The most obvious impact of the hot weather in summer is probably the decrease in appetite. When the weather gets hot, hot pot, my favorite dish, loses its appeal, let alone other home-cooked dishes. But it’s okay for adults to skip one or two meals. If there are children at home,

The weather is hot in summer, and the most obvious impact is probably the decrease in appetite. When the weather gets hot, hot pot, my favorite dish, loses its appeal, let alone other home-cooked dishes. But it’s okay for adults to skip one or two meals. If there are children at home, parents will inevitably worry that not having enough food will affect the normal development of their children.

As soon as summer comes, the children start to dig through the refrigerator when they get home, asking for ice watermelon or ice cream. When it is time to eat, they say they are not hungry. Let parents worry.

In fact, it is not that difficult to arouse a child's appetite again. First of all, we need to teach our children to develop the habit of drinking water. Especially in summer, if you don’t drink enough water, it will also lead to a loss of appetite.

Secondly, children like to eat cold food. It’s not that they can’t eat it, they just need to change the order. For example, if they like to eat iced fruits, they need to be allowed to eat them after meals so as not to occupy their stomach. For ice drinks, it is even more important to control drinking.

Finally, the weather is hot in summer, so we can reduce the frequency of cooking hot dishes and stews. Add some delicious cold dishes, such as cold cucumber , spicy and sour chicken feet and other foods. Eating cold dishes will make your body feel much better.

If parents have solved these external factors but the family's appetite still has not been effectively improved, then they should think more about whether there is something wrong with the family's health.

Text | Sichuan Cord Blood Bank

Picture | Sichuan Cord Blood Bank, unsplash