The happy life in kindergarten begins in golden autumn and ends in midsummer. There will be many summers in our lives, but none of them will be like this summer. We will leave precious memories with the impression of Xiguang in the best time and in our favorite way... …The seedli

The happy life in kindergarten,

begins in the golden autumn and ends in midsummer,

There will be many summers in our lives,

but none of them will be like this summer,

in the best time

using the favorite way

leaving behind memories With the precious memory of Xiguang's impression...

The seedlings of the past were in the cradle of the kindergarten.

They have quietly grown into a strong tree.

The little boy who was once is about to become an innocent and lively primary school student.

Growing up is always accompanied by a long series of reunions and partings, encounters and goodbyes! Don’t say goodbye after graduation, childhood will never end! Despite all the reluctances, graduation came hand in hand in June. A carefully prepared graduation ceremony in the name of love, a summer confession! The children are reluctant to leave, but they are not afraid of growing up. They are ready to go and set off for the future with their dreams!

With the opening of the small hosts, the senior class children officially kicked off the graduation ceremony with a wonderful basketball baby opening dance and a fierce Xiguang Kindergarten's first "Light of Hope Cup" children's basketball championship competition.

The fierce competition has come to an end. First of all, I would like to congratulate the team members of the senior class for winning the championship with more tacit cooperation. In fact, Regardless of the result, we have achieved our goals of improving physical fitness and learning teamwork! Principal Zhang awarded trophies and medals to the children!

Director’s speech

Deep love and high expectations. The top class children are about to leave the kindergarten. Faced with the first little separation in the children's lives, Principal Zhang brought deep blessings to the children. He hoped that the children would not forget this short and happy three years, and looked forward to every A child is healthy and happy, confident and brave, loves the motherland, has dreams in his heart, and learns to be grateful.

Graduation certificates are issued

Parent representatives speak

Children start your enlightenment journey in Xiguang Kindergarten. There are amiable teachers, reasonable and orderly management, nutritious and healthy diet, and professional teaching team. The parent representatives sent blessings to the children, wishing you to be fearless and bloom to your heart's content.

Teacher representative recited

I have been with you for several days, and what I will never forget is your happy smiling faces. For teachers, the luckiest thing in the world is to accompany you through the first important journey in life! May the young people of the new era have stars in their future and their ideals shine in the future at every stage of their growth! The teacher will be your eternal nest guard here! The children also sent greeting cards to the teacher. Please rest assured that we have grown up and are boats that have set sail. We will bravely sail to the sea and face the wind and waves.

Graduation Poem·Graduation Song

We are about to leave this paradise of three years of study and life. We will be full of the fruits of three years of harvest, full of the affection of teachers and friends, and move towards the vast world of learning in high spirits.Bye now! teacher! Bye now! friend! Bye now! kindergarten! Let us use "Graduation Poem" and "Graduation Song" to draw a perfect end to these three years of happiness!

Foam Summer Carnival

The graduation ceremony of Xiguang Kindergarten is of course not just a sad farewell. We have carefully prepared a summer-only foam carnival for the children in the first class! Children, enjoy your last happy time in Xiguang Kindergarten! Take this happiness and fly towards the future!

We graduated

Life is made up of Made up of a period of time,

there are always encounters and differences, and

has a collection of emotions that are hard to let go.

Growth, love, gratitude, nostalgia,

joy, blessing, hope,

gather together,

freeze the memory at this moment,

wave goodbye, cherish the goodbye,

don’t say goodbye, see you next time,

set its sights on the distant future !