly revised " Minors Protection Law of the People's Republic of China " was officially implemented in 2021, and the use of child safety seats was included in national legislation for the first time, my country's child safety seat market has developed rapidly, and sales have ushered in "Blowout". At the same time, the "China Children's Development Outline (2021-2030)" issued by the State Council added a new field of "Children and Safety" and set "promoting the use of child safety seats and safety helmets to effectively ensure children's travel safety" as the main goal of this field. one. This has also promoted a significant increase in the use of child safety seats. Data shows that the domestic market size of child safety seats has increased from 3.5 billion yuan in 2016 to 5.76 billion yuan in 2021, and will usher in a period of rapid growth in the next three years. According to the current growth rate, it is predicted that the market may exceed 20 billion by 2025.

Market size and growth rate of China's child safety seat industry from 2017 to 2021

Data source: Smart core collection

At present, the equipment of child safety seats is also being spread across the country from developed regions in my country, and in southwest, southwestern China. Northwest and other regions have experienced rapid growth.

Judging from relevant online platform purchase data, among the purchasers of child safety seats throughout 2021, East China and South China accounted for 58.66%, a year-on-year increase of 25.41%; Southwest and Northwest China accounted for 12.92%, a year-on-year increase of 25.41%. An increase of 24.13%.

The proportion of child safety seats purchased online in China in 2021

Source: Smart Core Collection

my country's child safety seats have broad development prospects

Looking at the prospects, my country's child safety seats have broad development prospects in the future. First, after safety seats were written into the "Minor Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" in June 2021, as consumers' awareness of safety seats increased, the industry ushered in a period of rapid development; it is expected that in the next three to five years In 2019, the popularity and daily use rate of child safety seats will increase significantly.

Second, a huge population group lays the foundation for consumption. According to the "Minor Child Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child", a child refers to anyone under the age of 18. The medical community defines children as under the age of 14 as the age group for medical observation. At present, the country has fully liberalized the three-child policy, and the policy of encouraging childbirth will be discussed again at the and two sessions in 2022. It can be seen that the future national policy direction is definitely to promote population growth, and the number of children will continue to increase, which will also drive the growth of the demand for child safety seats to a certain extent. According to census data, the number of children aged 0-14 in my country reached 253.38 million in 2020, an increase of 30.92 million from 2010, accounting for 17.95% of the total population, and the proportion increased by 1.35 percentage points.

The number and growth of the population aged 0-14 in China from 2015 to 2020

Source: National Bureau of Statistics, collected by Smart Core

Third, child safety seats are mainly installed in cars. In recent years, as cars have entered a stage of popularization, self-driving travel has become one of the important ways for family leisure.But the biggest problem for parents traveling with their children is how to ensure their children's safety. Child safety seats are an important means to reduce the mortality rate of children in traffic accidents.

At the same time, it is worth noting that according to the "2018 White Paper on the Use of Child Safety Seats", among families with private cars and school-age children in my country, the ownership rate of child safety seats is only 7.32%. Even if they have purchased a child safety seat, Among households, the regular usage rate is less than 50%. Therefore, in the current environment of continuous development of my country's automobile industry, child safety seats have a large room for growth.

The automobile is the most important modern means of transportation. It is also the means of transportation with the largest number, the most popularity, the widest range of activities and the largest transportation volume. Data show that in 2021, my country's car ownership will be 302 million vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 7.5%; car production will be 26.082 million vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 3.4%; car sales will be 26.275 million vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 3.8%. Entering 2022, due to factors such as the spread of the epidemic at multiple points, automobile production and sales have declined. From January to April 2022, my country's automobile production and sales completed 7.690 million units and 7.691 million units respectively, a year-on-year decrease of 10.5% and 12.1% respectively.

China's automobile production and sales from January to April 2016

Data source: China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, collected by Smart Core

Fourth, compared with Western developed countries (the European market penetration rate is about 95%, and the United States in 1995 It has reached 90% in 2002; Japan reached about 60% in 2002). The child safety seat market is still in its infancy, and the current usage rate is estimated to be less than 10%. Moreover, from the perspective of the appropriate age groups of safety seats, the supply of products for 0-4 years old, 0-7 years old and 3-12 years old is relatively insufficient, and the supply for different age groups is still lacking. Therefore, it is expected that with the implementation of relevant domestic laws and regulations, the education level of newborn parents will increase, their safety awareness will increase, and their acceptance of safety seats will become higher and higher. my country's child safety seat market will have a large room for growth.

editor/Wu Tingting

organizer/Zhang Ling

Source: Smart core

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