The recent continuous high temperature weather has made most parents confused and don't know how to take care of their children. Therefore, our fever clinic has recently been flooded with children with fever both during the day and at night. In fact, there are two main reasons wh

The recent continuous high temperature weather has made most parents confused and don’t know how to take care of their children. Therefore, our fever clinic has been seeing a lot of children with fever recently, both during the day and at night.

In fact, There are two main reasons why children have fever in summer:

It is not caused by infection, and the most common one is air conditioning disease.

Infections of the digestive tract, such as children eating ice or cold things in summer, or eating unclean foods, can also cause this kind of fever. This kind of digestive tract fever , in addition to fever, may also cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms.

First of all, we need to know the process of fever. As the saying goes, "Know yourself and the enemy, and you will be victorious in every battle."

Fever is divided into "three" steps:


Body temperature rising period : manifested as coolness, coldness, and chills in the extremities of the limbs; at this time, we need to keep the child warm and soak the child's hands and feet with warm water to promote peripheral blood circulation.


High fever duration period: During this period, the child's body temperature has reached its peak and needs to be cooled down, loose clothes to dissipate heat, drink warm water in small amounts and many times to replenish moisture and speed up heat discharge.


Body temperature drop period: Children in this period may sweat a lot, and the water consumption in the body is relatively large during this period. It is not only necessary to monitor the body temperature , but also to replenish water as much as possible and change clothes in a timely manner to prevent the clothes from getting wet. Later, he caught a cold, which worsened his condition.

In the hot summer, when you encounter "hot" children, how can you take good care of your children?

1 Food should not be too cold : There are many kinds of fruits in summer, so parents often make some refreshing cold dishes, and try to avoid children eating too much raw and cold fruits and cold dishes.

2 It is not advisable to take a cold shower after sweating : If you take a cold shower after sweating, your child will easily get sick if he gets hot and cold.

3 Drink less drinks and more water : Various drinks such as soda, juice, cola, etc. contain more sugar and electrolytes. Excessive intake can affect digestion. When children sweat a lot, it is best to drink more boiled water to replenish water.

4 Don’t stay in an air-conditioned room for too long : Rooms that use air conditioning for a long time will have less fresh air in the room because the doors and windows are closed. If children stay in cold and dry air for too long, the resistance of the respiratory tract and digestive tract will be reduced. decrease, which may cause fever.

5 The diet should not be too light : Children are prone to getting angry in summer, but they are in the growth and development period and have a greater demand for nutrients. A diet that is too light will lead to malnutrition, so the diet of children in summer should be nutritious and easy to digest. Fresh fish, fresh meat, fresh eggs, etc. should be supplemented appropriately.

Finally, mothers should remember: When the body temperature exceeds 38.5°C, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible, or if you do not have spare antipyretics at home, you should also seek medical treatment in time.

Contributor to this article: Ren Qiongya

Heart for the world Love has no boundaries

Henan Maternal and Child Health Association

Xingyang Maternal and Child